Growing Up Psychic – Part 1
I was born into a psychic family who lived in a haunted home. I was unaware of this at first and knew nothing about mediumship, clairvoyance or the supernatural. But the quest for answers began at a young age. It was inevitable, since there was a lot of paranormal activity in our house and I had a natural curiosity about all things paranormal.
I didn’t know at the time about being gifted or communicating with ghost or spirits, but I did notice whenever I went over to a friend’s house that I could feel a difference in the energy at his house. It was nothing like what I experienced at my parents’ house. And when I went to both grandparents’ homes I could feel that something was trying to communicate with me there. It was the same in church and at my school. Continue reading
The Rise Of A New Spirituality
In Beyond the Postmodern Mind, Huston Smith writes that “Rationalism and Newtonian science has lured us into dark woods, but a new metaphysics can rescue us”. Mankind will never give up its quest to find spiritual meaning and purpose in this world. This quest is what has been driving both science and religion for centuries.
The Buddha said, “The teacher appears when the student is ready.” The same principle applies to the human species as a collective. We have been exposed to new esoteric and scientific insights as we evolved – always when the time was right and the world was ready. Prominent religions all over the world were all founded on esoteric guidance and metaphysical wisdom delivered at various times throughout history by great teachers and prophetic messengers. But as time passed and these religions expanded, they were often contaminated by human bureaucracy, superstition, doctrine and dogma, which distorted the original teachings. Continue reading
Mooney’s Mansion On Walhalla Road
In 1979, while still in high school, I had a profound paranormal encounter. At the time I was working for my brother-in-law for the summer vacation, to earn a few extra bucks. He operated a house painting service in those days.
He came up to me one day and said: “You will not believe where we are going to paint next!” To my shock and horror he revealed that we would be working at Mooney’s Mansion on Walhalla Road – one of the most notorious haunted places in Columbus, Ohio. I humbly requested to work on another project, but he refused saying he needed all his painters out there, since it was a large project.
Going down Walhalla Road again brought back many childhood memories and it still gave me the creeps. As kids we used to take a ride down the road on our bicycles to go by the old mansion. We hoped to see the ghost of old man Mooney and the place where he was supposed to hang himself off the bridge. Continue reading
Protect Yourself From Toxic People
I want you to know that you’re not the only one who may have people in your life draining you, and making you feel downright guilty and sick. This is what I call toxic love. Why do we stay with these people, or why do we continue to allow these people into our space and environment?
I’m sure you know why we allow some of them…we have no choice! They are is family, sometimes our friends and distant relatives, and sadly often times our life partners and spouses. Being a very empathic person myself, I am very sensitive to the energies around me. I know what it is like to be surrounded by energy thieves. Continue reading
Understanding Psychic Readings – The Clair Senses
The most commonly known and used ‘clair sense’ in psychic and spiritual circles is clairvoyance. This particular gift is very common in individuals that have a specific soul mission to use their psychic gift predominately for readings. It has even become a universal term that often includes the other clair gifts.
The term “clairvoyant” comes from the French clair, meaning clear (from the Latin clarus), and voyant, the present participle of voir, meaning to see (from the Latin videre)*.
The clairvoyant is able to see beyond what can be seen by the physical eye and interpret vibrational realities that are non-physical, or have not yet manifested on the physical plane. Continue reading
Keep Animal Communication Simple
Its early evening, and as I glance over my pets relaxing, it brings to mind the importance of keeping things simple. Only a couple of months ago we were in the process of moving continents and I was the one getting all uptight about how the animals would travel by road and air and road again.
I have studied and applied animal telepathy, and thought I would use learned techniques for the big move. But with so much to do before the change of country and selling up, I wondered whether I was really reaching my pets on that subliminal level. Continue reading