holistic health
Drama, Chaos, Anger, Oh My!
I have known too many friends, relatives, family members and clients who have suffered needlessly because of disease (dis-ease) and many different health ailments, all because they couldn’t get away from negative people and situations. I have read for numerous clients that have called asking about relationships only to have the reading turn into a health reading for themselves, and my clients being completely freaked out that I could tell they were having the issues they were having without them even mentioning it to me.
I can tell right away by the sound of their voice the energy around them, as I can close my eyes and see their aura even from a distance on the phone. I can tell if there is someone around them emanating angry, negative tension which seems to cause a lot of health issues – from thyroid disorders to acid imbalances in the body. I want you to know that you don’t have to stay in unhealthy relationships, or be around psychic vampires and toxic people that are not good for your health. Continue reading
Run Your Body As You Would Your Car
Supposing you just bought yourself a brand new vehicle – top of the line with all the bells and whistles you could possibly afford. Chances are you would attempt to keep it in a secure environment out of reach from harmful elements.
You would probably also look forward to washing it with care every weekend; showing it off to your friends as often as possible; and plan all the roads trips you could manage to fit into your schedule.
When you fill your new car up with gas, you would try to get the best fuel available and might even consider special additives, just to ensure that this vehicle is maintained with the most loving care. You would check to make sure you inflated the tires to the manufacturer’s specifications, schedule the oil changes at the appropriate times, and ask the attendant to see if the oil and fuel filters need to be changed. Continue reading
Do Not Fill Your World With Loneliness
Are you lonely? We all experience times when we actually choose to have some ‘alone time’, but loneliness is not the same as choosing to be alone. Loneliness is being alone, but feeling saddened by it.
My husband is currently in hospital here in Spain and I am in awe of the number of family and friends constantly visiting patients in hospital here. This is encouraged by the doctors as the best aid in speeding up healing. They must know that loneliness is a response to the need to belong. Interpersonal relationships give us emotional health and the basic need to belong is as fundamental as the need to breathe, sleep or eat. Continue reading
The Longing To Connect To Source
Stress, whether it manifests as physical, emotional or spiritual, is a major factor in the depletion of our energy, resulting in us going out of balance. Meditation is a tried and trusted way of dealing with stress, raising energy and bringing balance. It is also favorable in achieving some other wonderful outcomes, including the direct experience of our connection to the unified field of intelligence, or “the void.”
The past two weeks have been considerably hectic for me, and I’ve missed my daily meditation. Meditation is instrumental in helping me feel aligned in body, mind and spirit for the kind of work I do, not to mention, assisting in dealing with the current chaos in my life! Continue reading
Ways To Improve Your Memory
I have been teaching memory classes for 15 years based on my practice of Yoga. There are many yogic techniques that can help improve and protect our memory.
The most powerful tool for memory is the spine. There is a spinal fluid that runs up the spine and feeds the brain. It brings oxygen, blood and nutrients to the brain. When the spine becomes restricted and tight, and is not properly stretched, worked and used, it restricts the flow of these nutrients to the brain. This causes memory loss.
I believe this is why many people who have had back injuries report to me that they also have noticed problems with their focus, concentration and memory. This is also why people who practice Yoga claim to have improved their focus, concentration and memory. The movement and strengthening of the spine is emphasized in Yoga. I also believe the movement in Yoga stimulates the Kundalini energy that moves up the spine, and that also improves memory. Continue reading
Three Crystal Cleansing Methods
Crystals hold energy, so when you first get a crystal it is best to cleanse them before use. This does not mean that the vibrational energy within the crystal is not valuable without cleansing, but I have found that cleansing my crystals regularly brings out the best quality of experience in crystal therapy.
Below are three methods of cleansing crystals. There are several different methods for cleansing, these are just three common methods and by no means a complete list of cleansing routines. It is best to find the method that works most effectively for you.
One thing to remember about crystals is they respond to intention. They can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect. It is important with all healing practices that you take a holistic approach, and adopt methods that assist you in many ways. Crystal energy is often subtle, but when someone aligns his or her intention to it through action it can create wonderful results. Continue reading
Crystal Therapy For The Seven Chakras
Stones and crystals have energetic properties to bring about balance within your energy body which is known as your chakra system.
The power of crystals are due to their resonant energy. Resonant energy is the vibrational quality of the things around us. Everything carries an energy signature, and the reason why crystals are quite popular in metaphysical practices is because the energy these crystals resonate is often at a higher frequency compared to other tools and esoteric objects. This is due to their unique matrixes and the minerals within each crystal.
Using crystals for energy healing is quite simple. You can carry the crystals around with you, wear them as jewelry, and also use them in your spiritual practices such as meditation. The best way to use the crystals is to set your intention, and then visualize the energy coming into alignment through the aid of the crystal. Continue reading