Be Brave My Fellow Indigo
A zealous pastor once pointed at me in front of a congregation of churchgoers and said, “You, young man, will someday go into the darkest of places and bring many souls to the Light.” At the time I did not realize that I would first have to drag myself through a dark night of the soul, before his prophecy would finally become manifest and I would be of any real use to anyone else.
As ethereal and cool as his words may have sounded at the time, the actual journey itself was certainly not a glamorous affair! Yet, I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.
I have been asked why my first book, Divine Living, was dedicated to “those Indigo Souls of my generation who may have lost their way.” As a formerly lost, unconscious Lightworker, and one of the seemingly misplaced New Children, it was simply my hope that my experiences might inspire others of my kind. It was my humble attempt at helping to prevent the tragedy of more of us being unnecessarily lost to humanity and our true life purpose. Continue reading
You Can Never Say ‘I Love You’ Too Much
A dear client of mine always complained about her mother-in-law who constantly said, “I love you!” My client is not used to hearing this. Both her parents were alcoholics and never expressed much emotion towards her and her siblings.
One day she was on the phone talking to her mother-in-law and felt bad afterwards, because when she had passed the phone to her husband while she repeated over and over, in a mocking way and imitating her voice saying, “I love you, I love you, I love you…” When her husband spoke to his mother it was clear that she had overheard her daughter-in-law. She told him that she felt bad for saying “I love you” so much, but it was just that she missed them so much. She truly does love them unconditionally and apologized for maybe saying it too often. She felt she had offended her daughter-in-law in some way. Continue reading
How Dream Interpretation Prepared A Family
I do dream interpretation for many clients. One of my clients dreams is a great example of how I work and how someone could benefit from having the heads up as to what is to come, by way of dream interpretation. Our higher consciousness will often times give us a warning dream before something major happens in our lives.
The client told me she dreamed that she was in an indoor cemetery inside a huge building. As she was leaving and closing it up, she turned around to go back in. Several doors were unlocked and people were coming in and putting presents at the front door of this building, where a gigantic Christmas tree was standing. In front of this huge tree was an enormous bed on which they were putting all of these presents. She said to these people, “This building is closed and you have to go.” They said, “Okay, but first we just want to put these presents on this bed and then we will go.” The people then left and the dream ended. Continue reading
Death Shall Never Part Us
You will hear people say, “I love you to death.” Or “until death do us part.” Or better yet, “I will love you until the day I die.” I have never been able to wrap my mind around this. Does the love you have for a special person in your life become non-existent after you die? Once we are dead it is over? Nothingness?
No, this I do not believe, because I know there is life after death. I have my own proof. My experiences with loved ones that have crossed over have shown me this. They have come back to very much look me square in the face and say, “I still love you.” There is life after death. Continue reading