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Saying ‘I’m Sorry’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI had a conversation not too long ago with friends about the increasing breakdown in civility, courtesy, and decency in society. The lack of good manners creates isolation, loneliness and a feeling of not being cared for.

I have noticed these days when you tell others you are not doing well or going through a hard time, the other person often doesn’t seem to know how to respond. You’re lucky if you get at least a blank stare! This is not how grew up. There were a few ‘odd’ people in the old days who seemed stoic or lacking in empathy – but they stuck out! Now it seems to be the norm.

I saw a post on social media recently stating that we should stop saying ‘I’m sorry’ for everything. Instead, for example, if you are late, one should say ‘thank you for waiting for me.’ I feel this ill-conceived idea is a reflection of the social issues we face as a society today.

If someone was late and didn’t say sorry (which happens often to me) I would be even more annoyed. Words are powerful. A sincere apology (and forgiveness) has tremendous power.

The idea that no apology is needed when you are late is very narcissistic in my opinion. Life is not always about us, or what suits us, because in this world what is best for others is in fact also what is best for us. Selfish, cruel, mean people end up being miserable. Generous, well-mannered, kind-hearted people are blessed.

The concept here is apparently that by offering a sincere apology you are being submissive or bowing down to someone else by degrading yourself. Well, that is simply bizarre. An apology is a way of honoring the other person and keeping your dignity?

We all make mistakes. I am usually on time, but I have been late a few times in my life. Honor and dignity are not objects of pride; they are objects of humility, compassion, and respect for others.

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Astrology Forecast January 24 – 30, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMars enters Capricorn today, adding power and drive to our every move over the next two months. Mars in Capricorn is an assertive, enterprising energy that increases our sense of responsibility, ambition and courage. We’ll want to capitalize on this energy and start putting our plans for the future into action. Moving with care will be important though, as we may tend to  overestimate ourselves under this aspect. So, avoid the urge to look before you leap and first do your research. Avoid acting carelessly on a whim.

Tomorrow and Wednesday unfold under a Scorpio Moon, which could bring hidden information to the surface or alert you to where your thinking might be off. Take everything you hear and see with a grain of salt, as illusion could cloud your perception.

The Scorpio Half Moon tomorrow morning can further cause some disagreement or difficulties with family and coworkers; tension could arise with your partner or spouse; and conflict with strangers in public could also occur.

The Scorpio Moon opposition with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday afternoon afternoon could make matters even worse, with people being irritable, moody and argumentative. Keep a calm focus and do not allow yourself to be derailed by the erratic negativity of those around you.

Thursday and Friday carry a fun and light-hearted tone under a Sagittarius Moon, where we can shake off the seriousness of the last few weeks and embrace the optimistic energy filling the air.

Venus will turns direct this weekend, after six weeks of retrograde motion, making it easier to navigate relationships and determine our true hearts’ desires. The Capricorn Moon also makes this weekend a great time to clear out clutter, do some home repairs, or simply tend to those personal needs we’ve been neglecting.

What Are Your Snapshots For The Year Ahead?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat does the future have in store for me?  It’s a valid question after all the upheaval of life during the past two years. In fact this question is on so many minds at present, including my own.

The last two years have been difficult for most, if not all of us. We have all suffered loss, grief, stress, frustration, and anxiety. Regardless of what your personal views and beliefs may be regarding this difficult time in the world, what does matter is where you are mentally and spiritually at this moment.

This weekend may be a good time to recenter, align and ground your energy.  Take some time out from all the mayhem today and do some meditation, prayer, visualization, or breath-work. Allow God, Source, Spirit, the Universe to fill you with positive energy, light and blessings, and release the negative thoughts and anxieties you may be holding on to.

Also, take some time to calmly contemplate and make a list of your goals, wishes, desires and dreams for the year ahead. Or better yet, create a vision board, manifesting box, or journal. Cut out pictures from old magazines, copy positive affirmations, and collect some trinkets to place on a board, in a box, or in a scrapbook.

Once it is complete, place your board, box or book somewhere in your home or office where you can look at it often. Take a little time every day to focus on it and ask yourself what each goal, wish or intention you have added to it truly means to you.

I have a brochure of new camera with a special lens on my vision board for this year. When I ask myself what it represents to me, I remind myself that my new dream camera sees the beauty in our world through a magical lens.  It will bring out the brightest of colors. and the most beautiful scenery. It will also capture the vitality and magnificence of all my spirit totems (mostly eagles, red tail hawk, owls, sand hill cranes).

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A Psychic Reading Brings Order To Chaos

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a typical lifetime the sun will pass over us twenty-five thousand times. If you were to walk just one mile due west each and every day of your life (if such a journey by land were possible) your life would end at the place it began. Just one mile every day, at a most comfortable stroll, you will have experienced more than anyone, and lived the dreams of most. Instead of merely waiting and watching the sun and time pass by.

