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Mixed Birth Patterns And Multiple Influences

Click picture to get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost people know their Astrological sign, or Sun sign. Most also know their birth order in the family: oldest, middle child, or youngest. And a few people may even know their Numerological life number, which is the sum of the digits in one’s birth date and determines the major themes of an individual’s life. But what many people don’t know is that these influences must be taken into account as a whole!

Each of these aspects tell a unique story, since no two individuals are alike. We’ll use the example of Amy, a Gemini Sun sign born on June 15, 1978, to demonstrate this concept of mixed birth patterns. Gemini, the Twins, are usually outgoing types who excel at communication and strive to make many friends. The Sun sign, the foremost influence in one’s chart, forms the basis of our personality. What really gets interesting is what lies beyond the basic, ‘garden-variety’ Astrological readings found on a typical horoscopes website or newspaper column. Continue reading

Past Lives, Present Lessons

Click picture to get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt inextricably drawn to visit a foreign country? Do you have a desire to learn about a certain culture or period in history that intrigues you? Are you fond of, or do you collect certain items or statues that represent a type of spiritual practice? Your interests alone can reveal so much about former lifetimes you’ve held on Earth, as well as other planets.

Reincarnation is a topic that has captivated people’s attention both historically and in modern times. There are so many documentaries and articles available that provide unbelievable evidence from people who’ve experienced past life memories.  Some of which that are most convincing are from children! Continue reading

Until My Time Comes, I’ll Dutifully Work My Shift

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe come into this earthly existence to complete a task. This involves doing a job of some sort, which can be as basic as raising a family, establishing a corporation, or simply working in the fast food industry.

Some of us are extremely fortunate to know early on where our energy is best suited and how to meet our passion. Others may struggle for some time, until they find their own individual niche. But there are also those who never feel they have found their life purpose. Some do not even know what that seeking is all about.

Whichever way we go about it, all of these scenarios are all part of our unique spiritual paths and even though it may seem as if we are floundering at times, and wavering on our soul’s journey, this is still all part of the plan. Continue reading

Where Do We Go After This Life?

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhere do we go to after this lifetime? This is a fundamental question many of us would like to have answered by spirit. I asked this for myself some time ago and found out that when I leave this plane some day, I will be going to a place called “Sanatch.” No other information was forthcoming, so I have no idea where that is, or what it is I will be doing there.

I was also able to see where some of the people in my life will be heading to next. Some have meanwhile departed and are now entrenched into their new existence.

My sister, Alfreda, went to work at the tender age of 15, which was typical in the early 50’s. She worked for a large jewelry store called Burk’s, which is still in existence today. As a part of her duties she would go to different floors of the store using the elevator system. On one such an excursion Alfreda met a good-looking, and very friendly young man named Andre, and as they say the rest was history. Continue reading

Helping Each Other On Our Spiritual Journey

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt some point in our lives we all cross paths with an individual who has a more profound effect on us than anybody else ever will. Sometimes these memorable encounters are due to something someone said at a critical phase in our lives, and their words then echo on in the years ahead. Or it may be a kindness someone shows us unexpectedly.

Such was the effect of a fascinating man I met more than 20 years ago. Paul is an esoteric counselor and I studied palmistry with him, as well as having past life regression under his supervision. The past lives revealed during our sessions had a big influence on me to this day. They are as crystal clear as when I was regressed by him over two decades ago. Continue reading

Can Loved Ones Warn Us Of An Early Departure?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people believe that we come onto the planet at a particular time and arrive at a particular place of our own choosing.  There are diverse theories as to the accuracy of this idea, but let us pretend for a minute that it is a spiritual truth. Would it not then follow that we also choose when we will leave this earthly plane and where we will leave it from?

If this is the case, would we not also know when we are preparing to leave? Do we know before our own moment arrives? We may have a loved one be away on a trip when a fatal accident occurs. That would certainly prevent us from having the opportunity of saying our final goodbye. Others might have a long lingering illness before finally succumbing, but at least those remaining behind could endeavor to prepare for the grieving process that inevitably will ensue. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 1 of 7) – Death

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA question that has been on the minds of humans since they were able to contemplate their own mortality is, “What happens when we die?”

Spiritual and religious traditions give many answers to this particular quandary. There are contemplations about a heaven, or a place of bliss that exists after we die. Or maybe a hell, based on our actions in this lifetime, or our adherence to a particular religious system. Still other philosophies identify a reincarnation cycle that is associated with the human experience of life and death.

In this series I will be discussing my personal viewpoints about the subject, and why I have over the course of my life come to these conclusions. At a young age I had a near-death experience, and it was this particular experience that set me on the course to becoming an intuitive. Continue reading

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