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Paranormal Phenomena

Treasure The Living Years

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.

Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are. Continue reading

The Sins Of The Forefathers

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAncestor worship is a wide-spread belief system, in both primitive and sophisticated cultures. Ancestral healing unfortunately gets very little attention these days, even though some of our patterns and energy imbalances may well stem from our genetic pool.

My first exposure to the concept of communicating with our Ancestors occurred many years ago, during initiation into the Southern African culture of divining and healing. During my training to become a Sangoma*, in a remote area in Southern Africa, time was always put aside for offering prayers to, and for consulting with the Ancestors. My mentor taught me how the Ancestor energies affected their still living relatives, and how, in most African cultures, they are seen as being our link to the spirit world. Continue reading

Signs From The Spirit World

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I have passed on endless messages of reassurance to my customers from their loved ones on the other side. The focus in most mediumship readings is typically on reassuring those left behind, on this side of the veil, that their deceased loved ones are actually very much alive and doing well. The dearly departed often let us know that they are unencumbered by any discomfort of a physical or emotional nature they may have experienced prior to their crossing.

Yesterday, I did a reading for a customer who received a profound message from her father. It made me think how I had not really been feeling my own father’s presence recently. That is, not since the final group gathering of my psychic development circle over two years ago, prior to my move to Spain. In that final group session, my dad communicated how I had been talking to his photo that very morning, just a few hours earlier. I blushed as the rest of the group laughed at my embarrassment. Spirit loves laughter, and that was so typical of my dad to come through with funny comments during our psychic circle. Continue reading

Automatic Spirit Writing

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany mediums and psychics make us of some form of automatic writing or psychography. Automatic writing is a form of channeling that helps psychics, mediums and healers to step outside of themselves and disconnect from their own feeling and thinking patterns, and receive spiritual messages.

I believe that all great works of music, complete books, and other forms of art, are all inspired by spirit in a similar way. Yes, not only do we receive answers to pressing questions, or receive spiritual insights through some form of channeling, but also significant art works, or even poetry come to us in this way.

Originally automatic writing was done using a planchette with a pencil and two wheels. The text a planchette produces can be tricky to decipher, and so a pen or pencil and paper became the preferred method. Spiritual practice always seems to keep up with technology and these days spirit writing using a computer keyboard has become equally popular! Continue reading

Rediscover Your Natural Psychic Talent

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAm I psychic? People ask this question all the time, and the answer is unequivocally, yes! As children, our psychic gifts are obvious to us in the forms of our vivid dreams and daydreams. We also experience strong intuitions about people and objects, and even our imaginary friends, who are really our spiritual guides. But what happens when we get older? Why do most of us lose this part of ourselves? It’s common to hear skeptical people say that psychic abilities do not exist. The truth is that we’re all born with a particular psychic gift, and sometimes more than one.

Think about the last time your instinct reacted strongly. Was it telling you the location of a lost object? A winning combination of lottery numbers? Perhaps the feeling that an old friend would call? These feelings are all forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP), and they are glimpses of what is to come from the universe. They’re also usually correct. Continue reading

Visiting The Other Side

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEach and every night, as we go into a sleep state, and every single time we are in a meditative state, lucid or otherwise, we are actually on the Other Side. The power of the mind does not exist only on this earthly plane. We are in realty multidimensional and once we get a grasp on how all this works it can be exciting. We can also learn how to maneuver this phenomenon to greatly enhance any aspect of our existence.

Did you ever take the wrong set of stairs, or got off on the wrong floor? Becoming aware of the Other Side is like going into a gigantic building for the first time. How daunting is that! Although you might know which office you are heading for, you may not know exactly which direction to take. There may be a list of office number on the board, showing exactly who or what is on each floor. But you may not be fully aware of what each service was, or if you do know what each person was qualified to do, you may still not understand the meaning behind each set of professional qualifications. Continue reading

The Aura – Our Coat Of Many Colors

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhile sorting through some papers today, I came across a Kirlian photograph of myself taken at a psychic fayre in London some twenty years ago. It highlighted the blue and green in my aura at the time.

The aura is basically a design of our soul’s spectrum, encompassing the energies of our physical, mental, and spiritual experiences. Each individual aura is very unique, just like our fingerprints. Our auras change constantly, depending on our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual state at a given time. The green and blue shades in my energy field shown on that photograph depicted the healing energy and psychic energy I was expressing at that point in time.

The intensity of the colors around individuals, as well as the colors themselves vary considerably from person to person, which is hardly surprising considering how the aura represents our essential character, as well as years of accumulated experiences on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It can even be indicative of our potential going forward. I learned that our true spirit essence makes up our auras, and that they encompass all of our karma from previous lifetimes, as well as our goals and aspirations for this lifetime. Continue reading

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