Can Loved Ones Warn Us Of An Early Departure?
Many people believe that we come onto the planet at a particular time and arrive at a particular place of our own choosing. There are diverse theories as to the accuracy of this idea, but let us pretend for a minute that it is a spiritual truth. Would it not then follow that we also choose when we will leave this earthly plane and where we will leave it from?
If this is the case, would we not also know when we are preparing to leave? Do we know before our own moment arrives? We may have a loved one be away on a trip when a fatal accident occurs. That would certainly prevent us from having the opportunity of saying our final goodbye. Others might have a long lingering illness before finally succumbing, but at least those remaining behind could endeavor to prepare for the grieving process that inevitably will ensue. Continue reading
Your Future Baby Is Right There, Next To You!
One of the connections I am able to make as a psychic, and have been able to make since I was a child, is the connection between mother and future child.
I remember, for example, seeing a three year old (I almost always see them as three years old for some reason) playing next to a sixteen year old classmate when I was still in high school. Six months later, this classmate left school, because she was pregnant. I was still confused by my psychic abilities and still doubting them at that time. I remember thinking it was just a coincidence.
I have had this happen so many times, that I no longer doubt that I am seeing the new soul connecting with and getting used to the energy of their soon to be mother. I have never seen this with fathers. I am not sure why; perhaps it is because the soul needs to connect with the mother’s body and energy, because the two will soon merge? Continue reading
Don’t Blame The Children
We are repeatedly hearing lately that the children of today no longer play outside; they are no longer physically active, like their parents and grandparents used to be. Supposedly all they do is watch television and sit around all day with computers, tablets and smart phones.
Perhaps some of this is true. But if so, why is that? Of course, it is absolutely natural for a child to have an abundance of energy. It is in the nature of youngsters to run around and be full of life, exuberant and active. But truth be told, when children act that way in today’s world, we often imply that they are maladjusted or have an ailment or disorder. Highly active kids have become the scourge of many parents and teachers in modern society – the dreaded “hyperactive syndrome” or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Are the children truly to be blamed? Continue reading
In Our Own Time
We come in to this existence, and later depart, according to our own timeline. My husband and I recently observed the one year anniversary of our daughter Kathy’s passing. As painful as her death continues to be for us, it is none the less something we have no choice but to deal with.
Kathy was a private and reclusive person and did not have a lot of really close friends. However, the ones she did have were especially precious to her and she nourished and valued those friendships. I had a phone call recently from one of her friends, who is still struggling with Kathy’s passing. She and Kathy were definitely kindred spirits and they turned to each other frequently when times got especially trying. Continue reading
Love Many, Trust Few
There are few people you can trust to tell your innermost secrets. Be careful who you choose as your close companions. I have many clients who have trusted people they thought were able to keep a secret or just be discreet as a friend. When you share your problems and concerns randomly with those that you might deem “confidants”, they sometimes will let down, or give you bad advice.
I have personally learned through experience to not share sensitive personal information with just anyone. Trust me, you will save yourself a bunch of grief in the long run. But that does not mean we should never talk or open up to anyone. Sometimes silence can be our worst enemy. There are times in life when we have to reach out and talk to someone! The key is to choose wisely who you confide in. We must all learn the fine art of loving many, but trusting few. That is the way to go. Continue reading