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past lives

Do We Choose Our Parents Before Birth?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI am often asked if I believe in reincarnation and clients sometimes want to know about their past lives. I was not always sure until I had a very vivid dream one night. I often receive answers in this way.

In this dream I felt like I was floating and searching. It seemed like I was hitting many areas of the world. I was looking for someone. But for who, or what? How could this make any sense?

I even heard my name, Raymond, in this dream. I recognized my mom’s voice. I also heard someone talking to me as if to guide me, but the voice sounded like I was under water and I could not follow the language. Continue reading

Not A People Person Or Pleaser, And It’s Okay!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have had clients tell me that they feel something is wrong with them, because they don’t like to be around people. They prefer solitude. Others feel disconnected when around people, or it makes them feel smothered. People make them feel drained, or they feel out of their element.

If you are someone that does not like to be around people, or feels a sense of disconnect when in large groups, or even just engaging with others, fear not! I have some very good news to share with you.

It is my hope and prayer that this information will help you to stop being so hard on yourself when it comes to your social preferences. You do not need to feel guilty for not wanting to slap on a “happy face” and pretend to be someone you are not. Continue reading

Successful Relationships Need Moments Of Solitude

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI can’t tell you how many times I get calls from clients asking me to see why they are having communication issues with their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. All kinds of miscommunication problems arise in love and romantic relationships, so I will go in and aim to pinpoint what it is that is causing them grief.

First, I always look to see if their other half is cheating. I also check to see if there is what I call a “love cord connection”, just to make sure there is soul growth to be had within the connection. I also see what issues they have to work on in this incarnation, because if there is a love cord connection odds are they have had many past lifetimes with the person. Continue reading

Free Will – Is Freedom Truly Free?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen mankind first became a sentient race, we were given the power, by the gods, to make our own decisions. This might seem too good to be true, and in fact it is. The consequence, as we soon discovered, was the idea of karma: our actions have far-reaching consequences, and to live for oneself alone is not enough.

If we accept the idea that our actions are pre-determined for us in the form of destiny or fate, and that nothing we do matters, what is the meaning of this ability to make our own choices? Even if we don’t and we believe in the idea of Tabula Rasa, or a ‘clean slate’ at birth, why do our actions in life matter in the grand scheme of the Universe? Continue reading

Our Past Lives, Ourselves

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn tandem with the concept of free will there is the idea of past lives and how they intertwine with karma. In Sanskrit, the word karma means “action.” Every one of our actions has a meaning which ripples through our very fabric.

Some of us may know about one or more of our past life already. Others may have only experienced bits and pieces: images seen in a dream, or inexplicable patterns that emerge in our lives. We may wonder why we always seem to be unlucky in love or needing a challenge at work. Every lifetime we get is the universe trying to teach us. What we perceive as hardship or bad luck is really a learning opportunity!

Discovering these patterns can be surprisingly easy. Start meditating and keeping two journals: one for waking and one for dreams. Are you noticing certain colors, smells, sounds? Are you drawn to a particular period in history? These are all clues to discovering your own karmic past. Continue reading

Ten Signs Of A Past Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf someone has an old soul, can their past lives affect their current life or future happiness? Does unfinished business from the past affect us in our current and future relationships and life choices?

In my experience it does, and the key to identifying these influences from past lives can often be found in certain traits and symptoms. These signs always have a significance. It is like unlocking a lock on a box by finding the right key. Once you have the right key you can unlock your past and reflect on the future.

Researching this subject I have identified ten common signs of reincarnation and past lives: Continue reading

Soulmate, Twin Flame or Spirit Twin?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever met someone and felt a instant, deep connection to them? Sometimes when you meet someone for the first time a  feeling of having known them before, or an inner knowing that they are a kindred spirit, comes over us. We feel this even though we have never met them before in this lifetime.

I believe we feel these connections deeply because this inner knowing is imprinted in our cell memory. When we are “tuned in” and listening, we often have these wonderful intuitive flashes.  I’m sure you have experienced these types of feelings before.

A significant number of my clients want to know if the person they are currently with, or if someone they are dating, or even a friend or relative could possibly be a Soulmate. Sometimes this is the case, and sometimes the person is their Twin Flame. Then I will usually explain the difference between a Soulmate and a Twin Flame. Yes, there is a difference. Continue reading

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