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Taking Better Care Of Empaths

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDo you deeply and intensely feel the emotions of others, easily get sick or injured, and have a natural connection to all things spiritual? There’s about a one-in-five chance that you may be an empath.

Being an empath is different from someone who merely feeling empathy for others. The difference is being someone who is able to turn off the flood of emotions, against someone who is not. What a difference! A true empath literally feels everything, and that can be overwhelming.

It’s in the empath’s nature to take care of others at their own expense, which is why empaths often get moody or difficult. They may need more solitary time or exposure to the natural world than other people. Despite all of this, they are a gift to themselves and others, and they can learn defenses against the constant tsunami of incoming emotions. Continue reading

I Am Love – The Power Of Creating Your Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs an intuitive, I do my best to gauge how things are unfolding in a given situation. I gain insight from Spirit about how things are unfolding, based on the momentum of a situation.  That being said, I do not believe that we are fated into anything in this life, nor is our future static. I do my best to stay away from ‘fortune telling’ language, because it often takes away from the innate power of our own actions.

Every focused intention is a cause that will lead us to an effect. So, the best we can do in our lives is to ascertain what type of action creates an ideal circumstance. In my experience loving causes as a rule create the ideal circumstances and open up the highest path for the individual.

In the esoteric Christian tradition it is stated that, “God is Love.” So, to align with the will of Love is in essence aligning with the Creative Force of the Universe. It is certainly true that there is a higher effect when we are able to align with the will of Love. The challenging part is to ascertain Love’s will. Continue reading

Your Pain Is Telling You Something

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSpirit recently communicated the power of pain and the importance of forgiveness to me in a way I had never quite conceptualized before. Pain is a natural process of the human experience. It is a messaging system that tells us something is not quite right with our situation.

This is true for our physical body, as well as our emotional body. The difference between the two is that physical pain is often more easily recognized, and the appropriate steps to relieve and even to heal the pain can be taken when it is recognized. Emotional pain, however, is more often left unrecognized, or the messages that are being sent are pushed aside.

Both men and women are taught to suppress their pain. Traditional adages like, “boys don’t cry,” or “keep a stiff upper lip,” are reflections of emotional ignorance. We now also live in a society where we are being medicated for emotional issues at rapidly increasing rates, which only adds to the ignorance of our emotional state. Continue reading

Helping Each Other On Our Spiritual Journey

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt some point in our lives we all cross paths with an individual who has a more profound effect on us than anybody else ever will. Sometimes these memorable encounters are due to something someone said at a critical phase in our lives, and their words then echo on in the years ahead. Or it may be a kindness someone shows us unexpectedly.

Such was the effect of a fascinating man I met more than 20 years ago. Paul is an esoteric counselor and I studied palmistry with him, as well as having past life regression under his supervision. The past lives revealed during our sessions had a big influence on me to this day. They are as crystal clear as when I was regressed by him over two decades ago. Continue reading

Think Spring – A Message From My Guides

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the northern hemisphere the Spring season is now heralding warmer weather and new growth after a long, dark winter. With the blossoms that bring the promise of luscious foliage come the thoughts of new beginnings and infinite possibilities.

Every day you have the opportunity to create your own personal Spring. Yesterday has passed and tomorrow is but a thought. Today counts. This is the day over which you can have some control. This is the day wherein you can make commitments, keep promises and deliver expected results. Today is the day that you can help one another toward success. Today is the day that you can promote love and healing. Today is the day to listen, express empathy and support others. Today is the day you can be true to yourself. Today is the day wherein love triumphs. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 7 of 7) – Continued Creation

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt has been my experience that love is often the most universal message that people who have touched the other side bring back to us. That being said, even though love is the most important quality that we can express as human beings, there is also good reason to ally with love and forgiveness in our lives.

While we are on this planet our actions and contributions really do matter. As souls we are evolving and growing, and through this evolutionary process taking place on the soul level the planet too is in a process of evolution. Evolution is the creative dynamic that love creates.

In today’s final blog in this series I rely a bit on the esoteric traditions of spirituality that came before us, especially that of the Judeo-Christian and Jewish traditions.  As I do so, I want to be clear that there are many traditions that express and say these same things in different ways. My personal background is in Christianity, and most of my formal teaching related to religion and spirituality stem from this tradition. This is why my blogs contain some archaic Christian language as reference points for spiritual understanding. Continue reading

The 12 Universal Spiritual Laws – Part One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost spiritual seekers are aware of the more well-known Universal Laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. However, did you know there are several other spiritual laws that govern the Universe? Yes, there are! These laws can help you get the most out of life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

We all originate from the same source; we are linked to one another, as well as every energy and creature in the rest of the Universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought that we think, every action that we take, or indeed, everything we believe, are not insignificant, because they have the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending upon what thoughts, actions or beliefs we partake in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. It is important, therefore, that we practice kindness and understanding towards others, and extend love at all times to our fellow man, as this will, in turn, create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world at large. Continue reading

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