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Live. Laugh. Love.

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you feel unfulfilled? Stuck in a rut? Try to live, laugh and love a little more… for these are the three L’s of fulfillment.


Firstly, to attain lasting fulfillment it is necessary to actually live your life. This is especially important for anyone who feels stuck in their life or circumstances. I sometimes come across clients that are so bound by their routines that they are unwilling to see a different way.

To have a fulfilling life we must be willing to engage with life in a dynamic way. Take a proactive approach and shedding some of your routines. There are often very simple ways to engage in shifting stagnant routines. It can be as simple as taking the long way to or from work and appreciating the scenery of the new way. Continue reading

Lessons In Love – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy guides have shared with me on many occasions how love is what changes it all. It is what can turn dis-ease into ease, and disease into healing.

We can choose to fill our minds and hearts with love and direct it outward to those who cause us discomfort, grief, strife and drain us. If we make the free will choice to do this, something begins to happen in our lives. Healing happens. Healing with our emotions. Our anxiety melts away. If someone drops their poison upon us with their negative comments, we can chose to return that with love and kindness.

It is absolutely not an easy thing to do at first, but once you’ve experienced the healing effect of filling your life, mind and heart with unconditional love, you won’t want to do it any other way in the future. Continue reading

Gut First, Heart Second

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow do you know what you are doing is for your highest good?  How do you know if what you want from life is based on your own wants, or has it been placed there to achieve from Universe?

Everyone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out, or achieve it, because ego starts to become more prominent in their lives, instead of Source, the Universe, God. When you were born, there was a deep-seeded dream placed within you.

As children we were able to draw on it, always just knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, police woman, doctor, astronaut, artist, lawyer, dancer, scientist, or a princess. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. We would be kind, caring and giving towards other people whether they were children, adults or seniors. Continue reading

The Courage To Live And Let Live

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe only way we are really going to make the future work is by allowing others to do their ‘own thing’ in their own way. Our future survival and evolution as a species will not be found in sameness, alikeness, similarity, or coercion. Instead, we must build a new global civilization based on expanding diversity, variety, assortment and multiplicity. Yet, there is one fundamental condition – for it to be successful it must be achieved in harmony with others and our planet.

From the perspective of the old mainstream view of our world, such a future world of unhindered diversity appears quite impossible and non-sensical, because that would mean that everybody does their own thing in their own way. And that seems really counter-intuitive… even dangerous. A disaster waiting to happen!

History has taught us that individuals doing things their ‘own way’ eventually manifests itself as selfishness, greed, creed, personal preference, chauvinism, dogma and ego-centered beliefs – which has caused most of our wars, the establishment of our borders, the separation between the rulers and subjects, and the division between rich and poor. Continue reading

The 12 Universal Spiritual Laws – Part One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost spiritual seekers are aware of the more well-known Universal Laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. However, did you know there are several other spiritual laws that govern the Universe? Yes, there are! These laws can help you get the most out of life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

We all originate from the same source; we are linked to one another, as well as every energy and creature in the rest of the Universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought that we think, every action that we take, or indeed, everything we believe, are not insignificant, because they have the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending upon what thoughts, actions or beliefs we partake in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. It is important, therefore, that we practice kindness and understanding towards others, and extend love at all times to our fellow man, as this will, in turn, create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world at large. Continue reading

Grief As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comJust under a decade ago, a decision I made to let my eight and a half year old Rottweiler Sophie go, was one of the hardest things I have ever been faced with. Sophie had suddenly become ill over the course of four days and nothing could have prepared me for the subsequent grief. Although time heals, I still recall the way it felt when she was gone – like my heart was being ripped from my chest.

Grief can be described as the universal response to loss, and a very natural, yet terribly painful internal process. When there is a significant change, or loss in one’s life, grief is both a physical and emotional response to that change. Grief brings its own stresses, and continued grief actually compromises our immune system, because all cells in our bodies are affected by intense emotions. Continue reading

Autumn Wishes

Get a free psychic reading right now at PyschicAccess.comLeaves may be falling in the northern realms at this time of the year, but if you can still see the ground there is Fall gardening to be done. While there are some plants that thrive in this time of the “dying year”, there are many other plants that will need to be rescued before the first frost comes to take them away and that is where you will be busy with Fall gardening. Get out your gloves and get ready because you need to prepare your garden for the long winter months ahead.

Life is full of changes. We have choices in our attitude about the changes. We can look forward to each one with great expectations of wonderful new paths, or we can look with dread at our lives becoming different. Continue reading

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