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Paw Prints All Over My Heart

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe agony of losing a dog is immeasurable. I lost my beloved Oliver, a King Charles Cavalier, several months ago and I’m still crying every day. But I have found some consolation in his afterlife signs and visits from the other side.

He was 11 years old and in perfect health, or so I thought. He’d had a full checkup three months prior and he had the test results of a very young dog! I also used to take him on long walks every day, his head held high, his tail wagging happily, a prancing skip in his step.

He was such a loving, happy dog. He stopped for every human, always begging for their attention and a pat on the head. Everyone knew him and loved him in the neighborhood.

He followed me around everywhere, lay under the table as I worked, always got up to join me for Yoga, and I left a spot for him behind my pillow every night at bedtime. I took him everywhere with me.

My 90-year-old mom lives across the street and that was his second home. He loved it there. One day, I was out running errands and he got loose. He then came knocking on my mom’s door looking for me there. She was always happy to see him and invited him in.

One day he simply stopped eating. He refused his favorite dog treats, would not even sniff peanut butter. Then he stopped drinking water. We immediately took him to the vet for tests. Not long after, the kind doctor phoned. My heart sank. “His organs are already shutting down, there’s nothing we can do for him,” he said.

We rushed back to the vet, praying he would hang on long enough so we could say our goodbyes. He did hang on for us. My husband, daughter and I were all together when we first picked him up as a puppy and now we were together to see him off. They didn’t even need to sedate him; he was already leaving his body and was calm as can be.

Just before they gave him the final injection, he suddenly turned his head and focused. I thought his loving gaze was on all of us, but my daughter insists he was only looking at me. There was no question he loved us all, but I did have an incredibly special connection with Oliver.

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A Healing Spirit Visitation And The Haunted Toy

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA few months ago, my best friend, whom I’ve known since I was five, had her mother pass away. Shortly after that, I woke up in the middle of the night because my son’s educational toy was spontaneously activated and said: “Learn.”

I then instantly felt my friend’s mother’s presence. She was visiting me to apologize to me for something that happened when I was a little girl. It was a deep wound for me at the time, but I rarely thought about it since, and did not harbor any ill will because of it.

When I was 11 years old, I had told my best friend  that I had “seen my goddess.” I did not know about spirit guides and had not yet been exposed to any related spiritual philosophies or belief systems. However, I was already interacting with my spirit guide back then, whom I called ‘my goddess.’ Today, I know her as Lily.

I also told my friend that my goddess had said that she was going to give me gift. Later that day, in the cow field that I had to cross to get to school every morning, I found a silver ring.

My friend knew that we were not wealthy, so there was no way I could have bought the ring with my own money. It clearly had been found. It was too much of a coincidence for my friend to not link it to me saying my goddess was giving me a gift.

Unfortunately, these events really scared my friend. She told her parents. That night, my friend’s father, who was a rather intimidating man, came to my house and yelled at me in front of my mom. My mother was confused, since she did not know what had happened earlier that day.

My friend’s parents never got over it. They assumed I was lying and telling stories that scared their daughter. They treated me quite badly after that. This is too often the lot of many psychic children. We are frequently accused of lying or exaggerating, among other things.

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A Ghostly Intervention For A Stubborn Pair

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve had many strange paranormal occurrences in my life, but the most recent one really takes the cake!

My talkative Libra husband was on a marathon 3-hour call with a friend, when a wondrous thing happened during their conversation. A strange, ethereal voice cut-in and actually cursed my husband out, repeatedly!

The call was on speaker phone, and I was downstairs in my kitchen, hearing the entire discourse.

“What is going on up there?” I called out.

“You heard that?”

“Of course I heard that. It’s beyond creepy.”

His friend heard nothing on his end and thought my husband was playing some kind of a prank on him.

Then the eerie voice returned, this time calling him a horse’s hindquarters.

“It just happened again!” he shouted.

“I know…I heard that. I’m coming up there now to record it,” I said.

All the while, his friend continued to hear nothing on his end.

I hit the record button on my cell and waited…but crickets ensued. There was absolutely nothing, so eventually I went back downstairs, somewhat disappointed.

Of course, the moment I arrived back in my kitchen, the disgruntled spirit returned shouting the same colorful epithets, like a salty sailor! No surprise there, as my husband actually is a bit of a salty sailor himself and knows many who’ve passed in the industry.

