Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 2
In my first blog in this series, I touched on some reasons why people cheat on their partners or spouses. But there is never an excuse for cheating. I was given permission by two of my clients to share with you their experiences with cheating. It is my hope and theirs that in sharing these stories readers in a similar situation may find some insight, answers or advice for their own circumstances. Today’s story is about Diane.
Married for 22 years to Michael, her high school sweetheart, Diane found out that Michael’s business trips had not been all about business. At one of these “conventions” he was attending, he met up with another women who he took to his hotel room. When Diane called that evening to say hello, she could tell intuitively that something wasn’t right. She even heard Emily for a brief moment in the background. Michael lied and told her it was room service, but she knew different. Continue reading
Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 1
Many times I will do a reading for someone who wants to know if their mate is cheating on them. Sadly, more times than not lately, I find that my clients suspicions are accurate, in some way, shape or form. But what constitutes “cheating.” There are all types of cheating and to some people one form of cheating may not be considered cheating at all.
One form of cheating is you’re dating someone and you are considered an established couple, but that person is also seeing others behind your back. Why do they cheat? Some feel it’s because they don’t really love their boyfriend or girlfriend, while some say they do it to see if the one they are with is really the one they want to be with. They claim the only way to find out is to date, or be with someone else. The whole “if it’s meant to be they will come back” concept. Continue reading
Time Apart Is Healthy For Your Relationship
Have you noticed that your relationships with partner, friends and even family members are much better when you see them less often? There is real wisdom in the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
When we are around the same person for a very long time, they tend to eventually bore, frustrate, or annoy us. Time away is vital. We all need space to recharge our batteries and newly appreciate the people in our lives.
I know this is tried and true from having done may psychic readings over the years for people who found relief, and even rebirth, in their relationships after they had been away from their lovers, spouses, wives, husbands mothers, sisters, or friends. Not only did they ultimately appreciate their loved ones more, but they also got along much better with them. Continue reading
Letting Go Of Toxic Love
I have been reading for many years for a lady who is one of my dearest clients. I just love her to pieces. But I did not love the situation she was in with the man in her life, and neither did she. But it took her a long time to come to terms with him.
She was raising their child, while she worked and paid all the bills. Meanwhile, he did as he pleased and did very little to contribute to their home or their relationship. Neither did he make any effort to support her and their child. He has substance abuse problems. When he drinks he uses foul language and doesn’t exercise good judgment. Most of all he isn’t a good role model for their child.
He basically just drank and smoked, while he lay around all day. “And on top of that he eats me out of house and home!” she used to say. Continue reading
Not A People Person Or Pleaser, And It’s Okay!
I have had clients tell me that they feel something is wrong with them, because they don’t like to be around people. They prefer solitude. Others feel disconnected when around people, or it makes them feel smothered. People make them feel drained, or they feel out of their element.
If you are someone that does not like to be around people, or feels a sense of disconnect when in large groups, or even just engaging with others, fear not! I have some very good news to share with you.
It is my hope and prayer that this information will help you to stop being so hard on yourself when it comes to your social preferences. You do not need to feel guilty for not wanting to slap on a “happy face” and pretend to be someone you are not. Continue reading
Protect Yourself From Toxic People
I want you to know that you’re not the only one who may have people in your life draining you, and making you feel downright guilty and sick. This is what I call toxic love. Why do we stay with these people, or why do we continue to allow these people into our space and environment?
I’m sure you know why we allow some of them…we have no choice! They are is family, sometimes our friends and distant relatives, and sadly often times our life partners and spouses. Being a very empathic person myself, I am very sensitive to the energies around me. I know what it is like to be surrounded by energy thieves. Continue reading
Desperately Seeking Soulmate
As a psychic reader I often deal with questions about love and relationships. Many clients have questions about meeting their soulmates, and I usually explain what a soulmate is and then immediately help them out with the proper terminology.
I’m a Virgo, so naturally I have to be precise. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or annoyance, but my clients always seem grateful for the knowledge. Sometimes I will just email them additional information, as I don’t want long explanations to cut into precious reading time. If you want to know the difference between the three kinds of soul connections read my blog post titled: Soulmate, Twin Flame or Spirit Twin? Continue reading