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Psychic Predictions Are Potentialities

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have had readings with psychics and mediums that are considered the best of the best, and some of their information and predictions did not always work out so well. But I have always understood from a spiritual perspective that this is something that can happen from time to time.

People usually contact a psychic or medium for reading because they have questions and concerns. They are looking for answers, for guidance and support. Most people are looking for advice and closure in times of strife or turmoil – to give them hope that the sun will indeed rise again tomorrow. Of course, many people also hope to receive predictions about future outcomes.

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Pay Attention To Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe that all dreams have some level of meaning and value in our lives. Dreaming is not only the way the subconscious deals with our time-space, physical reality, but they often also have psychic or spiritual significance. I am a strong advocate of paying attention to our dreams, rather than just relegating them to the sidelines of our human experience.

Even our so-called ‘pizza dreams’ can hold significant meaning in our life. Pizza dreams are highly realistic and very bizarre dreams that we often believe actually happened when we wake up, despite them being outrageously improbable. They are called pizza dreams, because of the urban myth that we tend to have these disturbing dreams after eating too much pizza before we go to bed.

In working with dreams, the best thing you can do is to keep a record. Always keep a dream journal on your nightstand, or near your bed, along with a small, soft light and a pen. Whenever you awaken from a dream, write it down as many details as you can remember. This may initially only be a few key moments from the dream, but if you make this a habit you will eventually begin to remember more and more details from your dreams. Write everything down, no matter how weird or peculiar it may seem.

There are a few key things to remember when you begin the process of interpreting dreams. Firstly, intuitive dreams use symbolic language. There are a few general archetypes within dreams that are common symbols connected to the collective unconscious, but many symbols within dreams are usually individualized symbols. Continue reading

How I Communicate With Spirit

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I do readings, I use a process whereby I ask Spirit to come forward, with a great deal of protection and guidance, to provide clear, concise and accurate information for the highest good for all concerned.

Spirit always comes through with a great deal of love. They gather to help guide, guard and protect us. They often give us suggestions or recommendations and support us in times of need. However, we all have our own free will, so it is up to us to make the final determination as to whether we will follow their guidance.

There are some things I do not address during a reading. From the very beginning, I have asked my guides not to give me anything to do with health, death or lottery numbers. Therefore, I do not give any medical diagnosis, neither do I foretell someone’s passing, or give out so-called ‘winning numbers.’

Also, if Spirit feels that a particular question is inappropriate, they will not show me anything. Sometimes, they will say specifically that they cannot disclose that particular information.

Spirit uses a combination of direct voice, symbols, and expressions to communicate messages. Symbols are a type of short cut that, over the years, Spirit has developed with me to make certain messages as clear as a bell, without having to go into greater detail. Continue reading

Psychic Prediction – Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface they are in fact two very different practices. Psychic reading is a spiritual practice… a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a fallacy and potentially dangerous and destructive.

Yes, fortune-telling is a myth. Nobody can ‘tell your fortune’ for the simple reason that you don’t actually have a ‘fortune.’ Your fortune is something you create every day through your beliefs, thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. You are a spiritual being continuously seeking physical expression in your current incarnation. And therefore you are the creator of your own reality experience, and the designer of your own destiny. Your fate is ultimately in your own hands (albeit with a little help from the Divine). Continue reading

The Potent Power Of The Tarot

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my favorite tools to work with for divination and self-exploration is the Tarot. The Tarot is my closest friend, and always by my side during readings.

You know how sometimes in life you get a feeling about something, but you aren’t quite able to put it into words?  Well, that’s how the Tarot assists me when I read for people. It helps me bridge the everyday life with the esoteric, and translate psychic messages in a practical way.

Sometimes it is as simple as the actual picture on the card having a single element that pops up for me, screaming to be noticed. Continue reading

The Art Of Palmistry

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPalmistry, chiromancy, or palm reading, is one of the oldest methods of foretelling the past, present and future, by reading the lines of the hand. It is a form of divination practised all over the world. The earliest recorded evidence of this divination technique has been found in Asia, from where it spread to the rest of the world.

Each person has unique lines and shape of hand. Thus the use of fingerprinting in identifying individuals. In palmistry, the lines and shape of the hands indicate a person’s character, marriage, how many children they will have, as well as the foreboding of positive and negative life events. Continue reading

The Cosmic Weather Channel

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have all checked a daily weather forecast at some point. Will it be hot or cold? Will it rain or snow? But did you know that a different kind of ‘weather’ affects our lives just as much? We are also impacted by the ‘cosmic weather’ – the astrological positions of the planets and other heavenly bodies, as well as related phenomena, such as eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, aurora borealis (Northern Lights), solar flares, and meteor showers.

The recent “Great American Eclipse” was a large-scale event which many people observed. But what did it mean? Solar eclipses represent the shadow of the Moon (the yin, feminine, and intuitive) obscuring the Sun (yang, masculine, and logical). An eclipse therefore creates the illusion of twilight in the middle of the day. From a metaphysical perspective it is the perfect time for added insight, previously hidden knowledge, and inspired ideas. Continue reading

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