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It Is Well With My Soul, Says Prince

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my career I have done the odd emergency psychic reading at 3am in the morning for a celebrity, or two. However, I never divulge the details of conversations, interactions or communications I have had with celebrities or prominent public figures.

I think being an ethical, professional psychic, and a good friend, involves being discreet and reliable – that is after all how trust is built. I personally know how important privacy is for one’s peace of mind, and I therefore honor other people’s privacy too.

Yes, I am a spiritual advisor, counselor and psychic reader, but mostly I am a friend. The best way to have a friend is to be one, and to be a true friend involves respect and trust. Whether they’re famous, or not, what I share with my clients remains confidential. Continue reading

The True Meaning Of Bliss

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been contemplating how often a friend’s photo on social media, a call from a customer, an advertisement, the written word, or an overheard phrase has triggered a really significant memory for me. This was the case again last night, when the word “bliss” featured in a commercial for chocolate on my TV screen. For some reason this prompted a memory from many years ago.

I was working temporarily in a retirement home as a caregiver. Although I didn’t have long-term plans to remain in that job, I loved working with the old people, and used to give them reflexology treatments and healing massages in my free time. The short treatments gave them great relief, and they began asking if I would come back and help them again.

This caused a lot of animosity with the rest of the staff, who were already unfriendly towards me. They made it clear that I was not ‘one of them’. I was the outsider, and not from ‘their village.’ The home’s matron asked me to stop doing any healing or therapeutic work with the residents, because it was not in my job description. Continue reading

Mass Death A Form Of Group Karma?

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was recently asked if there is a difference in the process of transition to the spirit world when many people die simultaneously, compared to when they transition individually? Is the death process different when there is a mass loss of life?

This question may have been prompted by the increased awareness we have these days on social media of natural disasters, as well as other large scale tragedies caused by wars, plane crashes or acts of terrorism.

Souls passing as a group is a topic I recall discussing with my classmates at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research, many years ago. Jeff, one of the men in our group, was a well-known platform medium, and he had a fascination with the subject of ‘Group Karma.’ Continue reading

Where Do We Go After This Life?

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhere do we go to after this lifetime? This is a fundamental question many of us would like to have answered by spirit. I asked this for myself some time ago and found out that when I leave this plane some day, I will be going to a place called “Sanatch.” No other information was forthcoming, so I have no idea where that is, or what it is I will be doing there.

I was also able to see where some of the people in my life will be heading to next. Some have meanwhile departed and are now entrenched into their new existence.

My sister, Alfreda, went to work at the tender age of 15, which was typical in the early 50’s. She worked for a large jewelry store called Burk’s, which is still in existence today. As a part of her duties she would go to different floors of the store using the elevator system. On one such an excursion Alfreda met a good-looking, and very friendly young man named Andre, and as they say the rest was history. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 7 of 7) – Continued Creation

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt has been my experience that love is often the most universal message that people who have touched the other side bring back to us. That being said, even though love is the most important quality that we can express as human beings, there is also good reason to ally with love and forgiveness in our lives.

While we are on this planet our actions and contributions really do matter. As souls we are evolving and growing, and through this evolutionary process taking place on the soul level the planet too is in a process of evolution. Evolution is the creative dynamic that love creates.

In today’s final blog in this series I rely a bit on the esoteric traditions of spirituality that came before us, especially that of the Judeo-Christian and Jewish traditions.  As I do so, I want to be clear that there are many traditions that express and say these same things in different ways. My personal background is in Christianity, and most of my formal teaching related to religion and spirituality stem from this tradition. This is why my blogs contain some archaic Christian language as reference points for spiritual understanding. Continue reading

A Time To Grow In God’s Grace

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGrowing up as a Roman Catholic, I experienced Lent as a strong discipline to better my life. “What are you giving up for Lent?” The answers from my non-believer friends were “homework” or “obey the parents” or “saving money for rainy days.” Lent is one of those practices demanded of Roman Catholics to which non-Catholic believers may say, “Another great reason to be Protestant!” It never really occurred to my friends that Lent was something interesting, or beneficial, to a better understand our connection with God.

One day, I sat thinking of the many reason and faces of this season, and upon doing some research I discovered that Lent is in fact also recognized by millions of Protestant Christians, in addition to Catholic and Orthodox believers. The Eastern Orthodox Lent is longer than the Catholic or Protestant Lent, and it begins before Ash Wednesday. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 6 of 7) – Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen it comes to near-death and shared-death experiences, they may have different qualities to them for different people. It is clear that the experiences we have in this life do influence the experience we have when we transition into the next.

I believe that the reason for these differing experiences is to make our transition into the next life as gentle and meaningful as possible. Spirit orchestrates the passing experience in such a way that it is as unique as the person that is transitioning.

There are some cultural and ancestral qualities that are fairly consistent in the individuals experiencing the transition. For example, if you have a specific religious icon that is meaningful to you, it is very likely that will be a part of your transition experience. Continue reading

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