spiritual messages
The Divine Disconnect
The separation between man and his Divine origins is the genesis of all religions, cults and belief systems in our world, and it is also the primary driving force behind all science, art and philosophy.
Searching for metaphysical meaning and life purpose is a natural attribute of the human condition. Exploring the existence of God or Divine Consciousness beyond our current reality is an innate yearning we all have. No amount of scientific or technological advancement will ever extinguish this urge from human awareness. Whether we admit it to ourselves, or not, we all feel the need within to bridge our disconnection from the Divine.
We begin to separate from the Divine Self the moment we are born. At birth we have no sense of ‘self’, and we have no awareness of being separate from Spirit or Source, but in time we quickly begin to identify with our new physical environment and with the human Ego or Material Self that we choose to adopt, based on the feedback we receive from others. We gradually also adopt the social role assigned to us by our family, our peers and our community. Continue reading →
Spirit Guides Communicate In Many Different Ways
Do you feel that your guides are helping you to connect with your soul or higher self on a daily basis? If not, it is most likely because you are not asking. Our spirit guides do not come to our aid without being requested. We must pray and ask for messages or signs.
Spirit guides communicate with us in many different ways. They speak to us through our intuitions, our senses, our dreams, as well as during readings and channelings, and through signs. All things in the Universe are capable of serving as a communication from Spirit Guides. To gain access we must simply believe and become more aware. Continue reading →
It’s All In The Numbers
I am not a numerologist, however, like Astrology, Feng Shui, Palm Reading and other metaphysical modalities, I have studied Numerology. I have always been fascinated with the role numbers have played in my life.
My numbers, based on my birth date, are 6, 11 and 24. My post office box number in the small town I grew up in was 303 (3+3+0=6). The only other time I lived in a small town and also could only get a post office box, the number of that box also added up to 11. The number of the apartment I grew up in was 11. My phone number and that of my best friend’s was almost identical. She is still my best friend today.
My three best friends from high school were all born on the 19th of a month. So was my first boyfriend. I was the odd ball and the maternal figure of the group and was born on the 24th. My best friend’s two oldest children gave birth to their children on the same days that one of their best friend’s from high school passed. Continue reading →
Butterflies Are Messengers From God
The butterfly is often a messenger from God. It is a sign from your spirit guides.
A few years back I told a new client that I saw a butterfly around her. The more I read this client, the more I kept seeing this butterfly.
Several weeks passed and then she called me up about a yellow and black butterfly that she had seen in her backyard. There were in fact two of them that were following her around. I thought it could be a departed family member from the past looking over her. But I was not sure. Neither was she.
As years went by I started to see butterflies more often around certain clients. These clients always returned saying they had seen the butterflies. Some saw several butterflies. As I would do more readings, the colors of butterflies I saw also changed. Continue reading →
Dream Lovers On The Astral Plane
Do you record your dreams? If not, you should! Why? Because, as many people all over the world have discovered, recording or writing down your dreams helps you in too many ways to count.
In our dreams we have visitations from people from our past, glimpses into past lives, moments with loved ones who have crossed over, and even encounters with family members and friends who are still very much alive. In the dream state we can communicate with everyone that we have ever known.
Dreams often reveal messages and insights that we would not have considered or thought of on our own in the awake state. We touch base with our unconsciousness while we are in the healing dream state. Our soul has a conscious intelligence that communicates with our brain what we need to know. There are reason why we dream. Continue reading →
If You Believe, You Will See The Signs
When the hair on your arms stand up, or on the back of your neck, it is not a sign of negative energy being present. It is just your spirit guide hard at work!
Angels and spirit guides are guiding us through life on a daily basis. Too many people never notice the signs, or hear the messages from their spiritual helpers. Do you?
I always encourage my psychic reading clients to become more aware of the signs. Once they open up to guidance by becoming more conscious, they tend to report back interesting experiences.
One client, for example, always called me with the same question. Over and over she asked me whether she was going to have a baby? I was able to confirm for her that one day she and her husband would have children. I also encouraged her to become more aware of her dreams and the signs she might receive. Continue reading →
Finding Your Soul Purpose
Creating a Divine Life is not a selfish act. Until we are able to find some degree of personal joy, inner peace and lasting contentment, we are actually of little use to our fellow man. If we are to be effective as our proverbial “brother’s keeper”, which is essentially the foundation of our Life Calling, we need to first achieve a happier and more meaningful life for ourselves.
To create a Divine Life, it is important to differentiate between your Soul Purpose and Life Calling (also known as your Life Purpose). I prefer to use the term Life Calling, because Life Purpose is often confused with the concept of Soul Purpose. A prevalent misconception is that Soul Purpose and Life Purpose describe the same thing, and therefore the two terms are often interchanged. There is however a very clear difference between the two concepts. Continue reading →
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