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karmic law

Interplanetary Beings

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people say we are naive to believe that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe. There are now even declassified government documents that relate to UFO’s, the United States Air Force facility known as Area 51, as well as possible extraterrestrial activity. Sightings continue around the world and Hollywood has created many a blockbuster movie in this genre, including War of the Worlds, ET, Star Trek, Star Wars and Avatar, to name just a few.

Those films all deal with one form of interplanetary being: entities travelling through the Universe. The other type of interplanetary being that Hollywood and conspiracy theorists rarely focus on, are those interplanetary beings whose soul contract is to incarnate in this world and further humanity. This is apparently done through their higher functional skills and technology, and their desire to support our soul’s evolution. These interplanetary beings are spiritually more evolved and connected to higher vibration frequencies.

There is a premise that for the rest of us earthbound souls, this Earth reality is our school of education. We are here to fulfill our karma (missteps of our path) or dharma (behaviors synchronized with the Universe) and we return here to evolve. Being earthbound does not mean that we are stuck, just that our future lives are part of our Earth karmic evolution.

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Tarot And The Future

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Tarot is a wonderful resource for gauging which direction we are heading in life. However, too often people seeking information will misunderstand the system. They want to know the future, but the Tarot does not create the future. The Tarot is a metaphysical tool and does not negate metaphysical laws. We can certainly see which direction we are headed in our lives, based on the insights the Tarot can provide. However, it is important to pay attention to the whole message that is coming through.

Rushing to the end of a Tarot reading is unwise, since there are often elements of change that are integral to the outcomes. I often explain it like this: the Tarot works in much the same way as a Global Positioning System (GPS). The end point will represent the coordinates that we either desire, or are currently headed toward. The other cards represent the path to get there. At times, the Tarot will provide directives that help us along the way. Just like with a GPS, we cannot expect to get to the right location if we are unwilling to follow the instructions necessary to get us to the right place.

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Connecting To The Universal Power

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been in a very contemplative situation lately; probably because there have been so many deaths of loved ones that I have been so attached to. We all accept the idea that one day we will leave this existence and move on to another. But what happens in between? Where do we go immediately after leaving this realm? Is it safe? Will we enjoy it there? Do we get to come back? All of the above may be a small part of what plagues us, while we are trying to establish and maintain ourselves in the meantime.

My greatest desire for myself right now is to find a way to connect to the grand Universal Power and to solidify that connection. This will enable me to go about my daily existence with inner peace and calmness, and not allow myself to get mired down in the minutia of circumstances that I cannot change.

My first step is to understand why I am here. I feel part of the reason I incarnated into this world was first of all to help repair my karmic debt, by becoming immersed in some pain and suffering as a human being. There is no other world that I have been made aware of that would enable me to do this.

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The Man Who Pushed Me Off A Cliff

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSince I was a child, I have had fragmented memories of my past lives. These flashbacks are all parts of those lives and lessons that pertain to my soul growth and karma in this lifetime. So far, all of my past life memories have had to do with someone I have interacted with here, in my current incarnation. In other words, I have met all of the people in my past life memories in this lifetime also.

One such memory of a past life, is of a man I was married to in Ireland. We were quite young. I would say no more than 20. We were poor and lived in a little cottage, near a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was a modest, but breathtakingly beautiful home and land. I also remember that I had long, curly red hair.

Sadly, my husband in that lifetime was physically and emotionally abusive. He was always worried that men would desire me and take me away from him. But I had never been with any man but him. I didn’t want to be with my husband, but I certainly didn’t want another man to control and own me either.

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For A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’m often asked in relationship psychic readings if a certain person is ‘The One.’ Is this the person whom my client is supposed to be with in this lifetime? This is such a common question and one that usually deserves a more elaborate answer for clarity.

People come in and out of our life for a myriad of reasons. Some of them are only there for a short period of time, while others remain for decades, or the rest of our life.

Have you ever felt like you keep meeting the same person over and over again, but in a different body? For example, a gentleman might call in for a reading about a woman who he’s been dating for a month. He wants to know why all of a sudden she has pulled away or is paying less attention to him, and then he goes on to say that he continues to meet this same kind of woman. They all seem very interested in him for a short time, and then all of a sudden they just disappear. Why does this keep happening to him? This is where the inquiry tends to come up of, “Will I ever meet the right woman?”

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Releasing Toxic People In Your Life

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery person has at some point in their life had a person in their life whom they believed had their best interests at heart. Yet, that person blind-sided them by doing or saying something to knock them off kilter. This happens to the best of us.

Often we continue to believe that this person will change, that they are our true friend. But they might just be using us, and we allow it. They might take from us, and we allow it. They might advance themselves because of something we did, and then when the roles or positions are reversed, they will let greed and ego take over and knock us to our knees.

This kind of thing happens in life and in relationships all the time. I do not feel any of us is totally exempt from this – whether we were the one being used, or the one using someone else.

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Karmic Issues Versus Karmic Debt

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is a vast difference between karmic issues and karmic debt. Suppose you have a neighbor that you don’t like. Maybe he is a braggart and a show off, but what might complicate this further is that he appears to be totally successful. He buys a new car every couple of years, while you are lucky that your old clunker is still getting you back and forth to work each day.

His pretty wife and three whiny, noisy children go on marvelous vacations every year and you are always made to know about their adventures, whether you care to listen, or not. You have to hear how exceptionally exotic and expensive all these getaways are. Meanwhile, you cannot even remember the last time you took your own family for an outing that required more than a tour through the entire kitchen of the local Golden Arches!

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