star signs
Going Beyond Your Sun Sign
When I began studying Astrology, I only focused on the Sun signs, or birth signs, without acknowledging all the other planetary influences that are equally important in person’s chart. An astrological natal chart reflects the planetary alignment at the exact time we are born into the world, which makes us all incredibly unique.
If you want to understand a relationship dynamic or yourself in-depth, a professional astrologer can break down the strengths and challenges of the situation using astrological data. There are also free resources online that can generate a basic astrology report which summarizes each planetary aspect for you.
The planets that fall within each astrological chart and their meaning are as follows:
1. The sun is who you show to the world.
2. The moon is your heart and emotions.
3. Your rising or ascendant sign is how you look.
4. Mercury is your communication and how you think.
5. Venus is how you love and show affection.
Destiny In Your Hands – The Art Of Palmistry
It is sometimes said that our destiny lies in our own hands. Well, it is true. Literally. With the ancient art of palmistry we can learn deeper truths about ourselves and, yes, even our destiny.
Palmistry, also known as Chiromancy, is the divination of meaning by reading hands. Someone new to this field may think that palmistry is only about the lines on the palm of the hand. However, the size and length of the fingers themselves, fingernails, and the ratio of the digits, all also hold deeper meaning.
Each of us has a dominant hand. The aspects of this hand usually represent the part of ourselves we project to the world, much like our Sun sign in Astrology. The less dominant hand represents our more hidden aspects and desires, which corresponds to our Moon sign. It’s therefore best to examine your dominant hand for an accurate reading.
Digging Deeper Into The Signs Of The Zodiac
Astrology fans are often familiar with the general traits of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. For example, we may know our best friend is headstrong because she is Aries, or we might have a moody Cancer parent, or a wisecracking Sagittarius coworker. But how well do we really know the deeper characteristics of each sign?
Each sign has, for example, a hidden side – and it is not just signs such as Gemini or Pisces, which we often associate with duality. Plus, each person’s natal or birth chart is unique! No two charts are alike, just as no two people are exactly alike.
The Fire signs are stereotyped as confident go-getters, who know exactly what they want from life and are born leaders. However, Aries, as the first sign of the Zodiac, seems confrontational to some, but can be sensitive and even childlike. Think of the charging ram versus the meeker sheep. Leo the lion comes across as egotistical and uncaring, putting everyone else below her, but she is also the protector of her pride and makes an excellent parent and confidante. And Sagittarius is literally of two worlds: the horse (animal) side symbolizing wild abandon and humor, and the human, philosophical part which is serious-minded and appreciates deeper meaning.
Traits Of Your Leo Child
A child born between July 23rd and August 22nd is a Leo. Leos are the sign of the actor. Yes, they are very dramatic! They can make you laugh with their animated expressions and dramatic response to your every word.
But Leo children also have tempers. They can be very explosive, crying, even screaming, when they don’t get what they want. Fortunately, they can then turn around in a second and begin laughing and playing again. They tend to get over things quickly. Leo children are generally happy. They smile all of the time, except for when they are having those explosive tantrums.
Leo kids are very physical and athletic. They are often found outside climbing trees, playing ball, or running around. Leos are also one of the hardest signs to get to sleep. They are fire balls of energy and they are so excited about life, they don’t want to sleep and miss out on any fun. Keeping them in sports and performing arts will help them burn off their tremendous amount of excess energy and stay focused in school.
Your Life Path Number
When it comes to our birthdays, we may think of our zodiac sign first, but did you know numerology is just as insightful? Each of us has a Life Path number which can be easily determined by our date of birth.
For example, the Life Path number for someone born on January 14, 1974 is 9. January is the first month of the year (1). The 14th reduces to 5 (1+4). The year 1974 reduces to 3 (1+9+7+4=21; 2+1=3). When we add each of these together, we get 9 (1+5+3).
Everyone has a Life Path number between 1 and 9. Life Path 1 people are, not surprisingly, natural leaders and go-getters. Their 2 counterparts are usually peacemakers and diplomats, as in the phrase, “I am second.” A 3 person is usually creative and good at connecting with others, while 4’s are pragmatic problem-solvers. If you have a 5 Life Path, you are a compassionate person determined to better the world. Those born under 6 tend to be domestic and make good parents, while 7 people are known for being investigative and quick minds. If you have an 8 as your life path, you are ambitious and must guard against being a workaholic. And those under 9 are known for their compassion and warmth.
Traits Of Your Cancer Child
A child born between June 21st and July 22nd is a Cancer. Home and family are very important to children born under this zodiac sign. Anything relating to family and home life will tend to make them very sentimental. Cancers tend to keep elaborate scrapbooks or make videos of special family moments. They are extremely attached to the home, and especially to their mothers.
Cancer is not only a water sign, they actually love water! If your child or baby is having a rough day, sometimes just a warm bath, or a little time in the pool or at the beach, can help calm them down and rejuvenate their soul. They might also love to wash their hands, so let them help with the dishes!
Cancers tend to be highly empathetic. They are very caring, loving and affectionate. They need a lot of affection and love in return, to feel happy and secure. Keep a close eye on them and make sure they aren’t absorbing other’s negativity, or becoming overwhelmed by other people’s emotions.
Has Your Astrological Sign Changed?
Reports have been circulating in the media that scientists discovered that everyone’s zodiac sign has changed, due to a permanent shift in the constellations. The truth is this theory has actually been around since the mid-90’s, and has been causing quite a stir in metaphysical circles ever since.
A scientific study that measured the shift in the Earth’s axis (called the wobble) cites that the constellations are no longer moving in sync with the ancient dates and astrological positions originally assigned to signs of the zodiac in early times. This cast a lot of doubt and has been confusing people as to just what their actual sign might be. Of course, it also gave eager skeptics one more reason to point out why astrological practices aren’t valid.
Unfortunately, the scientists and skeptics who promote these claims base their entire theory on a misconception about how the signs of the zodiac came into being, and what they are really based on. In truth, the signs, degrees and divisions of the zodiac have no connection to the heavenly constellations that bear their same names.
The zodiac signs were originally assigned to an ‘elliptical belt’ that surrounds the earth based on the seasons of the year, rather than the stars above. An easier way to understand this is to remember that our seasons start on the first day the Sun enters a particular sign. The first day of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) corresponds to the onset of Aries; Summer to the first day of Cancer; Autumn to the first day of Libra; and Winter to the first day of Capricorn. Continue reading