If we walk slowly through life, but with purpose, we will see more, travel farther on less energy, and allow others more time to get out of our way. But occasionally, we will meet immovable objects in our path, and a decision on which way to turn must then be made.

Having a precise destiny in mind is challenging in itself, so making the right decisions along the way is essential to ensure our safe arrival at our intended destination.

In my own journey, I remind myself to smile demurely at those skeptical of what I do, even if their cynicism always surprises me, as we all foresee the future all the time.

For example, watching a carefree child at play, unaware in the midst of their joy of the likelihood, the inevitability of a fall sometimes becomes apparent and very clear to those with experience looking on.

The fact that some of us are able to see more, and in more detail, and further into the future, should therefore not be so impossible to conceive – as disconcerting or uncomfortable as this may be to the doubter.

Most reasonable people accept graciously the facts established by modern scientific method, often with little understanding of the reasoning or validity behind such conclusions. We do not have to understand the nature of everything in our lives, as long as it is evident and proven in our own experience.

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Astrology Forecast January 17 – 23, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHope you rested up the last two weeks, as the astrological events in the heavens this week could have us running on all cylinders!

A Cancer Full Moon, also known as the ‘Wolf’ Moon greets us today, which could make us moody and not really interested in work or socializing. Get what you can off your plate before noon, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated later in the day, as the Cancer Moon opposition with Pluto in Capricorn may have us feeling even more dejected and in a sulky mood.

Cancer Full Moons are also notorious for predisposing us to family drama and triggering disputes with loved ones and relatives, so find your calm center before you leave work to go home. Also take special care with your personal health this afternoon, as we tend to be more vulnerable to illness under this lunar influence.

By the way, Full Moons are a good time for release, so you may want to consider what you’re ready to let go of in your life to get what you want. Friendships? Clutter? Financial obligations that are needlessly draining your pocketbook? Release what no longer serves you.

Things will be a little brighter tomorrow, as the Moon moves into Leo, and Uranus resumes forward motion in Taurus after 5 months to clear away the sense of frustration that many of us have been feeling.

On Wednesday the Sun will move into the dazzling sign of Aquarius and move us to yet another level of freedom, provided we’re ready to experience the new and unusual! New ideas and innovative thoughts will come our way. And Thursday and Friday’s Virgo Moon will have us processing and sorting through each and every one of them.

Take heart, as after a week of several shifts and turns, this weekend’s Libra Moon will work to restore a sense of balance and harmony to our lives before we move forward.

Learning To Truly Be With Yourself

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA fellow psychic encouraged me many years ago in a reading to be ‘with myself’ and not just ‘by myself.’ There was a difference she explained, as this was a process of getting to know our own true essence. But being yourself can be an uncomfortable pathway for introspection! It is a lot easier to distract yourself with work, entertainment, chores, socializing and all the other ways we tend to divert our attention away from looking within.

A wise client told me recently that it was during the recent pandemic lockdowns that her journey towards true self-love really began. My clients are often my most important teachers, as they prompt me at times to look deeper into a situation.

She had been going through intense periods of intense reminiscing, especially regarding relationships. Most of her flashbacks related to two significant past relationships which, after investing so much of herself, had not worked out.

One of her partners just didn’t want to commit and was wrapped up in a materialistic obsession of striving to achieve business success. The other, whom she loved very much, left her for another woman.

Ironically, after years of loneliness and looking for ways to fill that void, this ex she whom she used to love so much, recently got back in touch with her. Apparently, he wants to be a part of her life again, once he´s finally sorted out his disastrous relationship with the woman he left her for.

But she now feels she has healed, forgiven him, and truly fallen in love with her own company, and therefore she wouldn’t want him in her space too much, and that any future moments they do spend together will be on her terms.

She has nailed it when it comes to truly being ‘with yourself,’ instead of lonely ´by yourself.’

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The Stages Of True Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we fall in love with a potential life partner, we need to understand the lessons and challenges it may bring. Couples grow further with each of these organic stages, and we can learn much about ourselves, as well as our beloved’s life, needs, wants, wishes, goals, and desires.

Those who do not make it through the initial stages will not stay together  for very long, and if they do it may become a very toxic relationship situation. Meeting someone is only the first step of the journey. For lasting happiness and fulfillment, we must complete all the stages successfully.

The Matching Stage

Take a moment to feel each one of these checklist items and apply it honestly to your current relationship situation:

1: Attracted to what your eyes see.

2: Appearance, feeling comfortable with their way of dressing

3: Mannerisms, how they hold and present themselves.

4: Voice. Their voice sound has a comforting feeling.

5: Speech. The words they use resonate with your communication style.

6: Values. Does their values line up with yours in life?

7: Lifestyle. Does it blend with yours?

8: Obligations. Are they something you can accept?

9: Goals in life. Matching your goals is a must.

10. Past Experience, can you understand and let go of these.

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