The Necessity Of Grief
As a psychic medium one learns a lot about grief. There are many different kinds of grief, and it’s not all about death and dying. We grieve many different things in life.
I often hear my clients describe their grief as “my heart has a hole in it” or “my heart has been ripped apart.” When we grieve it does feel as if our heart will never heal. It’s like your physical body is having an actual heart attack.
What each grieving individual experiences is different. Grief has so many different forms and it is impossible to know how it will affect each individual person. We each grieve in our own way.
There is also no time-frame on grief. The length of time a person may grieve is very individual some people may start to feel a little better seven to ten weeks. For others it may be years. Continue reading
What You Expect, You Receive
Yes, what you expect you attract into your life. When you are told by parents, friends, peers, and most important of all by self-talk, that you are not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or can’t ever do anything right, and you choose to believe it, then it will be so. Over and over again, this reinforcement to the subconscious mind will ultimately manifest as your truth.
The subconscious mind believes all that it hears as truth. The self-talk and doubt is also believed as truth. The subconscious mind is like a child, willing and ready to accept all input, especially if it receives the same messages repeatedly. Continue reading
The Vital Energy Of The Sun
In the northern hemisphere September 23rd marked the Autumn Equinox and the start of fall. In these days we traditionally celebrate harvests and the bounty of summer, and enjoy the last warm days before winter. But what to do about the increasing lack of sunlight?
In our psychic lives, we need the energy of the sun as much as we need water, air, or ground under our feet. Sunlight represents the fourth essential spiritual element of fire. If we don’t have enough of it, we can easily become depressed and lose touch with our psychic self.
So how can we incorporate the sun in our daily lives, even if we can’t afford a winter home in Hawaii? The most obvious answer is to make time to get natural sunlight. Sorry, but that artificial sunlamp in your office doesn’t count! Of course, if we’re able to, it is nice to take that winter vacation to a sunnier climate, but if not, a walk outside each day can prove extremely beneficial. Continue reading