Seeing Clearly By Way Of Faith
Most of us face a roller-coaster life. We have our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations. We sometimes feel tempted to say things we shouldn’t, and we are sometimes unable to put that chocolate chip cookie down when we know we should.
We live in a world where there are temptations all around us. That little voice in our head tells us to do it, when our intuition says it would hurt us. We are sometimes left conflicted and double-minded.
But when we have faith we act and speak wisely. Faith helps us to choose the path of wisdom and it instills insight. When we choose to think negatively, and turn away from faith, that is when obstacles enter into our life. Continue reading
A Mother’s Love
I still cry when I hear that beautiful song Mamma by Claudio Villa. Growing up on a small island in Central Italy, I remember my mother’s daily prayers and all her sacrifices. Those examples have always followed me. They are still my daily support and strength.
I cried today in church as well, while singing the Ave Maria. My lovely mother Margherita passed on July 8, 1991 and although she is not with me physically, she is here in my heart, supporting and guiding me from above. She has been my spiritual guide since 1998, when my first girl was born and I named her Margherita too. I always loved my mother’s name, which in Italian is the name of a flower known as “Daisy” in English.
It was during that very difficult pregnancy that my mom came to me for the first time. She spoke to me and I knew her when she walked into my room. I smelled her perfume. She loved the Vele Al Vento fragrance and I that way I knew she was there for me. Continue reading
The Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, or Anahata is located in the heart center. It is symbolized by a circular flower and 12 green petals called heart-mind. The animal totems of the fourth chakra are the antelope, dove and nightingale. The musical note that resonates with this chakra is “F”. This is considered the heart chakra and love chakra.
The color is green. It rules the shoulders, heart, blood circulation, upper back and lungs. Foods to stimulate the fourth chakra include Lettuce, kale, zucchini, spinach and all green vegetables. The corresponding gland is the Thymus. Physically, Anahata governs the immune system, all blood related issues and circulation. Mentally it governs connection with others’ personal power, while emotionally it governs empathy, compassion, romance, friendship and family love, and spiritually it directs unconditional love. Continue reading
Be Kind To Yourself And Others
The nightmare continues every day. The very thing we fear the most has come to look us right in the face, staring in our eyes. We are at a turning point. We can give up, turn run for the hills, to hide, but still there is the demon of fear lingering around the deep recesses of our mind.
This little imp taps us on the shoulder, reminding us of all the stupid things we did, all the hurtful things, how we messed up, time after time. Surely this little devil of fear tells us we can see how we don’t deserve to reach our dreams, or accomplish our goals. We messed up time again, no one agrees with us, we are reminded that “they” are so much smarter, did things exactly right every time.
Stand back! Truly look at everything from all sides. Become like an eagle, or an owl, or a hawk, with eyes that see far beyond the surface where the heart lies. Continue reading
The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love
The need for true love and meaningful romance is a profound longing we all share as spiritual beings in human form. But finding the love of your life is not an easy feat in this day and age. Yes, the pursuit of romantic love is certainly not for the weak and cowardly.
I have heard many weary love pilgrims claim they have called off the search. Many even choose to believe that they no longer want an intimate relationship with anyone; they are completely content to remain single and unattached for the rest of their lives. Who needs a soulmate after all, right? The truth is that we all share a deep-seated need for affection and authentic connection with that one special mate. And deep down we all know it. Continue reading
Forgiveness Meditation
As difficult as it is to forgive, remember that forgiveness is about freeing yourself. Freeing yourself from pain, anger, fear and attachment to unhealthy people and situations, is vital on our journey to enlightenment.
The following is a powerful forgiveness meditation I created for my Kundalini yoga classes. My clients who have done this meditation have told me that they felt lighter, as if an emotional weight had fallen off of them. Many have said the next time they saw someone they had resentment toward, they felt like crying, hugging them or telling them they had forgiven them.
1. Sit in the easy pose (on the ground, legs bent, spine straight).
2. Close eyes. Continue reading