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In The Grace Of Divine Time

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSeveral bald eagles flew in above me this morning, as I drove along a peaceful country road, which I travel several times a week. For the past month or so, I’ve been seeing these eagles roost in one particular area along my route.

I usually see them poised in stillness upon the bare branches of the winter trees. But today, most of my sightings were of them circling in flight overhead, crossing back and forth over the road.

Sometimes they appeared to be pursuing their prey, other times leading their young, or simply enjoying the freedom of gliding through the sky beneath the beautiful morning sun. This occurred in several places along my journey, spanning a range of miles beyond the one roost and eagle family I’ve been witnessing.

Before, during, and after my way was bedazzled with this abundance of bald eagle beauty, my thoughts had been steeped in the topic of time. I sensed the eagles crossed my path to affirm and guide me in my contemplation of eternal time.

I also sensed they came as signs of a shift in my life. They were reminding me that what has been waiting in my life – energy that has been paused, stuck or still, resting, gathering, or incubating – is beginning to move on the horizon of visibility, and gradually gaining momentum.

When I arrived home, waiting in my mailbox was a pamphlet with the printed words: The Times Are Racing. Well, message received loud and clear! It’s time to express my appreciation of time.

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March 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comMarch 2 – 8

This is a lighthearted week, filled with social interactions and self-care. So, at last we can keep the focus on ourselves for a change! Information we’re looking for, and affirming conversations, take precedence the first two days of the week as the Moon dances through Gemini. We may be more action-oriented than productive, but that’s okay, as we’ll get what we need on an intellectual level.

Venus will move into Taurus on Wednesday, and we’ll look towards how we can beautify our surroundings. In this tangible zodiac sign, Venus may encourage us to redecorate, clear out clutter or spend more time in artistic endeavors for the next six weeks. Add a Cancer Moon on Wednesday and Thursday, and our focus will be on our homes and families.

A Leo Moon takes the spotlight on Friday and Saturday, compelling us to shine our lights out into the world. This moon could also insist we set new boundaries, make ourselves the priority and integrate some of the changes we’ve been making since the start of the year.

Sunday might be the only day we’ll feel genuinely productive, as the Moon moves into Virgo, and inspires us to organize or throw ourselves into a project that requires detailed precision or extreme focus. How about those taxes..? All in all, this should be a quiet and easy flowing week.

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Prophetic Dreams – A Heads Up From Your Angels

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us experience prophetic or psychic dreams, often without even knowing it. What is a prophetic dream? Well, let me share a few prophetic dreams loved ones have shared with me recently.

I had a dream for example, that a family member would rummage through another family member’s basement, looking for items to take without their permission. In my dream I saw myself receiving repeated text alerts urging me to go over there and see for myself what this person was up to. So, I actually got up and went over there, only to discover that the family member in question was indeed there, busy removing several items from the basement!

I also had a dream that there were thieves coming in through my window, only to wake up and find that my neighbors had in fact been robbed during the night. I also had a package stolen from my porch recently, and a security camera nearby captured the person stealing it.

I dreamt of a my grandmother. I was visiting with her and we were in her bedroom, where we had spent a lot of time having chats throughout my teens. Currently on my music playlist there is a song about how our relatives are still with us in everything we do, and live on in our hearts. Lately, whenever I get to that song, it always freezes right on that song – the phone just pauses on its own!

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February 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comFebruary 3 – 9

The week starts out with Mercury moving into ethereal and spiritually-based Pisces on Monday, where it will stay for the next two months. Logic and critical thinking will go out the window, replaced by internal processing and spiritual advancement.

Mercury will also retrograde in this sign from February 16th to March 9th, calling for us to go deep within our souls to reclaim, refocus and restore our true selves. Quite apropos, as we move through the final phases of the astrological year, before starting anew at the end of March.

Venus will also change signs this week, moving into fast-paced Aries on Friday, and creating a bit of a push and pull, as one part of us wants to go internal and another wants to get things moving externally! We’ll have to pace ourselves and listen closely to our intuition, to know how to move from one day to the next.

