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Do Psychics Ever Get Cheated On?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked if psychics ever get cheated on, since we can perceive other’s intentions and foresee future events. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. And there are several reasons for this. But I can only speak for myself on this issue. I don’t know for sure about other psychics, but for me it is difficult to foresee my own future.

I don’t believe anyone enters a relationship with the intention of becoming the victim of cheating, but people and circumstances change over time. People grow apart. Someone who was devoted in the beginning may not be as loyal later on.

Now, this doesn’t mean that the signs weren’t there and they were ignored. I often try to see the best in people and I tend to ignore the negative stuff. Even when it’s screaming at me.

As a psychic, being in a situation where my partner is cheating is beyond painful. I often know what he is going to do, before he does it. I know what he is doing, when he is doing it. And, at times, I am more or less forced to ‘watch’ it all happen due to flashes of clairvoyant vision.

People have a tendency to be unfaithful in their thinking weeks, or even months, before actually acting upon their impulses. They begin the process by seeking out new romantic partners. Or, having secret conversations with a potential lover. Or, even searching their current partner’s emails and messages looking for evidence of infidelity, so they can justify their own unfaithful behavior.

Sometimes the cheater becomes suspicious, or even paranoid, of everything their partner does and says. They refuse to believe anything that is said. Because, they, themselves cannot be trusted. Therefore, it is impossible for them to trust anyone else, or their motives. Typically, a guilty conscience is expressed as suspicion and false accusations of another, and a clear indication of someone’s own infidelity.

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December 2019 Astrology Forecast

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comOverall, December 2019 will be a powerful month for manifesting dreams, speaking your truth and launching new projects.

Initially, the Sun will be in pioneering Sagittarius, which will give everyone extra energy to get things moving at a quicker pace. On December 22nd, the Sun then transits into Capricorn, where we become less free-spirited and more entrepreneurial in our day-to-day activities.

Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 9th, which will make our communications friendly, but also more straightforward. Mercury will also be out of retrograde at this time, so there will be less resistance in making progress with relationships and business matters. On December 29th, Mercury enters Capricorn, where leadership becomes a major focus.

The love planet, Venus, starts off in Capricorn this month, which will have us craving something more serious or physical in the romance department, depending on the circumstances. Capricorns are not always the most romantic companions, but do like to give special gifts to show that they care.

Venus will move into Aquarius on December 20th, which makes the holidays more enjoyable, because this sign likes to have a good time! If emotions get triggered, cool off and wait until Venus shifts over to Pisces in January, for deeper conversations about your feelings. Aquarius can become distant if they are already overwhelmed.

On December 12th, there will be a Full Moon in Gemini, which will be an optimal time to finish writing that book, launch a new website, or reach out to a special friend. It will also be great for integrating inner duality to help achieve oneness with your spiritual self.

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December 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comDecember 2 – 8

Jupiter makes its grand entrance into Capricorn today – a sign that promises great change ahead for the next two years. Though the shifts may be subtle at first, Jupiter in Capricorn signals a return to stability, security, responsible action and justice for all. So with that in mind, important happenings could manifest during this cycle.

Monday’s Aquarius Moon could make for a scattered day, so agreeing to follow the whims of the Universe will keep you from feeling frustrated, or put-upon. Just trust that Spirit has a better plan, which may not make sense until later in the week.

Things calm down under Tuesday and Wednesday’s Pisces Moon, calling for us to go internal and focus more on spiritual matters and gratitude.

When do we get our energy and drive back? That would be Thursday when the Moon moves into inspiring Sagittarius and urges us back on track. There’s plenty to do before the holidays kick in, and you may actually find Sunday to be your most productive day on a personal level, as the Taurus Moon grounds and directs us forward.

December 9 – 15

The week starts off with Mercury moving into Sagittarius, finally leave the sign of Scorpio, where it’s been hanging out for the past nine weeks. This transit will add a light-hearted and holiday-spirited tone to our thoughts and communications.

We’ll need to finish up any lingering tasks under Monday’s Taurus Moon, as it could be the last day of the week we’ll be grounded enough to complete them.

