ghost whisperer
Working With A Pendulum
The pendulum, when used for the highest good for yourself and others, can be great for spiritual growth and psychic development. Everyone is capable of using a pendulum in my opinion. It’s all about practice, practice, practice and the desire to become proficient with the pendulum.
Constant practice and experimentation will ensure ultimate success. When you start out with the pendulum, don’t be afraid to make a mistake, for mistakes are how people learn. Don’t get hung up on how it’s ‘supposed’ to work. How it chooses to work for the individual is the best way for that person.
With practice the results become reliable and clear. With experimentation and persistence one becomes more in tune with the higher self, subconscious and spirit. One must learn to set the ego aside and let the energy work through you. Remember to be the channel for information to come. Continue reading
An Astral Visitation With Michael Jackson
I recently experienced another astral visitation with Michael Jackson, whom I have connected with him on several occasions since his passing. I have always felt a deep connection to the famous singer. We are both Virgos and he was born only two days before me. He was also born in the same city my mother and her family grew up in, and some of my uncles attended school with him and his brothers.
Our prenatal birth charts show that both Michael and I originate from Alioth. Alioth is one of the seven stars that make up the “Big Dipper.” I have done much research on this and find it very interesting. We both have the same star strength and many things in common. I was even a professional dancer myself at one point in my life, and I have also had to deal with negative people that try and bring you down, because of either jealousy or insecurity, like Michael did. I have always felt connected to his energy and my being resonates with his song lyrics. Continue reading