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We Will Become Whole And New Again

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCleaning out the home of a loved one who has passed is certainly not a task anyone looks forward to. In truth, it is the last thing one would ever want to do. About a year ago, I found myself doing just that for a departed family member.

I oversaw the kitchen and was told that if there was anything that I could use in my own home, to go ahead and put it in a box and take it with me. I did happen to come across a couple of items, including a set of two large, oval-shaped dishes.

Recently, I’m in the kitchen one evening, taking out food from the microwave oven and placing it on this dish. I have done it many times before without any problem, but on this occasion the dish decided to crack. Not only did it crack significantly, but it also made a loud, sharp cracking noise!

Later, as we sat down for dinner, I gave a family member the other matching plate as a base for some food from the microwave, and the same thing happened. It was the same crack, and the same noise, and it seemed rather odd.

I was fairly upset and even made mention that it was a shame, as I always thought fondly of the departed loved one whenever I used these plates in the kitchen.

That night I had a strange, lucid dream about what happened. In my dream we were still eating from the cracked plates, when suddenly, right before our eyes, we witnessed the crack in both plates sealing up in a miraculous way. We could not believe it. The plates looked like the crack had never happened and I remember feeling very relieved, happy and at peace.

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The Haunted House From My Childhood

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery year, around this time, I go to the same cemetery to visit the final resting place of my childhood friend. It is located in one of the neighborhoods we would often frequent on our bicycles. It is also where we went trick-or-treating for Halloween. My return visit this year was not only nostalgic as always, but it once again reminded me how important it is to trust your gut when it comes to paranormal phenomena. We live in a cynical, digital age, where adults too easily attribute encounters with the paranormal to the overactive imagination of children, or simply disregard it as ‘old wives’ tales.’

Throughout our childhood years, into our early teens, my friend and I would often stop to admire an abandoned old home in that neighborhood. At the time we firmly believed to be haunted! Well, amazingly, that old house is still there after all these years. It has never been demolished, despite the rumors of what went on there. There used to be talk of a vicious, gruesome murder that took place there. A well-known antique dealer in the community used to live there, and it is said that he received a surprise visit one night from two men with baseball bats, who forcefully entered his home and killed him.

Sometimes, early in the evening, on our way back home on our bikes, we would see mysterious lights flicker inside the empty old house. We always wondered who possibly could be there? There were no curtains, nor furniture inside. At least this is what we were told, when we were cautioned not to go anywhere near the place. There were also never any cars parked outside. The neighbors would take turns to mow the lawn, to keep their street looking neat.

On my recent visit, as I was getting ready to leave the cemetery, I had the idea to drive down that street, to see the old haunted house again. Feeling nostalgic, I slowly turned the corner on the dead-end street and spotted the house right away. There was what looked like a chair, out on the front lawn, and a thick layer of fallen leaves on the grass. As I drove by, I noticed a faint light in one of the windows.

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Purple Love From The Other Side

Click Here NOW For A FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I was in my kitchen cooking, when the song Purple Rain, by Prince, kept playing in my head. It was stuck in my mind, loud and clear, the verses of the song, over and over again throughout the day. I didn’t think much of it at the time, other than I must have recently heard the song playing somewhere.

The next morning while I was meditating, I was shown a shape by Spirit. At first I couldn’t make out what it was, but then the vision became more clear. I sensed it must had to be the shape of a state in the United States, but I was not sure which one. After my meditation, I searched for the sate on the map and discovered it was Minnesota.

Later that day, I once again kept hearing a Prince song in my head. This time it was Paisley Park. That night I had a dream about an oddly shaped electric guitar, which I didn’t understand. I also heard the name “Roger.”

Every day, for a whole week, I was receiving these clues, like a puzzle to solve. Each one somehow related back the musical artist Prince.

That night my daughter sent ‘coincidentally’ sent me the link to a YouTube video of Prince performing Purple Rain. She just said it was one of her favorites and wanted to share it with me. It was uncanny, because I hadn’t told her a thing about what had been happening with me lately.

I have to admit, until the time of these events, I knew very little about Prince’s music, and absolutely nothing about his personal life. I used to hear his songs being played on the radio in the 80s and 90s, and I did enjoy them, but I never knew much about him as a person and an artist. Continue reading

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