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November 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comNOVEMBER 4 – 10

The week will start out with a bang as the Moon travels through unpredictable Aquarius, so stay alert and expect the unexpected. By Wednesday the energy cools and you will dive into your creative and spiritual side, as the Moon drifts through Pisces for a few days.

Don’t worry if you wake up Friday morning to discover you haven’t gotten a single thing done, as the Moon will charge into Aries, and combine energy with the intense Scorpio Sun. You’ll get caught up in no time! Plus, as the Moon hangs out in this action-oriented sign all weekend, you will be inspired to clear out clutter, take on new projects and enterprises, and start gearing up for the holidays.

All in all, this week should flow smoothly, once the Aquarius Moon shifts our path, which in the end, will be a good thing!

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October 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comOctober 7 – 13

We’ll be in the shadows of a waxing Full Moon this week, so be on the alert for minor accidents, computer glitches and surprising messages from people in your past.

We’ll be under the influence of an Aquarius Moon on Monday and Tuesday, which means there’s a chance we’ll be changing direction at a moment’s notice.

New ideas flow in, but we’ll have to take care not to blurt out everything we know or think now. Better to keep things to ourselves for another week or so.

Venus will move into Scorpio on Tuesday, kicking off a month-long passion for the supernatural, the mystical and the unexplained. It will also turn our thoughts to our shadow sides or deeper selves, unearthing memories or experiences that it’s time to look at and clear out, as the transformational energy of Scorpio is so famous for.

The rest of the week takes a softer tone as the Moon glides through Pisces, gearing us toward our spiritual sides and helping us look at the bigger picture of life. The weekend is ruled by an assertive and active Aries Moon, so this is a great time to get things done!

Sunday’s Aries Full Moon will inspire us to purge, and its motto is ‘out with the old and in with the new.’ So, if you’ve got clutter around your house you’ve been meaning to bag up and donate, now’s the time!

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My Tarot Cards For Everlasting Love

click here now for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients often seek out Tarot readings to help them decipher if the relationship they are currently in will eventually become their ‘happily ever after.’ Here are my top ten Tarot cards that indicate longevity and success in romantic partnerships in a Tarot reading.

The Hierophant

This card typically represents a serious, traditional figure who is sincere and prefers monogamy over the dating game.

4 of Wands

A celebration card that symbolizes happiness and harmony, especially within the home.

2 of Cups

When this card is combined with other positive minor or major arcana, it indicates that this is a match made in heaven.

10 of Pentacles

This typically represents family and financial security, so expect the relationship to go the distance.

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Prophecy, Free Will And The Laws Of Probability

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPsychics, mediums, intuitives and diviners all have their own abilities, talents, skills and unique style in which they work. Be that as it may, we are all still working within the parameters of Quantum Physics and the Laws of Probability. That means the spiritual or metaphysical answers we seek for our physical existence all exist within a tight, coupled framework of probabilities. And it is neither prophetic, nor deterministic in nature.

As a former microchip designer, I was taught if you cannot see it, measure it, and repeat it, then it cannot exist. As an intuitive reader, I know from personal experience this is not entirely true. The unseen realm is an incredible resource with a wealth of information, which we can access to support us. And things are never as they seem.

So, why should we be cognizant of the influence of probabilities, or free will? Well, because they determine the important outcomes in our lives. Probabilities, in my view, is the basic mechanics of the Universe. I toss a coin. Probability of it landing heads is 50%, and landing tails is 50%. As we increase the number of factors (or possibilities) the probability may reduce. For example, winning the typical lottery jackpot has a probability of one in millions. Mathematics provides that figure.

On top of this, the probability result is not reached until we observe (or witness) the event. What we witness can also, in effect ‘change’ the outcome. This is a difficult thing to comprehend for the layman. For example, a psychic reader’s client wishes to understand if they should leave their job. Maybe they are fighting with their boss, feeling undervalued, or feeling bored. The initial response is no, and yet Spirit offers more detail around the work environment.

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