Change Your Karma For A More Fulfilling Life
It is true. Karma is real. And it can change your life. Whatever you think, say, or do… it always comes back to you. When you give selflessly, it always comes back. And when you hurt someone you are truly hurting yourself.
We are all created equal, and all equally valuable, whether we are on this, or that side of the world. We matter just the same. To think of yourself as better than others is always going to come back in a negative way. Not to mention the fact that it is not very attractive! It is vitally important to live with a mindset that allows us to be mindful of how we treat each other. I know this from many years of working with people all over the world. I also know this from my personal spiritual practice. Continue reading
An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind
I have certainly been trespassed against; maligned, misunderstood, abused and betrayed, as I suspect you may have too. Many of us have been hurt and wounded.
Some of my hurts occurred at a young and tender age, when there seemed to be no healing granted; when the best I could do then was retreat and lick my wounds alone.
Since that time so long ago, I have also seen much vindication. This ability to witness what I have called “the coming around of the going around,” hasn’t been only in seeing karmic issues resolved for little slights, but for big wounds as well. But what of forgiveness? Continue reading
You Can Love Others Without Harming Yourself
Some people are constantly looking for answers in others. They want so desperately to find that place where they will be forever happy, and centered, and complete. They look to others to find answers, insight and direction.
They sometimes find something that makes them feel content. But that only lasts for a moment. Then they are once again looking for something else to make them happy and feeling on the up and up. Their lives are a constant roller-coaster ride of highs and lows. They have sudden bursts of energy and happiness, then they are down again for the count, with that feeling of depression and helplessness that there is just no way out. Continue reading
What Are Your Gifts?
Have you ever wondered what your gifts are? What you came to this planet to do? What would make you the most happiest?
What your passion is, is what your gift to the world is. So many of my clients ask me what would give them the greatest amount of happiness. Sometimes I will look at their birth chart or just share what I’m picking up intuitively.
Often I will also share ways they can find out what their gifts are all on their own. There are a few steps:
1. Find your true nature beyond thought form. To regain awareness of being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization” is enlightenment. It’s here where we connect to our true self. It’s here we can find out what makes us most happiest. It’s an inner knowing! Continue reading
Watch Your Tongue, For Less Is More
We all know individuals we sometimes wish had a zipper attached to their lips. You know, those people who constantly gossip and speak out of turn, with a tendency to go on, and on, and on? Some people just don’t seem to care if people view them disrespectfully, or are annoyed by their verbal outbursts or destructive communication. They just don’t care. Period.
I have some personal experiences that you might relate to. How about a family member around whom you always have to watch what you say. Everyone is constantly walking on egg shells, for fear of saying the wrong thing, because this person will take it as a personal attack. You dare say something out of line… and you open a can of blah-blah-blah! Some people truly feel the world revolves around them. They take life much to seriously. Continue reading
A Legacy Of Unconditional Love
Recently, I was privileged enough to attend the celebration of life for my sweet cousin, Irene. She was clearly much loved. The hall not only had to have extra seats brought in, but it became standing room only.
What was so great about this little lady? Was she a politician in the public eye? A celebrity of some notoriety? Did she find the cure for a life threatening disease? Or was it the mere fact that she had spent 89 years of her life here on this plane? None of the above.
As a young girl, Irene would have been considered “wild”. She and a girlfriend not only took a bus trip across Canada, but also went by themselves to another country, which was not readily done in the early 40’s. But this is not what made her so remarkable. Her utlimate legacy was her ability to love others unconditionally. Continue reading
The Sixth Chakra
The sixth chakra, or Ajna is located at the brow, right between the two physical eyes. It is symbolized by a lotus with two petals.
The animal totem of the sixth chakra is the black antelope or black panther. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “A”. This is considered the intuition chakra and it is also referred to as the Third Eye.
It rules the sinuses, optic nerve, eyes, forehead and the frontal lobe of the brain. Its corresponding gland is the pineal gland.
The color for this chakra is a deep indigo. Foods to stimulate this chakra include Eggplant, blackberries, red cabbage.
Physically, Ajna deals with vision. Emotionally it deals with clarity on an intuitive level and mentally with visual consciousness. Spiritually it deals with compassion, empathy, foresight and psychic ability. Empaths, mediums, psychics, and intuitives usually have a very developed and open sixth chakra. Continue reading