Rediscover Your Natural Psychic Talent
Am I psychic? People ask this question all the time, and the answer is unequivocally, yes! As children, our psychic gifts are obvious to us in the forms of our vivid dreams and daydreams. We also experience strong intuitions about people and objects, and even our imaginary friends, who are really our spiritual guides. But what happens when we get older? Why do most of us lose this part of ourselves? It’s common to hear skeptical people say that psychic abilities do not exist. The truth is that we’re all born with a particular psychic gift, and sometimes more than one.
Think about the last time your instinct reacted strongly. Was it telling you the location of a lost object? A winning combination of lottery numbers? Perhaps the feeling that an old friend would call? These feelings are all forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP), and they are glimpses of what is to come from the universe. They’re also usually correct. Continue reading
Astragalomancy – Divination With Dice
A bone throwing reading I did for a client recently prompted me to go back to some of my old notes on using dice as a divination tool. Using dice to divine is known as Astragalomancy.
Many of my clients are fascinated by some of the unusual items to be found in my bone-throwing divination pouch. I have some interesting pieces, from the original animal bones I was given during my training in this shamanic art, to crystals and other trinkets which all have a special personal meaning to me. Because of the special meaning attached to each item, it often adds extra depth to an interpretation. I also use different types of dice, which I combine with the bone throwing, including the more familiar dice with numbers to some I have with African wildlife images carved into them. Continue reading
What’s Your Number?
Using some of the basic numerology information derived from a person’s name and date of birth, can add extra dimension to a psychic reading. Numerology can reveal some interesting additional information.
The principles of Numerology are used in Tarot, Astrology, the Kabbalah and esoteric Judaism, among other metaphysical disciplines.
From your date of birth and name, your life purpose, potential, and personality can be ascertained, as well as some additional fine detail.
Each letter of your name corresponds to a number. Each number represents certain qualities.
1 – New beginnings, assertiveness, leadership, individuality. Negative: Stubbornness, bullying, deep seated inferiority complex. Continue reading
Afterlife Signs From The Dearly Departed
When someone close to us passes on they often give us signs to let us know that they are still around. Our loved ones are very eager to let us know that everything is fine with them when they cross over.
Those who have passed on still know what goes on in our daily lives and they still love us. They want us to know that. Not all of us can always sense them around us, that doesn’t mean they will not give us a sign.
These signs from the other side come in different ways, shapes and forms:
Animals & Insects
Loved ones often come to us in the form of an animal or other creature, from a butterflies and puppies to birds and wild animals. These animals might show up from nowhere, cross our path, call to us from outside, fly into a room, or even land on us! The Monarch butterfly is a well-known symbol of loved ones visiting us from the spiritual realm. Continue reading