human body
The Second Chakra
The second chakra, or Swadhisthana is located just under the navel. It is symbolized by a white lotus flower or crescent moon. The animal totem of the second chakra is the crocodile and the musical note that resonates with this chakra is “D”. This is considered the sacral chakra.
The color of the second chakra is orange. Foods to stimulate the second chakra include oranges, apricots, carrots, and cantaloupe.
Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm. This energy is also where we tap into our creativity and pleasure. It rules the reproductive organs and the corresponding gland is the sexual endocrine glands. This chakra helps to balance our spirituality and sexuality, and is also the area in the body where we hold blockages relating to sexual trauma. Continue reading
The First Chakra
Chakra literally means “wheel” or “circle of light.”
The first chakra, or Muladhara, is located in the coccygeal region at the base of the spine where we sit. It is symbolized by a four petaled red lotus flower.
The animal totem of the first chakra is the elephant. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is C. It is considered the root chakra.
The color of the root chakra is red. It rules the feet, legs, anus, hips, bowels and bladder.
Foods to stimulate the first chakra include beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries.
Corresponding gland: Adrenal glands. Continue reading
Simple Ways To Restore Daily Balance
Every day, I try to find balance in my life and put it into action, but sometimes it is hard to do. And sometimes it’s hard to see the whole picture of what you’re wanting to do, to have that sense of happiness and well-being in your life.
I find what works best to get me back on track is to center myself mentally first, before I take on any of the daily challenges of life. I admit that I often need a pop of the good old caffeine to get my mind and body going in the morning, but experience has taught me it is much more constructive to focus on something positive at that time. Once you start looking for alternatives to get your mind going, you will be surprised at how many things are easily available for this purpose. Continue reading
All Living Things
During times of upheaval, sadness, psychic, or sensory overload the one thing that always brings me back to compassion and empathy is the connection between all living things.
I’m one of those who weeps at an Internet picture of a cat abandoned by society, just as much as I do for human victims of unspeakable things. None of us are any different when it comes right down to the basics. It’s what drove me to go through massage therapy school over ten years ago. I’ll never forget how everyone turned when, as one of the massage students I was asked, “what do you do now and why are you here?” I said, “I’m a professional psychic and astrologer and I want to see what lays beneath the surface of the skin.” People didn’t know where to look. Either that, or they rushed to come and say hello to me during the break. Continue reading
More Veggies, Less Soda
A healthy body is home to a happy soul. Growing up we were taught of the four basic food groups, but we never learned much more about healthy eating. Vegetables never played much of a role in my life.
I have faced challenges with my weight in recent years and it remains a daily challenge. Some of my clients have had it much worse and have been struggling since childhood. For them it has almost been like a ‘weight demon’ that has been attached to them all their lives. These people sometimes call me looking for help, after they had tried so many other things to lose the weight. It often has cost them a fortune. Continue reading
My Anti-Aging Secret
Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner. And, many of us are doing what we can to look our best for the upcoming summer events. Some of us are dieting frantically. Some of us are buying tanning packages or laying in the sun in the back yard trying to get that perfect tan to go with the new summer outfits. Some of us are getting laser treatments to remove unwanted hair. Some of us are getting our hair highlighted.
I admit, I am guilty of indulging in one or two of the above mentioned beauty and lifestyle techniques. But, I have one carefully guarded secret that I plan to share with the world today.
Quite often, I am met with disbelief and astonishment when I tell people how old I am. I am 41 yrs old. And, I am told that I look no older than 32. I’ve heard “twenty something” but, that is just pushing it. I am a mother of four and also grandmother. And, I honestly don’t have the time or money for expensive skin and hair treatments. Continue reading