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The Haunted Typewriter

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was growing up my mother had a typewriter that had been in the family for a long time. I never knew much about its history.

One day I was invited to a family reunion at my aunt and uncle’s house. After my mother had passed away I never had much contact with them. We sat around and talked about my mother being a psychic and how she experienced many paranormal stuff as a child. My aunt took out a family photo album she had shown me before and in one of the pictures there was a picture of an old, black typewriter. She told me that it was a 1920’s Royal typewriter and that my grandfather received it as payment for working on someone house. The homeowners didn’t have the money to pay him for his services. Continue reading

Beware Of Psychic Scams With An Ominous Twist

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn some of my previous blogs I wrote about fake psychics wanting to get their hands on your hard-earned money. Well, this time I want to warn you about another kind of psychic scam – fake psychics who are not only after your money, but who are also energy vampires. Yes, the main aim of this species of troll is to make you feel bad, upset you emotionally or send you into a state of depression… and then make you pay for it with cash.

Recently, I had a client who called me about a man that she really cares about. She had first gone to a ‘psychic reader’ who works close to her hometown. This ‘psychic’ told her some really nasty stuff that upset her tremendously, it sent her into an emotional tailspin. She then searched for a reputable psychic service online and ended up calling me for a second opinion at Continue reading

Shadow Beings Be Gone!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comVery recently, for a period of just a few days at around dusk, I kept on seeing dark shadow figures to my left, in my peripheral vision. These dark shadows would move quickly and, although not eerie, they were unlike what I usually witness when I see spirit. My Husky cross, Collie, is always sensitive to the presence of spirit in my work room, and I know from her stares at these dark shadows that she saw them too, but she wasn’t at all perturbed.

It occurred to me only a few days ago that during that brief period of witnessing the shadowy figures, a few chaotic days followed: a water heater burst, a generator went up in smoke, the washing machine seemed to have reprogrammed itself, my older dog was diagnosed with a tumor, my youngest dog ate some of my cash money, as well as other minor aggravations, like power outages. Continue reading

The Year Of The Snake

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHappy New Year! Today heralds the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Snake. Each year in the Chinese Zodiac New Year’s day falls on a different date, and this year’s date is February 10, 2013.

The Snake Year comes sixth in the cycle of the zodiac and reoccurs every 12th year. This means that you are a Snake if you were born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1989 or 2001. Ancient Chinese wisdom states that if you have a snake in your house your family will never go hungry, because a snake is said to be sage, wise and a good protector of his or her family’s belongings and home.

The Chinese Zodiac is a lunar-based calendar and the Chinese New Year is sometimes referred to as The Lunar New Year. The cycle flows as follows: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Continue reading

What Is Ascension?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is heart-centered soul level. Humans seem to be in a clothes dryer, tumbling around and hitting the sides of the dryer. To move into ascension, move out of the dryer and into the tree of life – the roots of Mother Earth.

Currently, most people on our planet are living in the dense third dimension. A goal with regard to ascension would be to move out of this difficult dimension into the fourth and fifth dimension. Actually, it is not uncommon for healers and lightworkers to be living in the consciousness of the sixth through ninth dimensions. There is greater clarity in higher dimensions, among other significant benefits. One of the most important to me, personally, is the freedom of beingness – experiencing my own ‘is-ness’.

According to the Akashic Records genes were removed from our bodies thousands of years ago. Finally, they are now being replaced back into our bodies. Purifications are going on now. This is what much of ‘the shift’ is about that you may be experiencing energetically. Yes, the one the ancient indigenous cultures predicted! Continue reading

Spiritual Spring Clean

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo bring about a fresh start, or to end a chapter in your life, a spiritual spring clean will assist in putting a spring in your step towards getting ahead.

Firstly, you may wish to begin with a little de-cluttering. If you are accustomed to being surrounded by loads of personal belongings, it may take a little while adjusting to having more open space, but you will enjoy the openness as you allow new material things and experiences to fill, what you temporarily feel is a bit of a void.

Do follow your heart though should you like your environment to be filled with objects, but make sure those treasured items have good memories attached to them and that they are functional – a broken clock would be non-functional. Continue reading

A Friend Comes For Help

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA friend of mine called me on the phone last week and asked if I could come over to her parent’s land, which they have owned for some time. When I walked up the old dirt road, I noticed that everyone was standing around talking. Both my friend and her mom had a funny look on her face -like she had seen a ghost.

She told me that her parents decided to build a house on this piece of land that has been in their family for a long time. I ask them did they know much about the land and my friend told me know that her great grandparents gave her grandparents and they gave it to her parents. To me this land reminded me of something haunted you see on TV back in the old days, where you had the old trees, broken fences and stuff like that. Continue reading

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