spiritual advisor
Psychic Advice For The Holiday Madness
It’s important this season to remember not everyone is kind, and not everyone cares and is compassionate. I can relate to my clients when they say it is really difficult to be around certain people during the holidays, because of the ego, pride issues that many have. It does little for one’s peace of mind.
I give the same advice I try and bide by myself, which is remembering these people we only have to see once or twice a year. So, try your best to be civil. It’s hard even for those of us that remote view and see how our ‘loved ones’ speak so ‘lovingly’ of us behind our back, and how they focus on the things of this world instead of what matters the most. Continue reading
The Responsibility Of Psychic Service
Recent psychic readings, and the sort of questions clients have been asking, have made me all the more aware of the responsibility of the work we do. A few words alone, a recommended path to follow, or a suggested course of action we advise, can have a huge impact on people’s lives.
When I find myself feeling hopeless at the plight of the world, and its people and animals, I always remind myself: if I can just make a difference to the life of one person or animal today, then it’s all worth it.
In 2004, I was working at a psychic fayre one Saturday. Before visitors arrived, one of the other psychics asked me to read for her, and insisted that she read for me in return. Her reading was so negative and threw me so off balance that I packed up for the day and went home. Continue reading
Until My Time Comes, I’ll Dutifully Work My Shift
We come into this earthly existence to complete a task. This involves doing a job of some sort, which can be as basic as raising a family, establishing a corporation, or simply working in the fast food industry.
Some of us are extremely fortunate to know early on where our energy is best suited and how to meet our passion. Others may struggle for some time, until they find their own individual niche. But there are also those who never feel they have found their life purpose. Some do not even know what that seeking is all about.
Whichever way we go about it, all of these scenarios are all part of our unique spiritual paths and even though it may seem as if we are floundering at times, and wavering on our soul’s journey, this is still all part of the plan. Continue reading
Helping Each Other On Our Spiritual Journey
At some point in our lives we all cross paths with an individual who has a more profound effect on us than anybody else ever will. Sometimes these memorable encounters are due to something someone said at a critical phase in our lives, and their words then echo on in the years ahead. Or it may be a kindness someone shows us unexpectedly.
Such was the effect of a fascinating man I met more than 20 years ago. Paul is an esoteric counselor and I studied palmistry with him, as well as having past life regression under his supervision. The past lives revealed during our sessions had a big influence on me to this day. They are as crystal clear as when I was regressed by him over two decades ago. Continue reading