animal medicine
Cats Are Great Spiritual Teachers
When I think of the word love I think of my two cats. I have two cats and love them dearly. Most of the people I know also own cats, but we all seem to agree that we don’t really own our cats… our cats own us. We also agree that our lives are better, sweeter and more peaceful with our sweet precious cats. I feel a home isn’t truly a home unless there is a cat that dwells in it.
Cats are highly intuitive and very sensitive. They sense energy and can pick up on static electricity, ultrasonic sounds and changes in vibration. The cats I have lived with over the years always informed me in their own unique way of impending earthquakes, or some form of extreme weather that was approaching. Continue reading
Invite Healing Into Your Life
Too often, in this modern world of ours, we seem to get sick, or just not feel quite right? It’s not a matter of more germs. Most of us are simply out of balance with our many psychic energies.
When we don’t connect properly to nature, or don’t get the proper amount of sleep, or eat food that doesn’t nourish us, we are inviting sickness. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Just as there are many types of western medicine, many branches of energy and spiritual healing also exist. Which one is right for you? The answer doesn’t have to be just one. Whether you choose to heal with acupressure or chakra medicine, crystals or aromatherapy, there is a solution out there for you. Continue reading
Cats Among Us
Everyone enjoys companionship in some way, shape or form. One of my favorite sources is the domestic cat. I believe those of us who are “owned by cats” will live longer than those who live without at least one cat in their life.
Think of their versatility: home defense against small varmints, free earthquake alarm, lap warming, purr therapy, and so much more. However, the main reason why I love my two cats so much is their silent gift of unconditional love. Cats are very ritualistic. They tend to come to you when you need them the most. It’s almost like they can feel your energy, they just sense when you need a friend, and without a thought, they are there, to comfort, heal and love. When I go to bed every night, my cat always jumps up and sleeps near my head. Faithfully every night. Continue reading