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Love Cord Connections Last An Eternity

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen we truly love someone, we are eternally connected to that person – throughout all of our lifetimes. That love cord is never severed. No one, or nothing, not even the Archangel Michael can sever this cord with his sword.

It is true that love is the most powerful force and it is my belief that God is love. We get to bask in this blissful feeling in its entirety, which is much too much for our earthly minds to even comprehend. I do know that we get to taste a bit of it through the feelings we experience when we deeply love another person. It is our ‘taste of heaven’ here on earth and we can enhance the feeling through gratitude for that person that is in our lives. In turn we can also treat each other better, appreciate each other more, knowing that the moment truly is all that we have and it can be taken away at any moment. Continue reading

Is Your Partner Cheating?

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn recent years I have been getting an increasing number of calls from married people wanting to know about another person they are interested in, or someone with whom they have been cheating on their spouse. In fact, I have several clients who are married, but are also dating and having sexual intimacy with people outside their marriage.

Interestingly, I get more calls from women than men who are cheating. Often times I see that the person they are having the affair with is much more compatible with them, compared to their current spouse. I never judge, my clients who call with such questions have always commented to me how they love how I don’t judge, or lecture them, or voice my personal opinion. I always treat my clients with the utmost respect and am blessed that they are calling me to get the best possible answers, insight and information I can possibly give. Continue reading

How To Attract True Love Into Your Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt so good that not even the most negative person you encounter can ruin your day? That is the type of energy you need to envelope yourself in to be a magnet for attracting love and all that is positive into your life.

I have known some very sad individuals, who constantly get nowhere in life because they seem to be perpetually negative and assuming the worst. Whatever they look at or hear, they always put a negative spin on it – whatever it may be.

These negative people are to me a type of ‘energy vampire.’ They try to bring you down to their level so that they can feel better. If you are protected, however, you can remain in balance and alignment spiritually and emotionally. You can empower yourself on all levels, so that you essentially have an invisible, but very powerful shield of protection around you. This way you can deflect their negative energy. It goes right back to the sender, or the one who is trying to drop their ‘poison’ on you. It renders harmless their ‘psychic attack’ by way of their pessimistic words, harmful thoughts and negative energy. Continue reading

Karmic Relationship Ties That Bind Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA karmic connection, whether to a person or a pet, is a bond that has been there for lifetime upon lifetime. Because we are linked to another soul also somewhere on the astral, a karmic bond doesn’t simply sever when we physically detach from an individual in this world. Invisible tubular type cords connect us to various people and animals throughout many dimensions and incarnations.

I believe that those we have loved, whether girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse, not to mention certain more challenging family members, even work associates, can fall into this category of being karmically linked to us. Because the bond is actually linking us on the astral plane, it isn’t always straightforward to cut. Continue reading

Breaking The Painful Ties That Bind Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWith any kind of relationship, romantic or platonic, good or bad, comes a metaphysical cord of attachment which feeds energy from one person to another, in what can be likened to surgical tubing.

When we’ve had relationships with people, these cords extend from our chakras or energy centers to those of the other person. So, you can imagine the amount of emotions we can take on from someone else – more often than not ‘fear-based’ emotions. That fear can show itself as fear of abandonment, unforgiveness, co-dependency, or any other negative emotion.

Years ago, I remember reading a newspaper article shortly after the son of Dean Martin had been killed in an air crash. The famous singer said it felt like his heart was being ripped out – so real are these cords that bind us. The ripping at his heart chakra was, in fact, real, even though there was not any physical evidence of his heart being pulled from his body. Continue reading

Lasting Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have done readings for so many people that swore their loved one would never return to them. Well, I just love getting updates or feedback from my clients telling me how wrong they were, and that what I was seeing was very much a real possibility.

If there is a love chord connection, the other person that you long for never is truly gone. They may be physically gone for a while, but never far in thought and spirit. I strongly believe, and know from experience, that we do communicate with loved ones we can’t be with in physical proximity. Instead we connect with them in the astral realm or “dream world.” Continue reading

Past Life Love Difficulties

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered why you feel so connected to a certain person, but don’t know why? It’s that ‘familiar’ feeling when your talking to someone for the first time. You may also experience déjà vu – that you have known or been with this person before, although you have never met them. You may even see flashes of yourself with that person in a different country, or distant place and time.

These experiences come from cell memory connected to past lives. In that moment you are tapping into a past life with that person.

When this happens it’s important to realize that there is still soul growth that needs to take place and that is why you both met up again in this life. Sometimes it’s not a positive experience, but you need to go through some potentially unpleasant experiences with that person. This may come in the form of romantic relationship challenges, or reaching that person on a deeper level by learning how to be true friends. Certain things need to take place between souls, and sometimes much work needs to be done and it may take many lifetimes. Continue reading

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