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Her Husband Returned To Say ‘I Love You’

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen someone we love dearly suddenly passes from an accident, or in some way they are taken too soon, they often return to say goodbye. They come back to tell us they love us one last time, before they go on to do whatever it is our souls do on the other side.

We are apparently given time to visit those we were not given the opportunity to say whatever we wished to before we cross over. I have found these afterlife visitations to be true through my own personal experiences, as well as that of friends, family and clients. One of my clients, a very sweet mother of two children, lost her husband suddenly in a motorcycle accident. She was never able to say that she loved him that day, before he left for work. Continue reading

You Can Never Say ‘I Love You’ Too Much

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA dear client of mine always complained about her mother-in-law who constantly said, “I love you!” My client is not used to hearing this. Both her parents were alcoholics and never expressed much emotion towards her and her siblings.

One day she was on the phone talking to her mother-in-law and felt bad afterwards, because when she had passed the phone to her husband while she repeated over and over, in a mocking way and imitating her voice saying, “I love you, I love you, I love you…” When her husband spoke to his mother it was clear that she had overheard her daughter-in-law. She told him that she felt bad for saying “I love you” so much, but it was just that she missed them so much. She truly does love them unconditionally and apologized for maybe saying it too often. She felt she had offended her daughter-in-law in some way. Continue reading

Death Shall Never Part Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou will hear people say, “I love you to death.” Or “until death do us part.” Or better yet, “I will love you until the day I die.” I have never been able to wrap my mind around this. Does the love you have for a special person in your life become non-existent after you die? Once we are dead it is over? Nothingness?

No, this I do not believe, because I know there is life after death. I have my own proof. My experiences with loved ones that have crossed over have shown me this. They have come back to very much look me square in the face and say, “I still love you.” There is life after death. Continue reading

Is Your Texting Pushing Men Away ?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA client recently called me about a new and promising relationship. She has a long history of dating men who show the promise of a potential long-term relationship, who then suddenly disappear or unexpectedly break up with her after few months.

It was immediately apparent to me that texting played a detrimental role in her dating woes. Misunderstandings due to texting have ruined the romantic, family and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with. This client was no different. Reading her energy I instantly perceived that she tends to push men away by panicking unnecessarily. Men can smell panic and it is a total turn off. It’s also stressful and will not change the outcome of a situation for the better. Excessive obsession, panic and worry will not bring someone closer to you. Instead it can push a potential long-term relationship away. Continue reading

Soul Groups And Pre-Existence Agreements

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we belong to soul groups, that we choose to participate in this particular existence in a certain way based on a soul agreement. It is quite similar to auditioning for a play. We can choose to be in a comedy, drama, horror or even a combination of all of the above. We can also choose to take on the leading role, or just be a supporting cast member, or perhaps a cameo or extra taking a background position.

Which position are we willing to take on? This in itself can be a great challenge, as well as a profound learning experience. Many times if we have chosen a role that caused grief or harm we will regroup at a later date to try and resolve latent issues. If we are successful it is wonderful, because we can then pursue a totally different role or existence or go on to something completely different. Continue reading

My Favorite Heart Healing Crystals

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe heart chakra is the energy center that balances out the rest of our energy body, namely the upper three chakras and the lower three chakras. When we have an imbalance in our heart center one of two things occur: we find ourselves overly emotional and we find it difficult to clearly think things through. The opposite thing that can happen is we become overly logical, and lack a sense of emotional connection and empathy related to our situations.

When an individual is overly emotional and not thinking things through, most of their energy is concentrated in the lower three chakras. This energy is intensified and can often become stuck, because the energy is not able to flow through the heart center. Continue reading

Thorns Are Only There To Protect The Rose

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEach time we turn to unnecessary conflict, things turn into chaos. It stirs up the aura around each person involved. The ripples of anger and hurt affects everyone involved.

This doesn’t mean we can’t ever stand up for ourselves, or disagree. In fact, statistics prove that couples who never argue most often don’t last in their relationships. A good storm now and then can clear up things and allow us opportunity to express the things we have been suppressing.

But often we hold it in for too long, and then it blows up. When this happens, the drama is often worse than it needed to be. We say things we later regret. We are even surprised by some of the things we say when we get this upset! Where did that come from? Continue reading

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