flowers and plants
Tree Insights
If you told me a month ago that I would have a conversation with a tree, I would most likely not have believed it. Not that I am closed off to such experiences, but rather because I have never had any kind of engagement with nature on this level.
This weekend I was hiking with some friends, and there was a moment when I was separated from them. One of my friends went ahead of me, and the other two lagged behind. We were on a train, so I was confident that we would eventually meet up. So, I appreciated this time to myself for reflection and contemplation.
I sat down and began to meditate. As I did so, I turned my attention to a very large tree that must have been there for hundreds of years. I recalled something that I had channeled in the book I was writing. I recently wrote about how everything has a spirit, including animals and plants. I had not really thought much about this in the past. Most of my spiritual insights have been associated with interactions with angels, spirit guides, and individuals who have passed on. This said, I am certainly open to interacting with the spirit’s of animals and plants. Continue reading
Visitation From Grandpa In My Meditation Garden
I like to spend time in my meditation garden. It’s a very healing place I go to connect with my higher self, spirit guides, the guides of my clients, and loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes it is a place I go to just sit and be still and enjoy the sweet smells of all the wonderful different flowers that live there.
The other day I was focusing on my time with my Grandpa and just embracing gratitude for that wonderful experience. I was focusing on the first visitation I had from him about a month after his passing, when he came to me to tell me he loves me. He told me telepathically that he was okay and doing fine. He told me he would come through again if he could, and he did. Continue reading
Meeting Your Spirit Guide
Having a Spirit Guide who is there to constantly help and support you can be one of the greatest assets available to all of us. If you are already familiar with your guide, I am sure you would assure others how beneficial this can be. It is not difficult to connect with your own Spirit Guide. It takes only a few quiet moments of meditative visualization… and the rest is easy.
The first thing you need to do is to close your eyes and prepare yourself for an enjoyable journey. Picture yourself outside an enclosed garden with one entrance and one exit. The garden is on a raised platform with steps leading up to it, and it contains the most beautiful array of magnificent flowers that you can imagine. Approach the first step up into the garden. As you place your feet on the first step, take a deep breath and then exhale. Now step up to the second step, take a deep breath and exhale. Then step up to the third step, take a deep breath and exhale, until you reach the entrance. Continue reading
The Powerful Properties Of Lavender And Sea Salt
If you’re looking for natural, organic ingredients to purify, cleanse and detoxify yourself and your space, there’s no better choice than lavender and sea salt – two ingredients that are relatively inexpensive and easily found. You can even make potpourri or enjoy a relaxing bath with homemade salts without breaking the bank.
Depending on your preference, and its intended use, you may wish to obtain your lavender in crushed or essential oil form. Either can be found at an esoteric or herbal shop. In crushed (flower) form, lavender is well-known for its aromatic quality and can be mixed with another floral scent if preferred. Lavender is also famous for its autoimmune properties and ability to stimulate mental clarity, including psychic ability. Continue reading
Say Good Morning To The World
Yesterday was a real hard one for me; too many things going wrong: kids not observing rules, friends who just needed a few minutes to talk, family calling with one problem or another, and then being notified to fill in at work at the last minute.
Good morning to the World.
There I went, off to the craziness of another day in the old rat race of work, and family chaos.
But this morning I took a different approach, by returning to my usual daily routine. Seeing the Sun rising high in the East, I went outside to sit on the bench with my second cup of espresso. To charge up my energy I started singing O’ Sole Mio in a clear, strong voice. This is the best way to welcome the blessings of another day – before everyone else wakes up. Continue reading