Patience Is The Key To Building Bridges
New relationships are not easy. Building that bridge between yourself and another person might get confusing, because of the past. When two people meet for the first time it can be very exciting for them both, and they will most likely have that ‘glow’ that is so bright around them. You can usually see a change both of them.
But as time goes by, it sometimes happens that one person begins to pull away, or pushes the other person away, because of their fears. They become anxious that what had happened to them in the past, might happen to them today. False hopes and broken promises are part of the baggage most of us carry into new relationships. Continue reading
Love Cord Connections Last An Eternity
When we truly love someone, we are eternally connected to that person – throughout all of our lifetimes. That love cord is never severed. No one, or nothing, not even the Archangel Michael can sever this cord with his sword.
It is true that love is the most powerful force and it is my belief that God is love. We get to bask in this blissful feeling in its entirety, which is much too much for our earthly minds to even comprehend. I do know that we get to taste a bit of it through the feelings we experience when we deeply love another person. It is our ‘taste of heaven’ here on earth and we can enhance the feeling through gratitude for that person that is in our lives. In turn we can also treat each other better, appreciate each other more, knowing that the moment truly is all that we have and it can be taken away at any moment. Continue reading
Lasting Love
I have done readings for so many people that swore their loved one would never return to them. Well, I just love getting updates or feedback from my clients telling me how wrong they were, and that what I was seeing was very much a real possibility.
If there is a love chord connection, the other person that you long for never is truly gone. They may be physically gone for a while, but never far in thought and spirit. I strongly believe, and know from experience, that we do communicate with loved ones we can’t be with in physical proximity. Instead we connect with them in the astral realm or “dream world.” Continue reading
Soul Mates And Twin Flames
Many have heard of the term ‘soulmate’, but have you ever heard the term, ‘twin flame’? Do you find yourself wondering what the difference is?
A soulmate has many meanings, and not limited to romance either. Soulmates can be co-workers, friends or those in your family.
Soulmates are anyone who has an influence in your life, whether it is positive or negative. These ‘soulmates’ have been with us in many lifetimes. Through each lifetime, we are reunited with these souls by continuing to evolve and learn with them.
A twin flame is the other half of your soul. Every single person on this Earth is born with a twin flame. Not all twin flames unite physically. Some will act as a guide and will always be with you spiritually.
After the soul has been through many trials and tribulations and has opened their heart and mind fully, the twin flame attraction can awaken for those who meet physically. Continue reading
Allow The Universe Time To Work Its Magic
Every psychic advisor has probably heard some variation of the question, “Why did he leave and how can he be happy without me?” or “How come she doesn’t love me anymore?” Along with these questions also come all the emotional tortures it may contain.
Each time I hear it my heart breaks, because based on the reading I receive for them, I typically have to say something like, “You are lovable! You are loved! Why do you think it is something that you did? How do you know he didn’t leave simply because he had to, because he just couldn’t handle his version of what being committed means. It has nothing to do with you and he actually misses you like crazy. He is sorry for what he did, and how his actions hurt you.” Continue reading
You Need Some Pop-up Preparedness
Life happens, therefore pop-ups happen to. What is a ‘pop up’? Well, a pop-up is something unforeseen that occurs to put a snare or trip you up in a negative way. It is a term I have invented for lack of a better one. I feel it’s a gentler way of describing those negative things that tend to pop-up during the course of our life that set us back in some way.
A family may have planned a very special time together, for example, and they had looked forward to it and patiently awaited that very enjoyable event. Then the phone rings and one of the parents has to go and tend to a new priority, and the child is left wondering what happened.
Well, what do we do in today’s world, where we live by the cell phones and social networking websites, and our friends’ and other people’s needs and desires, while putting those that we are supposed to treasure the most and love the most on the ‘back burner’. In the process our most intimate relationships suffer. Some of us just don’t know how to say no to those pop-ups! Continue reading
How Often Do You Count Your Blessings?
So often in this life things happen that are beyond our control. It is times like these that you have to look at that proverbial ‘silver lining’ and take a moment to stop and count your blessings.
Your husband leaves you after cheating on you for ten years. Legal issues aside, you may cry because you are alone, but are you really? The blessing in this case is clear – you lost a cheating husband and gained your life back! It may not seem like it right away but it will one day.
Your girlfriend decided that she wants to “test the waters and keep her options open”. Do you cry and moan, or do you count the many possible blessings here? Do you really want to make her your priority in life, while you are merely an “option” to her? Continue reading