Our Deepest Wound Can Become Our Greatest Power
Mercury retrograde thankfully ends today! Astrologers predicted this retrograde would allow us the freedom to purify our lives by releasing people, circumstances, and behaviors that are holding us back or no longer serve us. It certainly kicked up a lot of old wounds and baggage for many of my clients, and also for myself.
This was probably due to a number of reasons, including Uranus and Venus both being retrograde at the same time, and the combination of Mercury retrograde occurring along with a Full Moon in Cancer on January 17th. Many people I did readings for during this astrological period were all dealing with painful memories, unhealed traumas, and intense emotions.
At one point I decided to take a break myself, to create some space and allow my own unresolved emotion to surface. Every time I found becoming unnecessarily defensive, or attempting to place blame on others, I immediately pivoted my attention back to myself and ventured within – to where the origination of this pain truly stemmed from.
I especially found my thoughts were constantly going to my parents and particularly to my mother. My maternal grandmother passed away when my mom was only 13 years old. This has been a recurring theme throughout my life, with me wondering if this had anything to do with my mom always being so hard on me? I, fact, it became the official ‘excuse’ for our difficult relationship.
My recent retrograde self-exploration made me realize that no matter how hard my brain might try to rationalize this old pain, my body still would not accept it. For the first time in all these years, I finally allowed myself to go inside this wound, to examine my inner truth. I had a conversation with this old wound and allowed it to speak to me directly.
Renewed Inspiration Through Visualization
Despite the psychic readings we receive, the inspirational books we read, and the seminars we attend, we often tend to find ourselves back at the drawing board for inspiration. Why? I guess we need to inspire ourselves on an ongoing basis.
Clients who visit me for private consultations say they leave me feeling serene and all fired up to take on the world. Many of them also come back every now and again for what one high-powered lady calls her “fix”.
And me? Well, I need to inspire myself on a regular basis, in order to be of any help to anybody else!
Visualization is an excellent way to ‘recycle’ some past moments of inspiration. We can make time in our busy worlds and synthesize all the knowledge and experiences we have gathered, in order to visualize what we want.
By remembering and tapping into that feeling we had when we saw that moving film, attended that life-changing workshop or read that inspirational book, we can apply that intense feeling from a previous experience to what we want to manifest now.
An attitude of gratitude goes a long way too when it comes to manifesting our desires. Thank spirit for all the positives in your life, and you will be surprised to notice the amount you have already manifested and have to be grateful for.
Another helpful technique is to make a visualization board by drawing pictures from your memories, or from magazines, to make a collage which will be your personal vision board. Place it where you spend most of your time. I was given a ‘recipe’ for creating long ago by a colleague.
1. Recognize the higher self (that you are spirit)
2. Decisiveness
3. Acoustics
4. Imagination and creativity
5. Evaluation
6. Approval
7. Experience
Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible ~ Cherie Carter-Scott
1. Recognize that you are spirit and therefore have the capacity to create.
2. Be certain of exactly what you wish to create. Think of how it is going to affect you.
3. Announce it verbally.
4. Visualize it.
5. Decide whether you are pleased with it.
6. Give consent for it to materialize.
7. Step back and admire and enjoy what you have created.
Note: Be sure not to create anything which creates imbalance in your life.
Astrology Forecast January 31 – February 6, 2022
Happy New Year! This will be a week of fresh beginnings, forward motion and renewed motivation. Don’t be fooled by the Aquarius New Moon setting a contrasting, feminine, yin tone before the masculine yang of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger beginning tomorrow. The Tiger year will be giving us a second chance to make some resolutions and embrace a new energy for the year ahead.
The Tiger represents prowess, stealth and achievement, marking this year as one with the potential to bring success in all we do. It will also cast a stronger and more confident tone over us, inspiring us to move forward with passion and fortitude.
The year 2020 (Year of the Rat) was about survival and the need for adaptability and flexibility. The year 2021 (Year of the Ox) was about caution, keeping faith and staying centered and grounded in a challenging new world. But the Year of the Tiger will be about renewed vigor, futuristic ambition, revitalized enthusiasm, and the courage to make major changes and achieve new goals. We can expect things to change very rapidly this year.
The Year of the Tiger may however not start on a high note for those of us who are prone to melancholy, depression, or negative thinking. The Aquarius Moon conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius early on Tuesday could create a sense of dissatisfaction, loneliness or self-pity. Tap into the daring, self-empowered energy of the powerful tiger. Time to get fired up!
On Thursday Mercury will thankfully resume forward motion from its current retrograde, offering us yet another cycle of forward movement and progress. Fortunately, once Mercury resumes forward motion, no planets will be retrograde for the next three months. So, the sky is not even the limit of what we can achieve and attain the first half of this year.
The assertive and confident Aries Moon will grace the skies Friday through Sunday, making this the ultimate week to make fresh starts and embrace new beginnings.
Just Existing, Not Living?
Do you ever feel like you’re existing and not actually living? Well, guess what? You’re not alone. I think at some point in our lives we all do, especially after everything we have endured over the past two years.
