Astrology Forecast July 31 – August 6, 2023
If there’s anything important you simply must get done this week, do it today while the Moon is still in diligent Capricorn, because from tomorrow things may become a bit challenging when the Moon waxes full in Aquarius.
Tomorrow’s Aquarius Full Moon may trigger sudden changes in direction or unexpected events. These shifts could work in your favor, but sometimes it’s difficult to see the higher purpose of new developments when we feel thrown off course.
We will also tend to be more restless, moody, confused, or irritable than usual and family drama is much more likely to erupt. Focus on staying in your joy and maintain your inner peace. Stay in the moment, focus on gratitude and potential opportunities, and practice a stance of flexibility and patience.
If things still do go awry in your life tomorow, be sure to at least seek your peace and equilibrium by the evening, because tomorrow night’s Mercury in Virgo opposition to Saturn in Pisces, combined with the full moon energy, may weigh heavily on our mental health. Do not entertain the temporary feelings of loneliness or depression. The Leo Sun will come out again on Wednesday! More will also become clear or make more sense once the Moon glides through gentle, spiritual Pisces on Thursday and Friday.
The weekend unfolds under a creative Aries Moon, so if you were handed some full moon lemons this week, consider some new recipes for making lemonade! Overall this week will make for an interesting few days, as is often the case when we transition from easy-going July into fiery August.
Reawaken Your Psychic Ability
Many of us are born with the ability to perceive the unseen, sense the future and communicate with spirit. Childhood conditioning and trauma, religious and cultural influences in how we were raised, and various circumstances and life experiences can suppress our psychic gifts, often because we were told it is silly, inapproriate, or even ‘evil.’
If you can relate to this, then you need to know that your psychic talent is never lost or destroyed. You can reconnect with your natural gifts by engaging in various spiritual and metaphysical practices that will reawaken and develop your psychic abilities.
I started this process myself years ago by experimenting with various forms of meditation. Meditation teaches one to achieve altered states of consciousness, to become more aware of perceptions and energies that we otherwise do not notice in our normal waking state.
I also started keeping a ‘psychic journal.’ I wrote down my dreams every morning, as well as any unusual thoughts and feelings I had about a person or situation. Using these notes as reference, I would later check the relevanc and accuracy of my perceptions and premonitions.
Studying various divination methods also helped me a lot. For example, Astrology helped me to better understand the ancient metaphysical concept of “as above, so below,” and how it affects our daily lives. Astrology references universal consciousness and divine design, and the direct affect it has on us. It gave me greater insight into why people born under certain zodiac signs behave the way they do, and how each planet affects us, especially when it retrogrades, or moves into a new sign. It also explains why people get more emotional when the Moon is full, or why communication breaks down when Mercury is in retrograde.
Astrology Forecast July 24 – 30, 2023
Today’s energies will be easy-going as there are no changing aspects. Just remain cheerful and balanced under the rest of the Libra Moon, because when it ventures into Scorpio tomorrow for a three-day tour, we can expect more intense, impulsive energies.
Tomorrow evening’s Scorpio Half Moon could trigger relationship conflict, family drama, or public disputes, so stay calm and think twice before you act. Especially keep the peace and stay on good terms with your partner, spouse, or love interest, as the likelihood of romantic conflict will continue through to Wednesday under the Scorpio Moon’s opposition to Jupiter in Taurus.
To potentially make matters worse, the Scorpio Moon square with Venus in Leo on Thursday may additonally become the source of conflict with motherly figures in your life. If trouble has already ensued with your beloved on Tuesday or Wednesday, do not be surprised if their mother, sister or ex gets involved in the matter. Stay calm, and go high if the women in your partner’s life decide to go low, instead of minding their own business.
The mood with your significant other should improve under Friday morning’s Leo Sun trine with a Sagittarius Moon. If so, then leave well enough alone, otherwise you may be up for a drama reboot by late afternoon under the Sagittarius Moon square with Mars in Virgo. Fortunately, love and romance should be very much back on track by Saturday evening under the Sagittarius Moon trine with Venus in Leo.
The most significant astrological shift this week will be Mercury’s move into Virgo on Friday. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo, so don’t be surprised if your attention to detail increases or you find yourself nitpicking about things that really aren’t important.
The weekend might turn out to be more work than play when the Moon moves into Capricorn on Saturday. This aspect tends to inspire a more serious, ambitious and determinded mood, so when duty calls don’t try to fight it. Make the most of this deliberate, focused energy to get some pressing tasks done at the office or home, and set goals for the coming week.
Astrology Forecast July 17 – 23, 2023
The week begins with a gentle Cancer New Moon today, which will instill us with the desire to nurture ourselves and others. Under a Cancer New Moon our emotions take center stage and our sense of compassion, kindness and tolerance becomes elevated. This evening’s Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces will add to our heightened empathy and understanding.
