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The Art Of Manifesting A Better Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat does the word manifestation mean to you? Perhaps it conjures up images of those witches and wizards you heard about in fairy stories when you were little? I suppose for a lot of people it does.

Nevertheless, manifesting is a metaphysical art that can be mastered by all people. You do not need to be part of a select group or an adept in any way, shape or form. Anyone can put this inherent power to good use in their life.

However, before you attempt to change your life for the better by implementing the art of manifestation, there are a few things that need to be borne in mind first. Continue reading

The Ancient Art Of Smudging

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many effective ways to purify ourselves of old baggage or toxins in our lives. A great place to start is a very ancient art popular among indigenous peoples known as “smudging.” This refers to the burning of sacred or blessed herbs, or grasses to cleanse yourself and your space.

If you are just beginning try burning sage, one of the most popular and fragrant herbs. As you become more adept, you may want to customize your herbal blend. Bundles may be purchased at an esoteric store, or a Native American or natural market, and burned in a vessel of your choice.

Before you start, make sure there are no fire hazards and open a window or two for ventilation. When you light your sage stick, make sure you are only using the leaves and not the other parts. Continue reading

How To Deal With Drama Queens (And Kings)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world rife with drama. Most, if not all of us, have someone we care about in our lives who may be melodramatic, co-dependent, addictive, overly demanding, or constantly in trouble or in victim mode. We may not always know how to deal with these negative feelings and behaviors, or we may even try to ignore them. The truth is, drama doesn’t have to weigh us down, and it doesn’t always have to be difficult!

The first rule to keep in mind is that love works better than anything else. Offer your loved one plenty of compassion, because, chances are, the drama queen in your life is wounded. Negative actions typically stem from hurt. Be available, yet don’t become their doormat. This can be hard sometimes. Continue reading

Psychic Surgery

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe subject of psychic surgery has always fascinated me. Although I have never personally witnessed this kind of procedure first hand, some 20 years ago I saw footage of a psychic surgeon in action in the Philippines. Despite the bad quality of the film, it really resonated as being genuine to me and not some parlor trick, as some skeptics would choose to view it.

The actual film I saw was presented in a small conference room of a local hotel by an enthusiastic spectator of the procedure, who brought back the footage from a trip he took to the Philippines. He explained how the skin of a patient is penetrated with this bare-handed psychic surgery through polarity, and that although it is based on energy and vibration, it originates from dimensions we don’t, as yet, understand. Continue reading

Can Oxygen Help To Prevent Cancer?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSix years ago this week, I sat with my mother as she took her last breath. She died of brain cancer. She went to the doctor with a massive headache. They ran some tests, and she was told that she had fourth stage brain cancer, and had only three weeks to live.

Last night, in the exact same Hospice Center, six years after her death to the day, I sat with my life-long, dear friend and roommate of six years, as he was taking his last breaths. He too is dying of cancer at the age of 37. This cancer was also detected about three weeks ago. After only two chemotherapy treatments, the doctors said it was useless. He was then transferred to the Hospice Center to die.

Last month, my cousin went to the doctor complaining of pain in his groin area. He was admitted to the hospital for tests. They found fourth stage cancer and he died four days later. Continue reading

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