The Lessons Of Sagittarius
The Sun moved into the sign of Sagittarius, the Archer, on November 22nd and will remain there until December 21st. Sagittarius is a mutable (dual-natured) and masculine energy sign ruled by the element of Fire. If we look at its symbols, we can begin to better understand those born this time of year.
The constellation Sagittarius is a centaur – half man, half horse. Sagittarians are often said to have a logical, philosophical side, along with a more earthy, fun-loving streak, which represents mankind’s struggle between his heavenly and animalistic natures. Its glyph (astrological symbol) is an arrow pointing upward, which is appropriate for a sign whose nature is to constantly learn and question everything!
If you’ve ever known a Sagittarian, you’ll have known someone who is adventurous and seeks to explore every part of their life. Unlike some of the other Sun signs, these people may want knowledge for its own sake, or to satisfy personal curiosity. Continue reading
In Our Own Time
We come in to this existence, and later depart, according to our own timeline. My husband and I recently observed the one year anniversary of our daughter Kathy’s passing. As painful as her death continues to be for us, it is none the less something we have no choice but to deal with.
Kathy was a private and reclusive person and did not have a lot of really close friends. However, the ones she did have were especially precious to her and she nourished and valued those friendships. I had a phone call recently from one of her friends, who is still struggling with Kathy’s passing. She and Kathy were definitely kindred spirits and they turned to each other frequently when times got especially trying. Continue reading
Elizabeth And Me
I’m running the sole of my foot over the top of her soft, furry coat – from the crown of her head, all the way down to where her tail begins. She arches and luxuriates in this gentle and soothing caress.
We have been sharing this deeply healing form of intimacy for nearly 14 years. Elizabeth was a Christmas gift from a dear friend. Since her puppy days, have never been apart for more than a few hours. Never for a night! Whether it be wood, stone, clay, molded bronze, copper, gold or any material that is totally solid and bonded – we are made of that. Our togetherness is my greatest pleasure. Our love is my deepest treasure. She is my sunshine, my shadow and everything in-between. Continue reading
It’s Good To Get A Second Opinion!
I can’t speak for other psychic readers, or what they may do when it comes to this practice, but I personally encourage my clients to get a reading from a fresh set of eyes – someone with a new perspective on their situation that I may not be seeing. Want to see another reader? By all means!
Do we as readers get too close to our closest clientele? Can this affect our readings? I’d like not to think so. In some client cases I know both parties involved, I may even have done counseling for them. I’d like to think I keep a very objective outlook and that I’m able to see past any emotions and any triggers that may come up in the process of a psychic reading or counseling session. Continue reading
Creating Your Own Psychic Development Group
More and more spiritual seekers seem to be interested in joining forces with like-minded people these days. Some of my clients have expressed their interest in being part of a psychic development group, but they actually don’t know where to begin looking for such a gathering of souls.
The people I speak to come from all over the world, and so, it’s not that straightforward to recommend institutions or classes known to me. So, my suggestion is often, if you can’t find a suitable group in your area, why not start your own? A good way to start is with a few people and meet on a regular basis. Here you will be able to share your gifts and interests. Continue reading
Love Many, Trust Few
There are few people you can trust to tell your innermost secrets. Be careful who you choose as your close companions. I have many clients who have trusted people they thought were able to keep a secret or just be discreet as a friend. When you share your problems and concerns randomly with those that you might deem “confidants”, they sometimes will let down, or give you bad advice.
I have personally learned through experience to not share sensitive personal information with just anyone. Trust me, you will save yourself a bunch of grief in the long run. But that does not mean we should never talk or open up to anyone. Sometimes silence can be our worst enemy. There are times in life when we have to reach out and talk to someone! The key is to choose wisely who you confide in. We must all learn the fine art of loving many, but trusting few. That is the way to go. Continue reading
Drama, Chaos, Anger, Oh My!
I have known too many friends, relatives, family members and clients who have suffered needlessly because of disease (dis-ease) and many different health ailments, all because they couldn’t get away from negative people and situations. I have read for numerous clients that have called asking about relationships only to have the reading turn into a health reading for themselves, and my clients being completely freaked out that I could tell they were having the issues they were having without them even mentioning it to me.
I can tell right away by the sound of their voice the energy around them, as I can close my eyes and see their aura even from a distance on the phone. I can tell if there is someone around them emanating angry, negative tension which seems to cause a lot of health issues – from thyroid disorders to acid imbalances in the body. I want you to know that you don’t have to stay in unhealthy relationships, or be around psychic vampires and toxic people that are not good for your health. Continue reading