Make the most of these energies by reaching out to someone you care about, or step up to make the peace with someone you have been at odds with.
Tonight will also be a great time to catch up on your spiritual practice with some meditation, prayer for others, oracle card or rune reading, or journaling.
Our love-and-belonging mindset will escalate even further tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon glides through big-hearted Leo and inspires us to lean in and reconnect with those closest to us.
We’ll also have to do some productive work this week, of course, and the Virgo Moon will make Thursday and Friday’s the ideal days to take care of responsibilities and tasks we cannot postpone until next week.
The Sun enters Leo on Saturday, heralding a four-week cycle of self-love, generosity, and strength of heart. A few hours later, Venus will turn retrograde, kicking off a six-week cycle of romance and relationship energies that we’ll need to pay close attention to. This aspect can bring lovers back from the past (not necessarily for a reconnection) or create the opportunity to magically connect with your soulmate.
If you’re in a relationship that has run its course, this will become more apparent in the weeks ahead, and if you have been neglecting a valued relationship in your life, this will become equally apparent. Expect changes in your relationships over the next month and a half. Being more mindful with your partner, loved ones and friends will work in your favor during this time.
Astrology Forecast July 10 – 16, 2023
Mars transits into Virgo today, heralding a two-month cycle of detailed and deliberate action, strong intellectual energy, enterprising ambition and increased productivity.
Whether you’re doing research to write the next Oscar-worthy screenplay, mapping out a plan for a big remodeling project, or setting up a new business, the next two months will prove invaluable to set the stage of the next chapter in your life.
Tuesday will be the most powerful day for productive work and business success. Mercury will move into Leo to add to our Mars-in-Virgo inspired ‘star power’ by further elevating our ideas and inspirations.
Tuesday morning’s Taurus Moon sextile with Saturn in Pisces will also chime in to add to our sense of responsibility, goal-oriented action, and organizational abilities.
In the afternoon, the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus will reward our efforts with heightened social influence and financial gains. So, take advantage of this powerful window of opportunity to shine tomorrow!
We’ll take a step back on Wednesday as the Moon moves through Taurus, to ground, center and rebalance, before moving forward.
Thursday and Friday’s Gemini Moon will lure us into more social activities to connect with friends, or brainstorm with colleagues..
Give yourself permission to embrace the free-flowing, easy-going vibes of Saturday and Sunday’s Cancer Moon. It’s okay to take some time out from all the planning, analysis and deep thinking for a relaxing weekend after all the mental gymnastics of the week.
Astrology Forecast July 3 – 9, 2023
A Capricorn Full Moon sets the scene today for a potentially temperamental, irritable start to the week. The Moon’s opposition to Mercury in Cancer is likely to add to this ticking time bomb. So, take care to center yourself!
Tread lightly at home with significant others, find your inner peace before you venture out, and try to avoid unnecessary contact with relatives, as this lunar energy is notorious for its tendency to trigger family conflict and drama. You may also have a ‘bad hair’ moment this morning, and feel very indecisive about what to wear. Just keep it simple and go with that go-to favorite outfit.
A calm, focused state of mind is especially vital today and tomorrow to ensure that we will complete obligations, tie up loose ends, and release it, as once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday, we want to be ready for the next cycle to pursue new projects, adventures, and goals.
The key to bringing our dreams to life is to begin within, nurturing them energetically, before manifesting them in the physical world. The Moon in Pisces on Friday and Saturday will prove a great time to do just that.
By Sunday we’ll be ready to take action on our new plans and ideas. Spurred on by the Aries Moon, we should see great progress in the days to come. It’s not typical to see such powerful activity when the Sun is in Cancer, but all the planets seem to be aligned for an assertive shift forward, so go ahead and dust off those manifesting skills this weekend.
Astrology Forecast June 26 – July 2, 2023
Mercury moving into the sign of Cancer today will encourage us to review the first half of this year to uncover what we have learned and where we have succeeded, as well as what still needs to be done.
Combined with the easy going Libra Moon today and tomorrow, as well as Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon trine with Mercury in Cancer, the first three days of this week is a valuable opportunity for sound judgment and practical thinking to help us rebalance and regroup.
The vibe may seem a bit ethereal under Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon, followed by Neptune, the epitome of ethereal, turning retrograde on Friday.
For the next five months this planet that rules spirituality, soulfulness, the occult and the unseen will travel backward through Pisces, the sign it rules. The esoteric energies of this aspect will inspire new visions for the future, reveal answers to questions we haven’t been able to answer for quite some time, and clear out any illusions or misconceptions that may have been holding us back.
Saturday and Sunday is about choices. Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon offers us the choice of allowing restlessness to distract and frustrate us, or we can opt to channel its fiery energy into learning something new or mastering a useful skill.
Sunday’s Capricorn Moon will give us another choice: do we want to clean out the garage and post the clutter in an online auction? Or do we just want to slouch on the couch and catch up on our binge streaming, and napping?