Aries – Always Number One…Or Maybe Not?
The Sun moves into Aries upon the Spring Equinox, at the beginning of the astrological year, making March 21st to April 20th the approximate astrological dates for this first sign of the zodiac. Appropriate, considering the Ram’s motto might be “me first!”
Aries, the Ram, is not only the first sign of the zodiac, it is also number one in many other ways. People with a strong Aries influence in their chart are likely to be forthcoming, pioneering, and independent spirits. Just look at the sign’s glyph (symbol), which looks like a ram with its head lowered. It says it all.
Perhaps the most traditionally masculine sign in the zodiac, Aries is ruled by Mars (the god of war), its corresponding color is red, and it is a cardinal (leading) Fire sign. That’s some heady symbolism! No wonder that even the women born under Aries (think warrior types like Sarah Michelle “Buffy” Gellar, Lucy “Xena” Lawless, and pioneering feminist Gloria Steinem) are likely to have nerves of steel… or perhaps of diamond, another Arian symbol. Continue reading
Three Simple Secrets To Success
Have you ever wondered why some people become extremely affluent, while others do not? Is it because they are more intelligent, or have better looking physical features? Did they come from a more stable home environment? Did they receive nothing but encouragement as they were growing up? Maybe they have an extra set of ears, arms, or legs? How’d they do it?
Some of this might seem absurd, or possibly have a ring of truth, but be assured the wealthy and well-to-do actually do have something that many people are missing.
The first step to becoming prosperous is to find what you have neglected, or the piece that you are missing. Every single person on this planet has the ability to be successful. The only roadblocks to unlimited prosperity are our own fears, as well as disregarding our inherent qualities. Continue reading
Grounded In Spirit When Caring For Elderly Parents
I have a friend that is going through the challenging process of watching her aging mom dwindle away. Her mother is losing her memory and the ability to take care of herself the way she used to. So, I try to help when I can. For most of us it’s an issue that we will all most likely face one day.
The spiritual connection to our parents is often a relationship with a history that is very complex. Not everyone has a wonderful, loving relationship with their parents, right? Those of us who do, should never take it for granted. We are truly blessed. Continue reading
Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 1)
Although abalone is not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. Abalone used as a bowl for sage and clearing can help to intensify the release of negative energy in a house or office. Abalone can calm emotions and bring a “watery” serene feeling to one’s energy or to a situation. Abalone brings the element and energy of the sea into any home it is displayed in. Water is healing, cleansing, mystical and sharpens intuition. Wearing abalone can help with developing psychic visions and intuition. Wearing abalone will also bring a sense of peace and calm to the person wearing it.
This stone represents prosperity – not just financial prosperity, but also emotional, career and family life prosperity. Hang this stone over a door in your home or office to bring in new business. It is wonderful for entrepreneurs and people working in sales. This stone is important to have when starting a new business, job or financial venture. If you are going to ask for a raise, this stone will be great for meditation. This stone can help to release negative energy and is great for anyone in the arts as it facilitates creative expression. Continue reading
Preparing For The Change
You may be aware by now that there is a major change coming to our planet. We are already experiencing many earthly upsets, but because they sometimes appear distant and far removed from us we do not always make the connection.
Some of us will be alarmed, some will be complacent, while others will do everything in their power to deny all this will take place.
My job, as well as others, is not to convince you of anything except to encourage you to prepare for any change that might seem relevant to you. This could mean many different things.
For example, we have installed water barrels alongside our house, we are placing an airtight cooking stove inside our home. We will also put up a few solar panels. If nothing happens , fine, these items are still of great value to us. Should things go awry even on a small scale we will still be able to function with little fuss. Continue reading
Tree Insights
If you told me a month ago that I would have a conversation with a tree, I would most likely not have believed it. Not that I am closed off to such experiences, but rather because I have never had any kind of engagement with nature on this level.
This weekend I was hiking with some friends, and there was a moment when I was separated from them. One of my friends went ahead of me, and the other two lagged behind. We were on a train, so I was confident that we would eventually meet up. So, I appreciated this time to myself for reflection and contemplation.
I sat down and began to meditate. As I did so, I turned my attention to a very large tree that must have been there for hundreds of years. I recalled something that I had channeled in the book I was writing. I recently wrote about how everything has a spirit, including animals and plants. I had not really thought much about this in the past. Most of my spiritual insights have been associated with interactions with angels, spirit guides, and individuals who have passed on. This said, I am certainly open to interacting with the spirit’s of animals and plants. Continue reading