Teaching Others How To Treat You
Do you also believe that we teach others how to treat us? It is a motto I have religiously adhered to for most of my adult life. However, I must add that I have made some radical changes to my ‘teaching strategy’ over the years, and this change in my approach has brought me much inner peace and harmony with others. I have learned that we can ‘teach others’ with much less fuss and drama.
In my early adulthood I used to take a firm stand on just about everything and everyone who I felt were out of line. I am someone who often feels compelled to stand up for others, as well as for myself and my beliefs. I also have this annoying habit of constantly wanting to side with the ‘underdog’ in any given situation. Like most empaths, I just cannot come to grips with any form of injustice or underhanded behavior. Circumstances that are unfair, dishonest or cruel really trouble me, and people who are unreasonable, inconsiderate or simply mean have always been one of my ‘pet peeves’. Continue reading
All That Cumbersome Impossibility
If you can change just one thing about the world we live in, what would it be?
The typical response from most people would probably be something along the lines of a standard beauty pageant response, such as ‘world peace’ or ‘global warming’.
Sure, these are all noble causes, but do they solve more than one problem?
What if there was an often overlooked and a very basic adjustment we could all make, something that could potentially revolutionize the society we live in? I mean, what would happen if we all simply gave up our attempts at trying to control, manipulate and coerce others into being what we expect them to be, or to behave in ways we expect them to? It may not solve all our problems, but it might just get us much further than we currently imagine possible. Continue reading
Is Your Reality Tunnel Being Hacked?
Many of us know, or at least believe, that we are powerful creators of our own reality and destiny.
Some of us go with the flow, weaving this divine knowledge intuitively into our daily existence, while others prefer to focus on it consciously, in an attempt to shape their lives more proactively.
Whatever your approach is, have you ever considered that while you are busy creating your own reality, you may also be busy creating someone else’s version of it? Have you ever considered that many of us may be shaping a future planned for us, by others?
There has been much debate and speculation in recent years about what ‘reality’ truly is. Many people, who are spiritually aware, need no convincing of these facts, but the jury is still out among the scientific community. Continue reading