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Rediscover Your Natural Psychic Talent

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAm I psychic? People ask this question all the time, and the answer is unequivocally, yes! As children, our psychic gifts are obvious to us in the forms of our vivid dreams and daydreams. We also experience strong intuitions about people and objects, and even our imaginary friends, who are really our spiritual guides. But what happens when we get older? Why do most of us lose this part of ourselves? It’s common to hear skeptical people say that psychic abilities do not exist. The truth is that we’re all born with a particular psychic gift, and sometimes more than one.

Think about the last time your instinct reacted strongly. Was it telling you the location of a lost object? A winning combination of lottery numbers? Perhaps the feeling that an old friend would call? These feelings are all forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP), and they are glimpses of what is to come from the universe. They’re also usually correct. Continue reading

The Metaphysical Power Of Flowers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you were to enter my garden in England, one of the first things your eyes may be drawn to is a gorgeous hanging basket full of purple petunias. I put it there for several reasons, and not just to gaze upon its beauty. No, it hangs where it hangs because of how it makes me feel.

Flowers are metaphysically powerful and can assist you in obtaining emotional and spiritual well-being. My purple petunias make me feel motivated and brimming with wellness. Okay, this may seem like a bold statement, but flowers truly are magical in that they can help enhance your productivity, overall happiness, soothe any sensitivity in your life and help to motivate you at the same time. And yes, they can do this for you by just looking at them. Continue reading

The Aura – Our Coat Of Many Colors

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhile sorting through some papers today, I came across a Kirlian photograph of myself taken at a psychic fayre in London some twenty years ago. It highlighted the blue and green in my aura at the time.

The aura is basically a design of our soul’s spectrum, encompassing the energies of our physical, mental, and spiritual experiences. Each individual aura is very unique, just like our fingerprints. Our auras change constantly, depending on our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual state at a given time. The green and blue shades in my energy field shown on that photograph depicted the healing energy and psychic energy I was expressing at that point in time.

The intensity of the colors around individuals, as well as the colors themselves vary considerably from person to person, which is hardly surprising considering how the aura represents our essential character, as well as years of accumulated experiences on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It can even be indicative of our potential going forward. I learned that our true spirit essence makes up our auras, and that they encompass all of our karma from previous lifetimes, as well as our goals and aspirations for this lifetime. Continue reading

Born To Be Psychic

Visit PsychicAccess.comWhat is it like to be born a psychic? The easy thing to say, that most will indeed say, is that it is both a gift and a curse. But that is such a broad statement. Personally, I have always loved being psychic.

I remember being three years old, when I knew that I saw and heard things which were not there. I would look at people and I would know things. I would know how they felt, in all senses of the word, and I would see colors around them, which told me how they were feeling physically.

I did not know what this was at the time. I just knew that when I saw a person with a certain color around them it meant they were feeling a certain way. I would try my best to avoid being around people that made me feel what they were feeling. But as an empath, I could not prevent these experiences. Continue reading

Simple Scrying

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comClients who visit me for private sittings often appear to be fascinated by my crystal ball, which always sits on a stand to the left of me as I work. With the help of my lovely crystal ball and a selection of divination cards, including the Tarot, I get assistance from spirit and my Ancestors in the form of symbols and letters.

Crystal-gazing, known as crystallomancy is a popular form of scrying. Crystal balls were known to be used in Europe way back in the 1500s, but historians also mention them being used at some time or other by many other cultures of the world. Continue reading

What If Cows Were Green And Grass Was Orange?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy father was color blind, and consequently all my brothers and their sons too. Color blindness has it downside, but it also broadened my horizons and taught me at a young age to have a questioning mind. School and education was not a priority in my family and we were welcome to quit anytime we chose. The only stipulation was that we must have a job.

My brother, Roger, like a lot of teens at that time, went to work at the tender age of 15. He got a position with a huge conglomerate in our city of Montreal. The dress code was a typical white shirt, tie and, hopefully, a matching suit. Now with Roger being color blind this became a bit of a dilemma for him. He would have no idea if he was wearing green socks with a red tie and blue suit, or even one orange sock coupled with a purple one!

My sister, Marie and I spent a lot of time with our brother Roger, as well as our other siblings. It was a common practice for the younger ones to spend any amount of time with the older siblings. Because Roger was one of the first ones from home to go off to work, we took an inordinate amount of pride in him and his achievements and were very anxious for him to succeed in life. Continue reading

Visitation From Grandpa In My Meditation Garden

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI like to spend time in my meditation garden. It’s a very healing place I go to connect with my higher self, spirit guides, the guides of my clients, and loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes it is a place I go to just sit and be still and enjoy the sweet smells of all the wonderful different flowers that live there.

The other day I was focusing on my time with my Grandpa and just embracing gratitude for that wonderful experience. I was focusing on the first visitation I had from him about a month after his passing, when he came to me to tell me he loves me. He told me telepathically that he was okay and doing fine. He told me he would come through again if he could, and he did. Continue reading

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