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Desperately Seeking Soulmate

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs a psychic reader I often deal with questions about love and relationships. Many clients have questions about meeting their soulmates, and I usually explain what a soulmate is and then immediately help them out with the proper terminology.

I’m a Virgo, so naturally I have to be precise. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or annoyance, but my clients always seem grateful for the knowledge. Sometimes I will just email them additional information, as I don’t want long explanations to cut into precious reading time. If you want to know the difference between the three kinds of soul connections read my blog post titled: Soulmate, Twin Flame or Spirit Twin? Continue reading

The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe need for true love and meaningful romance is a profound longing we all share as spiritual beings in human form. But finding the love of your life is not an easy feat in this day and age. Yes, the pursuit of romantic love is certainly not for the weak and cowardly.

I have heard many weary love pilgrims claim they have called off the search. Many even choose to believe that they no longer want an intimate relationship with anyone; they are completely content to remain single and unattached for the rest of their lives. Who needs a soulmate after all, right? The truth is that we all share a deep-seated need for affection and authentic connection with that one special mate. And deep down we all know it. Continue reading

Soulmate, Twin Flame or Spirit Twin?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever met someone and felt a instant, deep connection to them? Sometimes when you meet someone for the first time a  feeling of having known them before, or an inner knowing that they are a kindred spirit, comes over us. We feel this even though we have never met them before in this lifetime.

I believe we feel these connections deeply because this inner knowing is imprinted in our cell memory. When we are “tuned in” and listening, we often have these wonderful intuitive flashes.  I’m sure you have experienced these types of feelings before.

A significant number of my clients want to know if the person they are currently with, or if someone they are dating, or even a friend or relative could possibly be a Soulmate. Sometimes this is the case, and sometimes the person is their Twin Flame. Then I will usually explain the difference between a Soulmate and a Twin Flame. Yes, there is a difference. Continue reading

Can Best Friends Fall In Love?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIs it possible for two people, who have been best friends for years, to fall in love? Can there be such a special bond or psychic connection between acquaintances? And after all the years of being best friends, do they have what it takes to ultimately experience the magic of love?

If a pair of friends have been sharing intimate thoughts and mutual hopes and desires, the chemistry is often there to begin with. There are usually also a good reason why these best friends never started to date. The main reason is typically due to timing or location, or they could be involved with someone else. How many times does your best friend send you a signal where you can feel they had been thinking of you? Continue reading

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