The week culminates with a Full Moon in Leo on Sunday, again calling for us to release everything that is not truly serving us, so our brightest lights can shine for all the world to see!

February 10 – 16

Friday the 14th is Valentine’s Day, but with Mercury preparing to go retrograde on Sunday we’ll have to tone down our expectations and embrace unconditional love over romantic love.

The entire week could have an ethereal tone to it, starting with Monday and Tuesday’s Virgo Moon, which could throw our emotions off balance, as our idealistic side emerges. Luckily Wednesday and Thursday’s Libra Moon will help us to reclaim our equilibrium, and remind us that relationships of all kinds should be nurtured and celebrated this week.

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January 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comJanuary 6 – 12

This week we’ll really feel the shift from 2019 to 2020, as two major astrological events on Friday will turn our attention to the new things we want to create for the year ahead.

Things start out on a productive note, thanks to Monday’s Taurus Moon, which will help us get organized and back on track after a month of holiday events. Tuesday and Wednesday are jam-packed with information seeking and conversation under the Gemini Moon, as we start to fill our calendars and get back to people we promised we’d call after New Year’s.

Things may seem a bit ethereal on Thursday, under the waxing Cancer Full Moon, which is due to peak on Friday. This Cancer Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse, which will set the tone for the next six months. This is definitely the time to release people, spending habits and activities that are holding us back or interfering with our progress.

Also on Friday, Uranus will resume forward motion after five months of backward motion, bringing our desires for change to life in exciting and unusual ways. Thanks to this weekend’s Leo Moon, we can now make decisions that work for us, void of outside influence or pressure from others. So, let the new year begin!

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Nephelomancy – Divination By Clouds

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI first became interested in reading cloud formations when I was about 12 years old. I was fascinated by the imagery and symbols I was able to see in the shapes of clouds.

Due to my mother visiting another country, I was living at that time with a Dutch family for a while. They had two daughters and a son, and treated me as if I was one of their own. They were nurturing and very open, and they shared many of their own experiences and hopes with me.

The mother, a gentle lady, told me of how just a few months previously she’d received a frantic message from Holland to fly back urgently, because her mom was dying. But just two hours into the flight back home, as she was gazing out of the aircraft window, her departed mother showed herself very clearly in the cloud formation, as if she gently stepped out of the clouds to communicated with her.

Just thinking back to her telling me this story so long ago still gives me the shivers. Her mother then informed her telepathically that she need not rush, as she had already passed to spirit. She then said that she no longer felt stressed about missing her mom’s actual passing. Instead she now felt an incredible sense of inner peace and calm, knowing that all was well.

From that time forward, I became very aware of cloud formations and I would often look for signs from spirit, or try to see if one of my deceased pets or ancestors might be floating by to say hello! I also became more interested in what their formations might represent in the way of a prediction, omen or forewarning of any sort. Continue reading

The Power Of Psychic Prediction

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe future is fluid and dynamic, and responds to the forces of the present moment. Feeling peaceful, grounded and centered in the present moment is a feeling we all strive to experience every day, but the challenges of life often pulls in memories of the past, and worries about the future.

Thoughts of the future can bring up fear and anxiety as we face the unknown, especially when viewed through current life challenges. In such challenging times you may want to consider reaching out to a psychic advisor, for clarity and support in navigating the path ahead. In my own life I have valued the support of a trusted fellow psychic advisor, especially during emotional and challenging times.

We all experience difficult times, and having someone hold a vision for us about our future path can be highly valuable. Someone to see the divine order in unforeseen events, and show us a way through the uncertainty, despite the challenges and broken pieces of the present. This reassurance helps to strengthen our resolve and belief in ourselves and our future.

As a psychic reader, I have great awareness of the power of a prediction. I believe that the true gift in a prediction is that they can provide a preparedness for the journey ahead, and they can anchor us in faith and hope. Faith is to have trust in something or someone, and it is a source of comfort.

Asking the Divine about the likelihood of future outcomes shows an open-heartedness and desire to see beyond the current. It also says to the Divine, show me the way. Guide me the vision, so that I may walk with more clarity and an open mind and heart.

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