Stuck? Time To Clear The Clutter!
My life is running in reverse right now – or so it seems. My energy is low and it is affecting my health. I took the time to sit today and ask my guides, “What am I missing here? I have been doing what you asked, helping others, being there for those that need me and working towards my goals and my highest good. Why are these things hitting me right now to knock me down again?”
The answer I received was eye opening and so simple. “Sheri, it is time to clear the clutter, so you can move forward again.”
Clutter is one of those things that can hold us back, that can take us in reverse, or just put a wall up in front of us, so we don’t achieve our true higher potential. Continue reading
Clearing Toxic Energy From Your Home
When I read for a client, I am not just reading their energy, but I am also reading the energy of their loved ones, co-workers, friends, their home environment, as well as their work environment and community. During a psychic reading in can become evident, for example, that the home environment is toxic, stagnant, or energetically polluted, which has a negative effect on my client.
This pollution is not always metaphysical in origin. Sometimes it is caused by a physical contaminant. For example, it can be a mildew issue, which will make me smell mold and sense moisture, like a smothering humid feeling, or see black mildew spots on a psychic level. The toxicity can also be due to a leak of actual chemicals, bugs or something else that has become a threat to the client’s health. Continue reading
It’s Not Too Late To Take Spiritual Inventory
As we finally settle into this year, many of our well-intended new year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. Yet, it is not too late. This is early part of the year is the perfect time for us to still look back, as well as make plans for the future. But where do we begin, especially as it applies to our spiritual and psychic life?
Looking spiritually inward is not quite as simple as cleaning out our closets or drawers. We may have lingering negative influences we’re not even aware of. It’s human nature to want to keep old habits instead of creating newer, healthier ones. So, as we move into the year, it’s more important than ever to make ourselves spiritually healthy. Continue reading
Speleotherapy – The Healing Power Of Salt Caves
Since the time of the ancients, the use of salt (halos in Greek) was widespread for its healing properties. In our modern era, spending time in salt caves (speleos) are becoming popular as therapy. What can this accomplish for us?
Humankind evolved from the oceans; we have a natural connection to the sea and its properties. Since most of us are not in close proximity to the water, a salt cave in a landlocked area can offer a variety of healing properties. These caves are the remnants of inland seas from millions of years ago.
Salt caves, as individual micro-climates, are balanced chemically and harbor few, if any, allergens. This offers an ideal environment to recuperate for persons suffering from chronic allergies, respiratory ailments, or bronchitis. Think about the properties of a simple salt lamp, then imagine being surrounded by a large room of one of nature’s most beneficial substances. Continue reading
Create Your Own Energy Cleansing Spray
Remember the last time you changed out a dirty air filter from your air-conditioning unit, vacuum cleaner, or your car? Remember how clogged with dust it was? In our living spaces, negative energies accumulate over time just like those ‘dust bunnies.’ Even though we can’t see these energies, there is a way to clear them on a regular basis. Think of it as the spiritual version of house cleaning.
The first and most obvious step to take is to physically clean your space. Clutter and unwanted items work as repositories for negative energy, so it’s important to get rid of it. After you’re done, imagine the space being deep-cleaned with an indigo or violet-colored flame. Use this as a silent meditation, and picture the flames consuming all that invisible ‘dust.’ Continue reading
Good Vibrations
The Beach Boys hit song Good Vibrations is more than just a catchy title. Our bodies and minds are constantly engaged in “pickin’ up good vibrations.” We are all composed of energy manifesting as matter, as are our environments. At a very basic level it is the interaction of atoms and molecules, and our behaviors have a lot to do with those interactions.
The unfortunate truth is, we’re also surrounded by negative influences. Stress, poor diet and nutrition, and lack of exposure to a natural environment are common in the busy, urban world many of us now live in. Literally, they are everywhere we turn, and it can be overwhelming.
Often we treat these symptoms with even more harmful solutions, such as artificial medicines, negative thinking, alcohol or narcotics, or non-wholesome foods. It’s a vicious cycle. However, there is a way to escape and break free. Continue reading
Taking Better Care Of Empaths
Do you deeply and intensely feel the emotions of others, easily get sick or injured, and have a natural connection to all things spiritual? There’s about a one-in-five chance that you may be an empath.
Being an empath is different from someone who merely feeling empathy for others. The difference is being someone who is able to turn off the flood of emotions, against someone who is not. What a difference! A true empath literally feels everything, and that can be overwhelming.
It’s in the empath’s nature to take care of others at their own expense, which is why empaths often get moody or difficult. They may need more solitary time or exposure to the natural world than other people. Despite all of this, they are a gift to themselves and others, and they can learn defenses against the constant tsunami of incoming emotions. Continue reading