The Lightbringers And Earth Angels
Some people are highly attuned to their emotions, feel out of place in the modern world, and feel called to make a difference during their lifetime. Appropriately, some of these special souls are called Earth Angels or, alternately, Lightbringers.
We are surrounded these days by greed, selfishness, discrimination, and the many other symptoms of a world out of balance. It is said that it is the purpose of the Lightbringers to restore the harmonies that originally existed.
How do we recognize them? They are all sensitive and empathic types. They literally feel much more than the average person, and take everything to heart. It may be necessary for them to have more quiet or alone time for this reason. Continue reading
Rediscover Your Natural Psychic Talent
Am I psychic? People ask this question all the time, and the answer is unequivocally, yes! As children, our psychic gifts are obvious to us in the forms of our vivid dreams and daydreams. We also experience strong intuitions about people and objects, and even our imaginary friends, who are really our spiritual guides. But what happens when we get older? Why do most of us lose this part of ourselves? It’s common to hear skeptical people say that psychic abilities do not exist. The truth is that we’re all born with a particular psychic gift, and sometimes more than one.
Think about the last time your instinct reacted strongly. Was it telling you the location of a lost object? A winning combination of lottery numbers? Perhaps the feeling that an old friend would call? These feelings are all forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP), and they are glimpses of what is to come from the universe. They’re also usually correct. Continue reading
Taking Better Care Of Empaths
Do you deeply and intensely feel the emotions of others, easily get sick or injured, and have a natural connection to all things spiritual? There’s about a one-in-five chance that you may be an empath.
Being an empath is different from someone who merely feeling empathy for others. The difference is being someone who is able to turn off the flood of emotions, against someone who is not. What a difference! A true empath literally feels everything, and that can be overwhelming.
It’s in the empath’s nature to take care of others at their own expense, which is why empaths often get moody or difficult. They may need more solitary time or exposure to the natural world than other people. Despite all of this, they are a gift to themselves and others, and they can learn defenses against the constant tsunami of incoming emotions. Continue reading