Gemini – Two For The Price Of One!
The glyph for those born under a Gemini Sun, between May 21 and June 21, is the Roman numeral for the number 2. The Twins. Like their symbol, Gemini tends to have more than one side to their personality. They may have a public persona, and an entirely different private side seen only by their closest friends and confidantes.
Many Geminis are excellent communicators and love to talk. This comes as no surprise, since their planetary ruler is Mercury, the messenger. Talk to a Gemini, and you’ll be talking to someone who is witty, intelligent, and a quick thinker. Sometimes they may forget to put on a filter, so be prepared for anything that comes out. They’re likely to be found in the middle of any lively conversation or party, and chances are, if you’ve ever met a persuasive salesman, he had Gemini somewhere in his natal chart. Continue reading
Helping Each Other On Our Spiritual Journey
At some point in our lives we all cross paths with an individual who has a more profound effect on us than anybody else ever will. Sometimes these memorable encounters are due to something someone said at a critical phase in our lives, and their words then echo on in the years ahead. Or it may be a kindness someone shows us unexpectedly.
Such was the effect of a fascinating man I met more than 20 years ago. Paul is an esoteric counselor and I studied palmistry with him, as well as having past life regression under his supervision. The past lives revealed during our sessions had a big influence on me to this day. They are as crystal clear as when I was regressed by him over two decades ago. Continue reading
Taurus – That’s No Bull!
The second sign of the zodiac, Taurus (the Bull) is a fixed Earth sign and known for its practicality, thrift, and steadiness. But there’s more to this sign than just being grounded.
Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, those born under this sign, between April 20th and May 21st, are sensual and often make great lovers. In the non-romantic sense, they are devoted to their friends and family and can be very generous.
At work, Taurus will go the extra mile without seeking the glory. Naturally thrifty, they’re the perfect person to manage money and accounts. This doesn’t mean Taureans are boring accountants in khakis!
Taurus has a gift for fashion and creative endeavors and can often be found in the world of haute couture, as well as in the ranks of famous musicians (among them Bono, Stevie Wonder, and Adele.) Fields such as architecture and music management are perfect for the Bull, who appreciates a blend of the practical and indulgent. Continue reading
Aries – Always Number One…Or Maybe Not?
The Sun moves into Aries upon the Spring Equinox, at the beginning of the astrological year, making March 21st to April 20th the approximate astrological dates for this first sign of the zodiac. Appropriate, considering the Ram’s motto might be “me first!”
Aries, the Ram, is not only the first sign of the zodiac, it is also number one in many other ways. People with a strong Aries influence in their chart are likely to be forthcoming, pioneering, and independent spirits. Just look at the sign’s glyph (symbol), which looks like a ram with its head lowered. It says it all.
Perhaps the most traditionally masculine sign in the zodiac, Aries is ruled by Mars (the god of war), its corresponding color is red, and it is a cardinal (leading) Fire sign. That’s some heady symbolism! No wonder that even the women born under Aries (think warrior types like Sarah Michelle “Buffy” Gellar, Lucy “Xena” Lawless, and pioneering feminist Gloria Steinem) are likely to have nerves of steel… or perhaps of diamond, another Arian symbol. Continue reading
Born To Be Psychic
What is it like to be born a psychic? The easy thing to say, that most will indeed say, is that it is both a gift and a curse. But that is such a broad statement. Personally, I have always loved being psychic.
I remember being three years old, when I knew that I saw and heard things which were not there. I would look at people and I would know things. I would know how they felt, in all senses of the word, and I would see colors around them, which told me how they were feeling physically.
I did not know what this was at the time. I just knew that when I saw a person with a certain color around them it meant they were feeling a certain way. I would try my best to avoid being around people that made me feel what they were feeling. But as an empath, I could not prevent these experiences. Continue reading
Fulfilling Your Soul’s Calling
A very close friend often said to me, “You are so lucky doing the work you love. I just do what I do as a means to an end, but I certainly don’t share the passion that you have for your work.”
Although I always knew working with spirit, in order to help people find direction, was what I desired to do on a full-time basis, I wasn’t always in a position to do so. Not to mention, to be able to do the work I love from home, surrounded by my menagerie of dogs and cats. I am so grateful to be able to now fulfill my life purpose.
It also dawned on me today that doing what I love to do has also enabled me to focus on my other passion, which is promoting and networking for animal rescue. Although, I am not yet in a place where I can physically go out and put in the physical work aiding rescue animals, I am able to spend time networking online on behalf of rescue centers internationally. I contribute by promoting these projects on social media whenever possible, and by donating to animal organizations I feel are legitimate. Continue reading