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Seeing The True Spiritual Essence In Others

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn 2005, for what seemed like seven very long months from the time of his diagnosis, I nursed my father through pancreatic cancer. Even the hospice staff complained that he was a difficult man, so the challenges weren’t only my imagination.

We’d all hoped for a miracle, and although I don’t usually read for myself, I did do a reading when he was diagnosed and was shown that he had six to twelve months to live. My own reading confused me initially, but I have since learned the symbology of Tarot in relation to one’s mortality, when it literally shows that someone is being called home – home to spirit. Continue reading

What Really Matters In Your Life?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt doesn’t matter what your profession is, how rich or successful you are, how attractive you think you are. Some of the most beautiful, caring, thoughtful, compassionate and charitable people are not necessarily wealthy or gorgeous.

God provides for His children in ways that are far beyond anything fame or fortune can provide. Less is truly more.

Instead of hoping to find many friends, who often come with a good amount chaos and drama, which I have no time for, I prefer one good friend, Jesus Christ. God always provides for his children. Less is truly more, especially when you have a Christ-centered life. Continue reading

Dream Weaving With Your Loved Ones

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for a long time. I can immediately tell if someone is thinking about or “dialing up” my client at night, and spending time with them in the dream state.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the time to call or spend time with our loved ones, we do spend time with them on the astral plane.When our body sleeps, our soul travels and does in fact communicate and seek growth by interacting with loved ones in the dream state.

Sleep is not only a time for resting the body and rejuvenating the mind, but also for connecting with loved ones and getting spiritual messages from our guides. It is also an opportunity to see what awaits us in the future. Continue reading

If I Were You And You Were Me

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf I were you and you were me, what do you think it is would you see? Would you see my life, my losses, my sadness, my fears? Or would you see my happiness, my joys, my passions, and my purpose? If I were you, would I see the same? Would I feel your pain? Would I feel your hopes?

We all have the amazing gift, every day if we choose to, to walk in the shoes of another and feel what that is like. As a psychic reader I do that with my clients here at Psychic Access.

As a person it is up to me whether or not I choose to look at another and feel what it might be like to be them. True empathy comes from within, but it radiates around you if you allow it to, bringing people into its glow. Empathy, painful as it can be sometimes, also brings great joys with it. It allows the rhythm of life to become a true and honest part of you and raises your own vibration. The joy of people watching can bring great satisfaction! Continue reading

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people have a smile, warmth and depth to them that is out of this world. These are the people you want to stay connected with.

Some people never evolve, but that is okay. Visualize them being away from you and being “great” somewhere else.

Some people think they are in kindergarten and, although they are adults now, they still play the game of “grapevine.” These people you can also wish away, to be “great” somewhere else.

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone on the same frequency as yourself. Cherish and keep in touch with these lovely kindred folks. Continue reading

Would Turning Your Fantasy Into Reality Be Wise?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHow many thoughts do we have per day? Nobody seems to know for sure and the experts don’t agree, but they all seem to concur that it is ranges somewhere in the thousands. We also have many daydreams and fantasies that cross our minds on a daily basis.

Many of these thoughts and daydreams we would never share with our mates, friends, or family. Many of us never act on our fantasies, for various obvious reasons: we want to stay married, or we want to stay in the same job, or we fear failure should we attempt something new and different. Some of us may even fear that we could end up behind bars in extreme cases. Continue reading

All’s Well That Ends Well

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPsychic reading clients need to understand that at times psychics can be off on the timing, when a client asks for a date during a reading. It has happened many times that I would predict a date or offer a timeline that only came to pass a while later, or even sooner.

I know it is hard on the client sometimes, because they want that person to come back soon, or they want a problem that is causing them anxiety to be resolved. I always try my best to give an accurate date when a client asks for it. But time frames are hard to read and seldom exact. As a psychic client myself, I have learned this over the years through personal experience. I always take the time forecasts of psychics with a grain of salt. Continue reading

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