In these difficult times, we worry about our health and safety, money, career paths and choices, the perfect house, the perfect partner or spouse.
Our children. Have we raised them right? Or, have we spoiled them? If you don’t know yet…two year olds grow up and teenagers grow out of it!
All of the above are legitimate concerns. But at some point we need to remember to worry only about the things we can control.
Stop focusing so much time and energy on the things you cannot control. All it brings us are toxic thought patterns, an anxious heart and a restless soul. Once we have learned to give all of that up, life seems a tiny bit easier.
There is a famous saying: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” How very true. You can fixate on all the frustrations, promise yourself that you’ll do this and that, or feel better once you get to wherever – but it doesn’t necessarily work that way. Because it’s easier to think about what you’d rather do, than to just going out and doing it.
The Power Of Ansuz During Mercury Retrograde
One of the most affected areas of our life while mercury is retrograde is the area of communication. Mercury is retrograde at the moment and, as always, I am seeing many issues with miscommunication, unnecessary conflict, and misunderstandings come up in readings. I am also picking up a lot of nervous energy with clients.
Mercury Retrograde really affects our ability to communicate, and especially to listen and understand. My best advice always in these times is to not get sucked into arguments to easily, as both parties usually got it wrong to begin with. Stay calm, pay attention and find out the facts, before you lose it prematurely…only to regret it later.
Keep reminding yourself that Mercury is currently in ‘backward’ motion, so keep your cool and stay focused until at least Thursday, February 3rd, when it turns direct again. But, bear in mind the after effects of the post-retrograde shadow will only subside by February 23rd.
If you are looking for new ways to support your energy during this retrograde period, try my go to technique. I connect with the energy of understanding and patience using a specific rune, which I use for meditation in these times, and as a symbol to carry with me until the retrograde is over.
The rune I am talking about is called Ansuz. It’s the rune associated with the throat chakra, because symbolizes the energy of clear communication and using the right words. It carries the powers of convincing, powerful speech and writing, wisdom, analytical thinking and reason, and the ability connecting and network with others.
I frequently used this rune when I used to be work in the corporate world. It helped me a great deal to calm my nerves when I had to speak in front of many people at meetings and presentations.
Saying ‘I’m Sorry’
I had a conversation not too long ago with friends about the increasing breakdown in civility, courtesy, and decency in society. The lack of good manners creates isolation, loneliness and a feeling of not being cared for.
I have noticed these days when you tell others you are not doing well or going through a hard time, the other person often doesn’t seem to know how to respond. You’re lucky if you get at least a blank stare! This is not how grew up. There were a few ‘odd’ people in the old days who seemed stoic or lacking in empathy – but they stuck out! Now it seems to be the norm.
I saw a post on social media recently stating that we should stop saying ‘I’m sorry’ for everything. Instead, for example, if you are late, one should say ‘thank you for waiting for me.’ I feel this ill-conceived idea is a reflection of the social issues we face as a society today.
If someone was late and didn’t say sorry (which happens often to me) I would be even more annoyed. Words are powerful. A sincere apology (and forgiveness) has tremendous power.
The idea that no apology is needed when you are late is very narcissistic in my opinion. Life is not always about us, or what suits us, because in this world what is best for others is in fact also what is best for us. Selfish, cruel, mean people end up being miserable. Generous, well-mannered, kind-hearted people are blessed.
The concept here is apparently that by offering a sincere apology you are being submissive or bowing down to someone else by degrading yourself. Well, that is simply bizarre. An apology is a way of honoring the other person and keeping your dignity?
We all make mistakes. I am usually on time, but I have been late a few times in my life. Honor and dignity are not objects of pride; they are objects of humility, compassion, and respect for others.
Astrology Forecast January 24 – 30, 2022
Mars enters Capricorn today, adding power and drive to our every move over the next two months. Mars in Capricorn is an assertive, enterprising energy that increases our sense of responsibility, ambition and courage. We’ll want to capitalize on this energy and start putting our plans for the future into action. Moving with care will be important though, as we may tend to overestimate ourselves under this aspect. So, avoid the urge to look before you leap and first do your research. Avoid acting carelessly on a whim.
Tomorrow and Wednesday unfold under a Scorpio Moon, which could bring hidden information to the surface or alert you to where your thinking might be off. Take everything you hear and see with a grain of salt, as illusion could cloud your perception.
The Scorpio Half Moon tomorrow morning can further cause some disagreement or difficulties with family and coworkers; tension could arise with your partner or spouse; and conflict with strangers in public could also occur.
The Scorpio Moon opposition with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday afternoon afternoon could make matters even worse, with people being irritable, moody and argumentative. Keep a calm focus and do not allow yourself to be derailed by the erratic negativity of those around you.
Thursday and Friday carry a fun and light-hearted tone under a Sagittarius Moon, where we can shake off the seriousness of the last few weeks and embrace the optimistic energy filling the air.
Venus will turns direct this weekend, after six weeks of retrograde motion, making it easier to navigate relationships and determine our true hearts’ desires. The Capricorn Moon also makes this weekend a great time to clear out clutter, do some home repairs, or simply tend to those personal needs we’ve been neglecting.