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life lessons

It’s Okay To Take Care Of Your Self

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOnly you know when it’s time to come out of the closet. Only you know when it’s time to live the life you have always wanted, or were called to live. Is your life like a hamster on a wheel, same old, same old? If you do the same old thing the same old way, you will always get the same old result. Step off the wheel and try something new in your life.

Get rid of the shoulds and should nots. You will always hear that little voice inside your head saying, “I can’t do that, I’m not smart enough… I’m not good enough… I don’t deserve that..” On and on, downing and judging yourself. Only you know when it’s time to clean house, get rid of the useless mental chatter and feel good about yourself. Continue reading

The 12 Universal Spiritual Laws – Part One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost spiritual seekers are aware of the more well-known Universal Laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. However, did you know there are several other spiritual laws that govern the Universe? Yes, there are! These laws can help you get the most out of life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

We all originate from the same source; we are linked to one another, as well as every energy and creature in the rest of the Universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought that we think, every action that we take, or indeed, everything we believe, are not insignificant, because they have the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending upon what thoughts, actions or beliefs we partake in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. It is important, therefore, that we practice kindness and understanding towards others, and extend love at all times to our fellow man, as this will, in turn, create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world at large. Continue reading

Finding Healing In This Life, Or The Next

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe often do not realize the myriad of ways in which each of us, in our own unique way, touch other souls on a daily basis. Often we do this with just a kind deed, word or physical touch.

Healing doesn’t have to be expressed in the laying on of hands. Just being in a person’s presence can, in itself, be a healing experience. Being a good listener, speaking or writing from your heart can be just the medicine another soul needs. Sending out healing in the form of good intention, or prayer and meditation has a strong healing vibration.

I just had a phone conversation with a close friend overseas, who reminded me of the aromatherapy and reflexology sessions she used to have with me. In those days our relationship was still of the customer-therapist variety. Gradually a friendship grew with both her and her family. I always set my intention to help customers to the best of my ability. In my aromatherapy and reflexology days, I used to ask for my guides’ input in choosing the best oils to assist with healing, or with a specific ailment. I believe that my guides’ input was as significant as mine, and perhaps, even more so. Continue reading

Grief As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comJust under a decade ago, a decision I made to let my eight and a half year old Rottweiler Sophie go, was one of the hardest things I have ever been faced with. Sophie had suddenly become ill over the course of four days and nothing could have prepared me for the subsequent grief. Although time heals, I still recall the way it felt when she was gone – like my heart was being ripped from my chest.

Grief can be described as the universal response to loss, and a very natural, yet terribly painful internal process. When there is a significant change, or loss in one’s life, grief is both a physical and emotional response to that change. Grief brings its own stresses, and continued grief actually compromises our immune system, because all cells in our bodies are affected by intense emotions. Continue reading

Forgiveness As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember telling my friend Audrey many years ago how well she was handling an upsetting situation. The matter related to a mutual friend who had borrowed a significant amount of money, and even though swift repayment was promised, the promise was not kept, nor acknowledged by the borrower.

Audrey seemed to take a really spiritual approach towards the situation and said to me, “I don’t lend money without first considering that I may well have to write it off in the end.” This was ironic, since he wasn’t exactly well-off herself.

“Why should I choose to be a victim, and to carry that huge load of resentment around on my shoulders, when I do have a choice to simply put it down? To carry that heavy knapsack of anger and resentment would only be draining to my health and peace of mind,” she explained. Continue reading

Guilt As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA recent traumatic incident with my cat had me really thinking about how each upsetting experience in life really helps me to identify all the more with my psychic reading clients. People often consult professional psychics when they are going through an intense emotion, just like the one I have personally experienced recently as one of my spiritual life lessons.

The unfortunate incident with my cat occurred just a couple of weeks ago. After nine years of sticking to a routine of treating first dogs, and then cats, with an anti-tick solution, I did the unthinkable, and treated my young cat Prince first. Without thinking, I applied to his skin a larger vial than usual, suitable for a medium weight dog. Within minutes Prince was angry and in discomfort, and  then I realized what I’d done! Continue reading

If Money Were No Object

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have owned several businesses in my day, but they were not necessarily successful. Why do you think that is? Well, let’s look at some of the enterprises I started, and my reasons for doing so.

For example, I opened up a Goth and Punk fashion store with my daughter which, as you can imagine, catered mostly to young adults. That lasted about a year and a half before we went out of business. Next, I tried a psychic tea house with my two daughters. We offered lunch and snacks with beverages, and I read Tarot cards. That one we managed to hold onto for almost a year, before we ran out of funds. Continue reading

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