Sleep Paralysis, Or Demonic Attack?
From the very first time I experienced sleep paralysis, there has been no doubt in my mind that I was being attacked by some dark force. This began to happen to me in 1999 and has continued until as recently as two months ago. The medical community would, however, attribute it merely to “sleep paralysis.” I beg to differ.
According to, sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person, either falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. One theory is that sleep paralysis is the result of disrupted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which normally induces complete paralysis to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, anxiety, and sleep apnea, however, it can also occur in isolation. Continue reading
Need Help? Just Ask Your Spirit Guides!
Talking to your Spirit Guide is an exciting and powerful privilege you have available to you each day and night. Anytime. Yet, we neglect doing so for many reasons.
Some don’t believe they have spirit guides, while others feel they would be burdening them. Some just are too busy and don’t want to carve out the time, or feel they have to do something special in order to connect, like having to light candles, or use a psychic divination tool of some kind.
None of this is true.
All you have to do to connect with your guides is to find a quiet place, quiet your mind and then telepathically communicate. You can speak to your guides just in your mind, or out loud using your voice. It is as casual as talking to a friend. Continue reading
A Homecoming To Ghosts Of The Past
After my mother passed away, my father re-married and moved away. Soon after I received a call from the people who bought the old house from my dad. They told me that they got my number from the neighbors and they wondered if I could help them with the otherworldly activity that was going on in that house. They had heard that I used to experience the paranormal presence there too. They did not know who else to turn to.
I agreed to come and see them, and when I finally pulled up in the driveway all the feelings from the past, of all the hauntings that I had experienced there, hit me quite hard. I knew once I walked in that door it was still going to feel the same. Continue reading
Take Note, You Receive Signs Every Day!
We get signs all the times from our spirit guides and angels, but we more often than not do not recognize them. We do not realize that some of the miracles that happen in our lives today, were revealed to us a long time ago. A good way to see these patterns of manifestation in our lives is to keep journal.
I often suggest to my clients that they write stuff down, even if it was from a dream they felt had no significance at the time. If the dream seems very strong it is best to write it down, because there is always reason why you had that dream. The same applies to personal intuitions and information you receive during readings that does not make sense at the time. Continue reading
A Ghostly Encounter On Vacant Land
One of the unusual paranormal experiences I have had with haunted homes began in August of the year 1999. My sister and brother-in-law at this time bought some land to build a new house. And since the land was still not dug into, the property offered a great opportunity to show my son what it was like to camp in the “great outdoors” with no electricity, and living “off the woods”. It was a fun way to give him a taste of how life was back in them good ‘ol days.
I expected it was going to be hard on him to be without a TV or computer games. But I had some ideas about how to entertain him. There was a small stream off the land, and there was plenty of fish to be caught. And then there was also the telling of ghost stories at night around the campfire, like my uncle told us kids when we went camping. Continue reading