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We Are All Born With Six Senses

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the first questions psychics and mediums are often asked in media interviews is, “At what age did you know you had this gift?” I don’t feel it is a gift that only a special few have. All people are born with the six senses. Most people just need to remember how to tune into their sixth sense, and not fear using all of their senses.

If a person is walking through the woods, and an animal is coming up behind them, they might feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up, or a prickly feeling on their arms to alert them that something is approaching. People don’t question how that works, they just accept that it is a sense they are born with. But it is good to question how some things work, because with understanding one can utilize the senses to the maximum. Continue reading

Until My Time Comes, I’ll Dutifully Work My Shift

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe come into this earthly existence to complete a task. This involves doing a job of some sort, which can be as basic as raising a family, establishing a corporation, or simply working in the fast food industry.

Some of us are extremely fortunate to know early on where our energy is best suited and how to meet our passion. Others may struggle for some time, until they find their own individual niche. But there are also those who never feel they have found their life purpose. Some do not even know what that seeking is all about.

Whichever way we go about it, all of these scenarios are all part of our unique spiritual paths and even though it may seem as if we are floundering at times, and wavering on our soul’s journey, this is still all part of the plan. Continue reading

Compare And Despair

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I attended a Toastmasters meeting where a gentleman was delivering his first speech to this specific group – an ice breaker to have us get acquainted with him. Instead of the typical short autobiographical introduction this speaker chose to give us an overview of his philosophy of life.

He told his audience that he sees himself entering a new phase of his life right now. He spoke about how important it is to get to know yourself and to take care of yourself first and foremost, and to always live in the moment.

After the speech and applause, the toastmaster reflected briefly on what the talk meant to him as he had listened. He said it reminded him of a mentor who had once, many years ago, said to him, “Compare… and despair”. If in life you are constantly comparing yourself to others, or comparing what you have with what others have, or what you feel you lack, or need to achieve, then all that will do is bring yourself unnecessary despair. Continue reading

The True Meaning Of Bliss

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been contemplating how often a friend’s photo on social media, a call from a customer, an advertisement, the written word, or an overheard phrase has triggered a really significant memory for me. This was the case again last night, when the word “bliss” featured in a commercial for chocolate on my TV screen. For some reason this prompted a memory from many years ago.

I was working temporarily in a retirement home as a caregiver. Although I didn’t have long-term plans to remain in that job, I loved working with the old people, and used to give them reflexology treatments and healing massages in my free time. The short treatments gave them great relief, and they began asking if I would come back and help them again.

This caused a lot of animosity with the rest of the staff, who were already unfriendly towards me. They made it clear that I was not ‘one of them’. I was the outsider, and not from ‘their village.’ The home’s matron asked me to stop doing any healing or therapeutic work with the residents, because it was not in my job description. Continue reading

Cats Are Great Spiritual Teachers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I think of the word love I think of my two cats. I have two cats and love them dearly. Most of the people I know also own cats, but we all seem to agree that we don’t really own our cats… our cats own us. We also agree that our lives are better, sweeter and more peaceful with our sweet precious cats. I feel a home isn’t truly a home unless there is a cat that dwells in it.

Cats are highly intuitive and very sensitive. They sense energy and can pick up on static electricity, ultrasonic sounds and changes in vibration. The cats I have lived with over the years always informed me in their own unique way of impending earthquakes, or some form of extreme weather that was approaching. Continue reading

Your Pain Is Telling You Something

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSpirit recently communicated the power of pain and the importance of forgiveness to me in a way I had never quite conceptualized before. Pain is a natural process of the human experience. It is a messaging system that tells us something is not quite right with our situation.

This is true for our physical body, as well as our emotional body. The difference between the two is that physical pain is often more easily recognized, and the appropriate steps to relieve and even to heal the pain can be taken when it is recognized. Emotional pain, however, is more often left unrecognized, or the messages that are being sent are pushed aside.

Both men and women are taught to suppress their pain. Traditional adages like, “boys don’t cry,” or “keep a stiff upper lip,” are reflections of emotional ignorance. We now also live in a society where we are being medicated for emotional issues at rapidly increasing rates, which only adds to the ignorance of our emotional state. Continue reading

Helping Each Other On Our Spiritual Journey

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt some point in our lives we all cross paths with an individual who has a more profound effect on us than anybody else ever will. Sometimes these memorable encounters are due to something someone said at a critical phase in our lives, and their words then echo on in the years ahead. Or it may be a kindness someone shows us unexpectedly.

Such was the effect of a fascinating man I met more than 20 years ago. Paul is an esoteric counselor and I studied palmistry with him, as well as having past life regression under his supervision. The past lives revealed during our sessions had a big influence on me to this day. They are as crystal clear as when I was regressed by him over two decades ago. Continue reading

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