highest good
This Time I Won!
About 15 years ago, I was house hunting for my second home. I found a place in a remote community in the woods. It was my dream home. It was like a fairy house, complete with a creek running through the yard.
It had this amazing rock wall surrounding it that looked like a castle wall. It was very private, with a secluded community of other fairy, woodsy magical house lovers. I just knew it was my house! It felt like destiny. But was it?
Most psychics will tell you that we cannot really read for ourselves and, when we do try, it usually is not very successful. We often get things very wrong for ourselves. Continue reading
The ‘Can Do’ People
Some of us are ‘can do’ people, while others are always saying, “No can do.” Who would you rather be? This has given me food for thought. What do I really tell myself about my own abilities? Can I really do what I want to do, or am I going to do whatever it may be?
Some people tell themselves that they are not smart enough to do what they want to do for their life’s work. Their mind is already made up. No can do. They go through life accepting and settling for their second, or even third choice.
Others have the attitude, when told they can’t possibly do something, they will show the world they can accomplish anything they choose to do. They believe they can achieve anything they put their mind too. Continue reading
Happiness Comes From Your Own Actions
People are too often stuck in a dark place in their lives, thinking that only a relationship, or financial gain, or a new job or house, is going to bring them happiness. The Dalai Lama says, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Take a moment to reflect on this statement. It is the simple truth, yet so many of us have a difficult time relating to the simplicity of it.
We have been brought up in a world where it is often believed that happiness is only achieved through external or material sources. But you and I are each responsible for our own happiness. This is a difficult statement for many to comprehend. How can that be? I have nothing. I am alone. I do not have a job. I do not have money in my bank account. I do not have a soulmate to love me.
The answer is very simple. No one else is responsible for your life, or your happiness. You are the sole creator of your reality. Do you choose to be happy, or miserable? Continue reading
The Real Rewards Of Paying It Forward
What does it mean to ‘pay it forward’ from a spiritual perspective? On a simple level, paying it forward means we take a gift of kindness and pass it along to the next recipient, almost like a karma chain. We’ve all probably experienced such a gift, whether it was a cup of coffee, or a new car. But why do it in the first place? We’re all told that humanity is selfish, not selfless.
If we look at paying it forward beyond the superficial ‘it feels good,’ we see that it really does make us feel better on a physical and psychological level. Stress and depression rates are much lower for those who regularly volunteer, or perform acts of charity and kindness. Our brain experiences a ‘happiness boost’ almost immediately. Life expectancy is also higher for those who volunteer, compared to people who don’t. Doing selfless things simply does make us feel good. Continue reading
Hanging On To The Wrong Person
As I continue to take calls and questions from people in pain, the one common denominator in many of these questions is the effect another person is having on the caller’s life.
So many people are in relationships with the wrong person. They hang onto someone, just waiting for things to change or be different. However that is usually not what happens. People do not change for another person, and if they do, it never lasts or works out in the long run. People can only change themselves for themselves, in order to make it last.
Hanging onto the wrong person in your life – whether it be a friend, family, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, and even a boss, can hold you back from having your best and highest good in life. It can keep the amazing blessings that are waiting for you from coming in. Continue reading
When Tarot Cards Are ‘Wrong’
As a Tarot reader through many seasons, I have seen for myself where interpretation, listening to instinct and understanding the true meaning behind the cards makes for a better and more rounded reading. But perhaps the Tarot in and of itself will want to play tricks on you. This too I have seen many times!
People tend to misunderstand the Tarot, its meaning, and more importantly, its true purpose. It was never intended as a fortune telling tool per se. It can only be through careful study and a willingness to open one’s mind and heart, that reading the Tarot can be truly successfully mastered. Yes, even to the point of predicting time frames – something clients love, of course, but which can be very tricky to predict. Reading the cards correctly and imparting correct advise is crucial when it comes to time prediction. Continue reading