Ghosts Are Real
Are ghosts real? I certainly know that they are, because I have come face-to-face with them during paranormal investigations. Many paranormal experts claim there is scientific evidence that they are real. Believers say that skeptics are not listening to what is in front of them, but skeptics say that any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation and that those who are chasing ghosts are fooling themselves. All I know I is this: I have seen ghosts right in front of me… standing there, looking right at me.
I have been to many haunted sites and sometimes ghosts can be downright nasty, not to be confused with spirits. Ghosts do not know that they are dead, and they can become very annoyed when you are in a house that they dwell in. In these cases you are the intruder. I have had objects thrown at me, heard voices telling me to get out. I always smudge myself with sage. I use it before and after an investigation so that nothing attaches to me.
Do You See Dead People?
That is one of the first things I ask people that take my psychic development class. When I first started my professional career as a psychic medium, people often asked me the same question. I used to be a little reluctant to answer.
Now, my quick reply is simply, “Why, yes I do.” Even though I am a medium, when they sometime appear in a place I’m not expecting the pleasure of their company, it can still startle me. My first reaction is to simply ask spirit what they would like me to know? Am I simply invading their space? It is my experience that spirit will try to get our attention in various ways. Continue reading
Otherworldly Contact
My husband, daughter and I have been personally involved in removing harmful spirit entities and negative energy forces from people’s homes and businesses. Although some of these had been as terrifying as you could possibly imagine, there always was an element of excitement attached to it from our perspective. Luckily for us, we were maybe too foolhardy or arrogant at the time to comprehend the real dangers involved.
We sometimes had such a vast supply of puzzles and paradoxes to solve, that we thought at one time we may have reached our limit. Fortunately, not all spirit entities are dangerous. Some are completely benign and have seem to derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from sharing a co-existence with their human counterparts. We once even found two spirits residing in the same home for many years, with no idea of each other’s existence, and they did not seem to care. Continue reading
The Paranormal Power Of Cats
Cats are often depicted in ancient Egyptian art and artifacts. The Egyptians actually worshiped cats as gods, and believed that they took on a spiritual importance. They were considered to be a sacred animals with magical powers.
Ancient Egypt was said to be one of the most advanced civilizations in human history, capable of architecture, that by today’s standards would be difficult, if not impossible to construct. But, did they also possess otherworldly knowledge that has been forgotten?
Some myths and folklore also claim that cats can walk in and out of the spirit world with great ease and at will. It was also believed that when a house cat would disappear, with no plausible explanation, that it had found a portal to the other worlds and is exploring them and will return just a mysteriously as it had disappeared. Continue reading
Ghosts On The Coast Of Maine
Whenever I do a house party on the coast of Maine, the first question most of the guests ask me is, “Do you feel or see anyone around me?” Or, “Do you see or sense spirit in any of the rooms or around the house?”
Well, to be very honest I have never been in any home or dwelling that did not have any spirit in residence. They typically hang around a house because they used to live in it, or at some time in the past they were on that property for some reason.
When I am asked to check in, to see who may be in residence, spirit will speak to me in my head, or show themselves. They also like to move objects. Why? Because they can. Often, they will move a picture off center, especially a picture of themselves, just to let you know they are around. Continue reading
Shadow People, Pixies And Other Unseen Visitors
Whether it’s ghosts, shadow people, Tall Man with a Hat, The old Hag, or pixies, we’ve all experienced mystical beings in some form or another. Some of us have had minor insignificant encounters, while some of us deal with these entities every day. And, there are those who experience very violent encounters with some of these beings. I personally, have had my fair share of the worst kinds of attacks. And, I find myself dealing with the mischievous little pixies almost daily.
If you don’t know what a pixie is, let me explain. They are little spirit beings. About the size of a dragonfly. Some suggest they are cute little fairies, such as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Others depict them as gruesome and very disturbing to look upon. I honestly can’t say for certain, as they move so quickly I have never gotten a good look at one of them. Continue reading