twin soul
When Will I Find My Soulmate?
The questions I get most often in psychic readings is about finding true love and meeting soulmates. Why am I still single? When will I meet the love of my life? Will I be married? To be honest, I asked myself the same kind of question for decades.
When I got divorced at the age of 28, I had no idea that I would be single until the age of 52. Yes, I had several failed relationships during those years, and even when I connected with someone who I was certain was my life partner, things always seemed to fall apart. However, many years later, when I did meet my soulmate, it was incredible! Truth be told, I would go through it all again to end up in the relationship of my dreams, no matter how long it took.
How To Manifest Your Twin Flame
I began working with the Law of Attraction back in the early 1980s during the terrible recession Britain was experiencing at the time. I soon came to learn that no matter how unfortunate a person’s circumstances, with the right mindset we can change it for the better – including our love lives!
After securing myself a job, against all the odds I faced at the time, I then decided to turn my attention to the wonderful subject of love and seek out my twin flame. We have now been married for nearly 30 years.
Before looking at how you could attract your own twin flame, it is essential to know exactly what is meant by this. Simply put, it is just another term for your soulmate. Your twin flame represents the mirror reflection of ourselves. Happily, a person’s twin flame meets with them in each lifetime. Meeting them often feels like you have known them for years!
Holding On To A Broken Relationship
Are you waiting for him to return to you? Has your break-up stopped you from living your life? Have you decided that no matter what anyone has said to you, that you know that he is coming back to you? Holding on to a broken relationship is a common occurrence in many people’s lives. One person moves on, another does not.
When confronted with this dilemma, you may believe he will be back. I know him; he can’t function without me. He needs me. He knows we are spiritually connected. However, this is often not the truth of the situation. It is simply your ego egging you on to believe what you want to believe.
I usually ask people to go into their ‘gut’ and take the heart out of it. But still I will get, “My gut says he will be back.” This is ego, because the response is so quick and without breathing in and allowing your guides to give you the proper answer.
Romance And The Law Of Attraction
You are most likely familiar with the Law of Attraction and the notion that positive or negative thought will attract likewise energies or results. In other words, you ‘get out what you put out.’ But did you know that this principle applies just as much to our love lives as our work, money, and other aspects of our lives?
When looking for a romantic partner, people tend to focus on the superficial: appearance, style of dress, social status, income level, and so on. We may say that we want a mate who is active, happy, and successful. But looking in the mirror, how much do those criteria describe us? If we are lazy, unkind, or cynical, the Law of Attraction mandates that inevitably, the same type of person will be drawn to us. Continue reading
The Familiar Eyes Of A Kindred Soul
Have you ever met someone who you just felt were from the same soul group as yourself? Sometimes we look into the eyes of a stranger and feel a very strong connection. It could be a very awkward feeling, especially when you are not expecting it.
Yes, we do connect with those who are kindred spirits. You feel that you know that person, and most likely you do. You know that person because your memory of them is recorded in your cell memory.
We have had many past lives and sometimes we find we are incarnated in the same soul group as that person. We sometimes connect with them briefly, for only a few minutes. Sometimes we see them every day at work, at school. Some are our teacher in some way shape or form. Continue reading
To Find Love… Just Stay In The Groove
My husband’s name is Ken and this year is our 50th wedding anniversary. Even after all this time, I still enjoy looking back to see how the Universal Force conspired to bring us together in this lifetime.
I was born on Canada’s East Coast and Ken is from the West Coast. We met each other smack in the middle, in the Province of Manitoba. There is an interesting tale attached to all of this. From the day my father and I first laid eyes on each other, there was an intense dislike between us from the very beginning. This materialized into a combative position that lasted most of our lives. My father was a violent, sadistic and cruel man, however, luckily for me my siblings were some of the best the Universe had to offer, and this helped offset what we had to endure from him.